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open access

The Moderation of Neutrons in Non-Multiplying Infinite Homogeneous Media.

Description: Submitted to Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. The gas model of neutron thermalization for a general moderator mass was studied by formulating the thermalization process as an integral equation. The relation of the model to the slowing-down theory was investigated. A discussion of the theory of scattering cross sections for neutrons is presented. The Wigner-Wilkins model was considered for moderator atoms of the same mass as the neutron. The analysis was extended to the case of a gaseous moderat… more
Date: January 1, 1962
Creator: Min, K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Angular Distribution of Fission Fragments From the Fast Neutron-Induced Fission of U-234

Description: Submitted to Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. The fast neutron-induced fission cross section of U/sup 234/ was measured from threshold to 4-Mev neutron energy. A maximum of 1.26 barns was found at 850 kev followed by a minimum of 1.10 barns at 8050 kev. The angular ani-sotropy of the fragment distribution was measured for neutron energies from 400 kev to 4 Mev. Extrema in the ratio sigma /sub f//( sigma /sub f(90 deg ) were found at 500, 850, and 1050 kev; the distribution at 500 kev showing a ma… more
Date: August 27, 1962
Creator: Lamphere, R. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Eighteenth-Century French Oboes: A Comparative Study

Description: The oboe, which first came into being in the middle of the seventeenth century in France, underwent a number of changes throughout the following century. French instruments were influenced both by local practices and by the introduction of influences from other parts of Europe. The background of the makers of these instruments as well as the physical properties of the oboes help to illuminate the development of the instrument during this period. The examination of measurements, technical drawi… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Cleveland, Susannah, 1972-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

American Choral Music in Late 19th Century New Haven: The Gounod and New Haven Oratorio Societies

Description: This study examines two of the smaller American choral societies that together existed for just over 30 years, 1888 to 1919: The Gounod and New Haven Oratorio Societies of New Haven, Connecticut. These societies are important because, especially in the case of the New Haven Society, they were closely related to Yale University and the work of Horatio Parker. One must assume from the onset that the two choral groups examined in the following pages did not have the prominence of the many larger… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Clark, R. Andrew
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Study of English, French, German and Italian Techniques of Singing Related to the Female Adolescent Voice

Description: Throughout the recorded history of vocal development certain characteristics can be traced to nationalistic roots. This work explores the four major schools of singing: English, French, German and Italian and includes a brief history of the pedagogical development and ideas of these schools' development. In addition, specific techniques and their similarities and differences, between each school is explored. Through the use of students as a control group, various characteristics within the four… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Cobb-Jordan, Amy
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Response Guided Errorless Learning with Normal Elderly

Description: This study investigates the use of response guidance for errorless learning of a perceptual motor task in normal elderly. It provides normative data for a study with stroke patients using this technique for cognitive rehabilitation. While errorless learning has been shown to be more effective on most tasks than trial and error learning for people with memory impairments, its use with normal individuals has received limited attention. The questions of interest were whether errorless training of … more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Connor, Bonnie B.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A study of the relationships between personality as indicated by the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and leadership strengths and weaknesses as identified by Skillscope

Description: The purpose of this study was to improve the quality of information used in leadership assessment and development programs. The study determined the relationships between personality type, as indicated by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), and leadership strengths and developmental needs as measured by Skillscope. The study also determined the relationships between personality type and congruence between self-awareness of strengths and developmental needs and ratings by knowledgeable obser… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Cunnyngham, Hal F.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Identification of environmental determinants of behavior disorders through functional analysis of precursor behaviors

Description: Methods for the determining the functional properties of problem behaviors are necessary for the design of successful treatments. Many of the currently utilized methodologies are chosen based on their speed, ease of application or for the perceived risk-reduction they afford. However, when thoroughly analyzed many of these methods fall short of their intended purpose. The current study attempted to assess dangerous problem behavior through a functional assessment of functionally related precurs… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Churchill, Robert
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Symphony No. 1

Description: Symphony No. 1 is an orchestral composition for twenty-four instrumental groups without percussion instruments. It was composed with Algorithmic Composition System software, which gives driving forces for composition to the composer through the diverse compositional methods largely based on physical phenomena. The symphony consists of three movements. It lasts about sixteen minutes and twenty-six seconds--five minutes and twenty-two seconds for the first movement, five minutes and forty seconds… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Choi, Jongmoon
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Spanish Relations with the Apache Nations East of the Río Grande

Description: This dissertation is a study of the Eastern Apache nations and their struggle to survive with their culture intact against numerous enemies intent on destroying them. It is a synthesis of published secondary and primary materials, supported with archival materials, primarily from the Béxar Archives. The Apaches living on the plains have suffered from a lack of a good comprehensive study, even though they played an important role in hindering Spanish expansion in the American Southwest. When th… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Carlisle, Jeffrey D.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Descriptive Review and Analysis of the Creation and Development of an Advisory Program in an Inner-City Middle School

Description: This study described and analyzed the development and implementation of an advisory program at one urban middle school. Development of the advisory program began during the 1997-98 school year. The implementation of the program was examined during the 1998-99 and 1999-2000 school years. This school site was chosen because of the in-depth research and planning of the program beyond the typical amount performed by many schools, and the wide-scale staff participation utilized in the program's deve… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Hunter, Matthew P.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Effect of Psychological Type, Economic Status, and Minority

Description: The purpose of this study was to determine if psychological type, economic status, and minority classification had an effect on the pass/fail rates of vocational nursing students. The rationale for conducting this study was based on the need for the institution to maintain program viability and successfully retain students. The personality types of vocational nursing students were measured using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Measures of economic status and minority classification were obtain… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Kays, Brenda S.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Assessment and Comparison of the Stress Experienced by International and American Students at the University of North Texas

Description: There were two purposes of the current study: (1) to evaluate if the East Asian Student Stress Inventory could be used to assess the stress experienced by International and American students at the University of North Texas and (2) to determine if the Inventory could discriminate between the two groups on the basis of the stress assessment. A sample of International (n=205) and American (n=216) graduate and undergraduate students completed the inventory. Results indicated that the EASSI could b… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Islam, Nehalul
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

By Air Power Alone: America's Strategic Air War in China, 1941-1945

Description: During World War II, the Army Air Force waged three strategic air offensives in and from China against Japan. At first, the Flying Tigers and 10th Air Force constituted the whole of American aid to China, but the effort soon expanded. Supported by Chiang Kai-shek, Claire Chennault and his 14th Air Force waged an anti-shipping campaign, to which the Japanese Imperial Army responded with Operation Ichigo and against which Joseph Stilwell accurately warned. 20th Bomber Command used B-29s to wage O… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Jahnke, Todd Eric
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Optimism, Health Locus of Control, and Quality of Life of Women with Initial versus Recurrent Breast Cancer

Description: Health Locus of Control (HLOC) and other predictors of Quality of Life (QL) were examined for women with an initial versus recurrent breast cancer diagnosis. Twenty-eight women with an initial breast cancer (IBC) diagnoses and twenty-eight women with recurrent breast cancer (RBC) diagnoses were recruited from doctors' offices and cancer support groups. Correlational analyses were used to assess the relationships between variables. No significant differences were found between women with IBC and… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Graci, Gina
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Factors Affecting Resistance to Change: A Case Study of Two North Texas Police Departments

Description: This study focuses on four common factors believed to affect resistance to change in public organizations. It contributes to existing literature by examining the effect of higher education and trust on the police officer's level of resistance to change and the effects of participation and communication on trust. 286 police officers from two north Texas towns responded to the survey. Regression analysis and bivariate correlations were used to determine the relationship between, resistance to cha… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Gaylor, Thomas Kent
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Fathers' and mothers' childcare ideas and paternal childcare participation.

Description: The relationship between fathers' and mothers' gender-role ideas and fathers' level of participation in general housework has been well documented. Data from a study in 1998 were used to explore specific aspects of this relationship. In particular, fathers' and mothers' genderrole ideas with regard to childcare (childcare ideas) was examined to see whether these ideas influence paternal childcare participation. Specifically, what impact they had on performance of childcare tasks and the time fa… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Fletcher, Ryan G.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of Three Different GED Preparation Programs

Description: The purpose of this study was to identify effective instructional programs for GED tests preparation for students in a large suburban school district. Three different nonrandom, unequal naturally occurring instructional groups at three different locations were examined. One group participated in a traditional instruction program, a second group in a test/retest program, and a third group in a computer-assisted program. The demographics of the district population, the GED population, and the ind… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Gardner, Marlene K.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An NMR study of 2-ethyl-1-butyllithium and of 2-ethyl-1-butyllithium/lithium 2-ethyl-1-butoxide mixed aggregates

Description: A 1H, 13C, and 6Li NMR study of 2-ethyl-1-butyllithium indicated that 2-ethyl-1-butyllithium exists only as a hexameric aggregate over the entire temperature range of 25 to - 92.1 ° C in cyclopentane. Reacting 2-ethyl-1-butyllithium with 2-ethyl-1-butanol resulted in alkyllithium/lithium alkoxide mixed aggregates, apparently of the form Ra(RO)bLia+b. A multinuclear, variable temperature NMR study of samples with O:Li ratios of 0.2 and 0.4 showed, in addition to the alkyllithium, the formation o… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Ferreira, Aluisio V. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Factors that influence teacher turnover in Texas: Correlations with variables from the academic excellence indicator system for the year 1998-99

Description: The teacher shortage problem is a national and state concern. In 1998, the Texas State Board of Education Certification reported that school districts in Texas had to hire teachers to fill over 63,000 vacancies. Teacher resignations, other than retirement, contributed to over 46,000 teachers who left the profession about 19 % of the state's total teacher workforce. A significant number of Texas teachers left the profession in the first five years. The National Commission on Teaching and America… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Burns, Bobby C.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Integral Role of Training in the Implementation of Hate Crime Legislation

Description: This research focuses on the association between law enforcement training and implementation of hate crime legislation. The Anti-Defamation League's state hate crime statutory provisions and the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Hate Crime Reporting by States data are examined. Section one includes the following: What Constitutes Hate?, The History of Hate Crime Legislation, and Issues Facing Hate Crime Legislation. Section two surveys literature on both Hate Crime Legislation and the traini… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Broadhurst, Monica DeAnn
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The uninvestigated factors: Dimensions of personality and psychopathology in sex offenders

Description: Understanding the relation between personality characteristics, psychopathology, and sexual offenses can contribute to developing more effective treatment interventions. Previous research with sex offenders has focused on general personality traits or inconsistently classified sex offenders based on psychopathology. It was hypothesized that combining personality and psychopathological traits can assist in understanding sex offenders. The current study evaluated 88 male sex offenders in a court-… more
Date: May 2001
Creator: Briley, Josh
Partner: UNT Libraries
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