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open access

An Instrument to Determine whether Certain Fundamental Philosophical and Educational Beliefs Are Held by Selected Public School Teachers in the Areas of Elementary Education, Secondary Education, and Guidance

Description: The problem of this study was to develop an instrument which would reveal whether certain fundamental philosophical and educational beliefs are held by public school teachers in the areas of elementary education, secondary education, and guidance.
Date: January 1968
Creator: Thomas, Neil Eugene
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Relationship between Self-concept and Authoritarianism and Certain Academic, Vocational, and Biographical Variables of College Freshmen

Description: The problem is to study the relationship between two personality measures, self-concept and authoritarianism, as each relates to certain academic, vocational, and biographical variables of male freshmen attending a state-supported university in the Southwest.
Date: August 1969
Creator: LeUnes, Arnold D.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Correlational Analysis of Client Change In Sheltered Workshops with Selected Characteristics of the Client, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor and Workshop Supervisor

Description: This investigation was designed to assess the amount of attitudinal change experienced by the client and certain selected characteristics of the client, his vocational rehabilitation counselor, immediate workshop supervisor and his sheltered workshop.
Date: May 1971
Creator: Schieffer, Larry Francis, 1940-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Effect of Self Concept and Various Conceptual and Physical Practice Methods Upon the Performance of a Selected Basketball Motor Skill

Description: The problem investigated was the effect of various methods of conceptual, physical, and conceptual-physical practice procedures upon performance of the basketball motor skill of foul shooting. The sub-problem under investigation was the effect of self-concept upon the performance of foul shooting.
Date: May 1971
Creator: Lewis, Raymond Lee
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of the Education of the Children of Migrant Agricultural Workers in Arkansas Public Schools

Description: The problem is the study of the education of children of migrant agricultural workers in forty-five school districts in Arkansas. The study presents data from a questionnaire, the Uniform Migrant Student Transfer Form, and the Science Research Associates Achievement Test.
Date: December 1970
Creator: Barnes, Jerome M. (Jerome Medwick), 1934-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Effects of Motivational Group Techniques Upon Selected Personality and Behavioral Variables

Description: The problem of this study was to investigate the effects of motivational group techniques upon selected personality and behavioral variables. Particular emphasis was placed upon changes in personality and behavior with respect to freshmen college students.
Date: May 1971
Creator: Ballard, Stanley Newton, 1933-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Review and Comparison of Curricula of Selected Fashion Merchandising Colleges

Description: The problem of this study is to review and compare the curricula of selected American, proprietary, fashion merchandising colleges and to examine what kinds of similarities and differences exist among their curricula. Using the schools' respective catalogues, the combined curricula was categorized into sixteen tables representing the different types of courses offered, with the study colleges listed in opposition to the courses; the courses were then checked off in opposition to the schools off… more
Date: August 1982
Creator: Holden, Susan M.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Relationship of Educational Achievement to the Role-Concept of Women

Description: The problem of this investigation was an analysis of selected variables that affected woman's role-concept. Specifically this research was concerned with how a woman's role-concept was influenced by education. This research concluded that the level of education influenced role-concept. Respondents with more than a high school education were very contemporary. Other variable such as marital status, age, parental views, ethnic group, and major seemed to have little effect on role-concept. All gro… more
Date: May 1979
Creator: Mooneyham, Charlotte S.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Role of Staff Development Trainer in Organizations

Description: This investigation examines the differences in perception of the role of staff-development trainer in organizations, a role identified as an emerging occupation, held by three professional groups. The focus is on sources of stress and strain in the job performance of the trainer. Purposes of the study are (1) to collect data from three coworker groups, administrators, directors of nursing, and trainers relative to the role of the trainer, (2) to examine differences in perception between the gro… more
Date: August 1978
Creator: Ragsdale, Kathryn A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Utilization of Semantic Webbing as a Method of Teaching Art Criticism in the Elementary School

Description: Art educators and classroom teachers in the elementary schools are confronted with the challenge of helping children look critically at works of art and develop written and/or verbal skills to communicate their findings. It was the purpose of this study to determine the effectiveness of the conceptual learning technique of semantic webbing in teaching art criticism in the elementary classroom. The author revealed a significant difference of opinions between two sample groups and similarities be… more
Date: May 1991
Creator: Peel, Marie A. (Marie Annette)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Shoulder Muscle Electromyography During Diagonal and Straight Plane Patterns of Movement

Description: The purpose of this study was to further investigate the relationship between patterns of shoulder movement and muscular response. Thirteen females were tested against maximal manual resistance in twelve different patterns, eight straight plane, and four diagonal. Five of the six subjects who met established kinematic criteria were used for electromyographic (EMG) analysis of the anterior deltoid (AD), the middle deltoid, the posteroir deltoid (PD), and the pectoralis major. No significant diff… more
Date: August 1988
Creator: Nelson, Julia Kathryn
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Behavioral Outcomes of Client-Centered Play Therapy

Description: This study was concerned with determining the effectiveness of play therapy as measured by behavioral changes in interpersonal relationships, mature behavior patterns, and more adequate use of intellectual capacities. Client-centered play therapy appears to have grown out of the concept that it is the relationship between the therapist and the child that brings about change and growth. Rather than diagnostic or as preliminary to therapy, the relationship itself is seen as therapy. Problems are … more
Date: May 1969
Creator: Herd, Ruby H. (Ruby Helm)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Comparative Effectiveness of Conventional and Programed Instructional Procedures in Teaching Fundamentals of Music

Description: The purpose of this study was to investigate the comparative effectiveness of three out-of-class procedures designed to augment a conventional classroom instructional method in a course in the fundamentals of music for elementary education students. The procedures examined were (a) conventional out-of-class study assignments; (b) out-of-class individual use of a programed textbook; and (c) out-of- class individual use of a teaching machine program. This study was concerned with measures of achi… more
Date: January 1965
Creator: Cribb, George Robert, 1927-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Course in Freshman English Composition Based on Theories of Creativity

Description: Today's colleges and universities are faced with the challenges of reforming their curriculums in an effort to hold a generation of students who are now demanding more than just a degree. Today prominent writers in the field of higher education point to the necessity of assessing and reconstructing college courses so that new direction will be provided. Each student entering college for the first time usually must enroll in an English composition course. Such a course offers great potential to … more
Date: August 1969
Creator: Garrett, Patrick Posey
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Extent of Cheating and Factors Related to Cheating in the Junior High School Grades

Description: Thesis studying instances of cheating in junior high school. According to the introduction, the purpose of the study is: 1. To determine the extent to which pupils in the junior high school grades will cheat when allowed to score their own examination papers. 2. To determine the relation between the professed attitude toward cheating on examinations and actual cheating behavior. 3. To determine some factors related to cheating (p. 1).
Date: August 1938
Creator: Watson, Lillian
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Survey of the Physical Education Programs for Girls in the Affiliated Schools within a Radius of Sixty Miles of Denton Texas

Description: A survey of the physical education programs for high school girls near Denton, Texas to determine the extent of compliance with state law for physical education, the facilities for the program, training of the teachers, type of physical education program, and teaching load of physical education teachers.
Date: June 1939
Creator: Morriss, May
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

To Determine Whether or Not the Colleges of Texas are Preparing their Students of Industrial Arts to Teach Effectively in the High Schools of Texas

Description: This is a study to determine whether the colleges of Texas are preparing their students of industrial arts to teach effectively in the high schools of Texas. The objectives of this study are to draw conclusions as to whether or not the colleges of Texas are preparing their students of industrial arts to teach effectively in the modern high schools; to show the training of industrial arts teachers; and to determine to what extent industrial arts are offered in the high schools of Texas.
Date: June 1939
Creator: Farmer, Joe Harold
Partner: UNT Libraries
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