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open access

Niobium-Tin-Aluminum Alloy Studies

Description: From Abstract : "A proposed constitutional diagram was developed from equilibrium data obtained for the niobium-tin binary alloy system. ... Alloying Nb3Sn with Nb3Al appears to raise the zero field superconducting transformation temperature of Nb3Sn slightly."
Date: February 1963
Creator: Ellis, Thomas Gordon & Wilhelm, Harley A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Crystalline Field Splittings in Holmium and Dysprosium Ethylsulfates

Description: From report : "It has become apparent that pragmatic resonance data alone are insufficient to correctly evaluate crystal field parameters for rare-earth ethylsulfates, and that heat capacity data above 20°K are a useful aid in determining whether low lying levels obtained by absorption spectroscopy have been correctly identified."
Date: March 1963
Creator: Spedding, F. H.; Gerstein, B. C.; Haas, W. J.; Phillips, E. & Sutherland, W. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Magnetostriction in Dy and Ho

Description: From Abstract : "Phenomenal magnetostriction has been observed in Dy and Ho single crystals. ... [The} magnetostriction curve showed three slightly developed knees which agree well with the knees observed in the magnetization data for Ho previously reported."
Date: 1963
Creator: Legvold, S.; Alstad, J. & Rhyne, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Inference of Adsorption from Differential Double Layer Capacitance Measurements

Description: From Abstract : "Dependence of boundary tension and capacitance at the mercury-aqueous 0.1 N HClO4 interface on polarization and organic solute concentration were determined for the colutes n-amyl alcohol and phenol. ... An earlier treatment proposed by this Laboratory based on a (non-thermodynamic) assumption of linear variation of surface charge density with coverage appears adequately justified for inference of fractional surface coverages near the electrocapillary maximum, but must be consi… more
Date: April 26, 1963
Creator: Hansen, Robert S.; Kelsh, Dennis J. & Grantham, D. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mass Spectrometric Evidence for the Pyridoxal-Leucine Reaction Mechanism

Description: From Abstract : "The mass spectrum of leucine-dn, prepared by the reaction of pyridoxal with excess leucine in D2O medium, has been established using the crucible source techniques. ... The reaction can be used for the selective α, β-deuteration of amino acids other than leucine.
Date: May 3, 1963
Creator: Junk, G. A. & Svec, H. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reinvestigation of the CC Stretching and CH3 Rocking Assignments In Isopropyl and tert-Butyl Halides

Description: From report: "In a series of paper (1-3) Sheppard has analyzed the vibrational spectra of simple alkyl halides. During the course of an investigation of the spectra of similar alkyl thiocyanates certain anomalies appeared in the assignments of the CC stretching and methyl rocking vibrations in isopropyl and tert.-butyl halides."
Date: May 3, 1963
Creator: Hirschmann, R. P. & Kniseley, R. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Isotopic Composition of Vanadium From Organic Sources

Description: From Abstract : "The V50/V51 ratios of vanadium from the ascidians, Ciona intestinalis and Ascidia ceratodes were measured, on an absolute basis, by comparison with a reference using a CEC Model 21-220 180° mass spectrometer."
Date: 1963
Creator: Calellen, Jennings; Flesch, Gerald D. & Svec, Harry J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tricarbalyllic Acid (Propane-1, 2, 3-Tricarboxylic Acid)

Description: From report : "Tricarbalyllic acid (propane-1, 2, 3-tricarboxylic acid) has a structure similar to that of citric acid, except that it lacks the hydroxyl group attached to the middle of the carbon atom. Properties of the rare earth citrates have been used very successfully in the separation of rare earths by ion exchange methods; consequently it was deemed advisable to study the rare-earth compounds which form with the anion if triarbalyllic acid."
Date: 1964
Creator: Gupta, A. K. & Powell, J. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Rare Earth Intermetallic Comounds

Description: From Abstract : "Some of the important properties of the rare earth intermetallic and semimetallic compounds are reviewed. ... A compilation of the crystal structures of these compounds is appended to this review."
Date: 1964
Creator: McMasters, O. D. & Gschneidner, K. A., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Equation of State of Solids at Low Temperature

Description: Technical report describing and evaluating the the three experimental methods for obtaining equation of state data at low temperatures; (1) approximate measurement of the PVT relationship by a piston-displacement technique, (2) the measurement of a heat capacity at constant volume as a function of molar volume and temperature, and (3) direct measurement of the pressure variation of the elastic constants using ultrasonic techniques. X-ray methods also might be applicable.
Date: October 13, 1961
Creator: Bernardes, N. (Newton), 1931- & Swenson, C. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Uranium-Rhenium Alloy System

Description: Abstract The phase diagram of the uranium-rhenium alloy system is presented along with a discussion on transformation kinetics of the uranium solid solutions. The phase diagram is of the double eutectic type with the intermediate phase having the composition URe2. This phase exhibits allotropy at 180°C and melts congruently at 2200°C. URe2 reacts sluggishly with the uranium solid solutions below 750°C to form the peritectoid compound U2Re. Eutectic reactions occur at 1105° and 2105°C at respec… more
Date: January 14, 1963
Creator: Jackson, R. J. (Robert James), 1929-; Williams, D. E. & Larsen, W. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Flame Spectra of Vanadium, Niobium, Rhenium, Titanium and Molybdenum

Description: Abstract Line spectra of vanadium, niobium, titanium, molybdenum and rhenium of sufficient intensity to allow detection at the 1–10 p.p.m. level can be excited in fuel-rich, oxy-acetylene flames. For the strongest lines of tungsten, the sensitivity of detection is 90 p.p.m. Weak lines of zirconium, hafnium, osmium, tantalum and uranium are also observed in these flames. Recordings of the spectra are given along with wavelength tables of the strongest lines.
Date: July 23, 1962
Creator: Fassel, Velmer A.; Myers, Robert B. & Kniseley, Richard N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Solubility of Holmium in Copper, Silver, and Gold

Description: From Abstract: "The solid solubility of holmium in copper, silver, and gold was determined using metallographic techniques. The composition of the first intermetallic compound in these systems was found to be Cu4Ho, Ag7Ho2, and Au3Ho. These compounds form eutectics with the solvent metals which melt at 868, 787, and 778°C respectively."
Date: January 1963
Creator: Wunderlin, W. J.; Beaudry, B. J. & Daane, A. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Transport Reactions of Some Vanadium (III) Halides

Description: Technical report. From Abstract : "The reactions of VCl2. VCl3, and VCl3-VBr3 mixtures with bromine vapor at 350 to 450°C led to vaporization of the halides and deposition of mixed halides of vanadium (III) at lower temperatures."
Date: August 21, 1962
Creator: McCarley, Robert E.; Roddy, James W. & Berry, Keith O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Thallium-Indium Phase Diagram as a Function of Composition, Temperature, and Pressure

Description: Technical report. From Abstract : "The thallium-rich region of the thallium-indium phase diagram was determined from atmospheric pressure to 5.5 kbars primary from electrical resistivity data obtained as a function of composition, temperature, and pressure."
Date: August 21, 1962
Creator: Meyerhoff, Robert Wagner & Smith, J. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Magnetization and Electrical Resistivity Terbium Single Crystals

Description: Technical report. From Abstract : "Magnetic moment measurements have been made on single crystals of terbium (hcp) with fields of 50 to 18,000 oe applied along the <1120> (a-axis), <1010> (b-axis), and <0001> (c-axis) directions. The temperature range covered was 1.4 to 500°K."
Date: August 23, 1962
Creator: Hegland, D. E.; Legvold, S. & Spedding, F. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Propagation Characteristics of Capillary Ripples II. Instrumentation for Measurement of Ripple Velocity and Amplitude

Description: Technical report. From Abstract : "An instrument for measuring the propagation velocity of capillary ripples to within 0.3% and for measuring the amplitude of such ripples to within 1 to 10% (depending upon amplitude) was designed and constructed. The principle components of the instrument were a Teflon Langmuir trough (with provision for automatic recording of compression data); generating and receiving probes consisting of a thin rod and a razor blade respectively mounted so that the rod and … more
Date: January 1963
Creator: Mann, J. Adin, Jr. & Hansen, R. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Rare Earth Metal - Metal Halide Systems, Lanthanum, Cerium, and Praseodymium Bromides

Description: Technical report. From Abstract : "The MBr3 + M phase diagrams for lanthanum, cerium, and praseodymium are presented. Lanthanum and cerium exhibit simple solutions of metal, with 14 and 12 mole % dissolved at eutectic temperatures of 728 and 687°, respectively. The compound PrBr2.38 is found, melting incongruently to a solution of 16% Pr in PRBr3 and Pr(s) at 601°. For praseodymium the cryoscopic behavior of dilute solutions of metal is consistent with the primary formation of the Pr2+ solute. … more
Date: September 4, 1962
Creator: Sallach, Robert A. & Corbett, John D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

I. Niobium(IV) Bromide and Pyridine Adducts of the Niobium(IV) Halides

Description: Technical report. From Abstract : "Reaction of NbBr5 and niobium metal in a sealed tube under a temperature gradient from 410° to 350° gave NbBr4 in good yields. However, an increase in the higher temperature from 410° to 450° was sufficient to eliminate NbBr4 as a product and cause deposition of a lower bromide."
Date: September 5, 1962
Creator: McCarley, Robert E. & Torp, Bruce A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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