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Search Results

open access

Overlapping geographic clusters of food security and health: Where do social determinants and health outcomes converge in the U.S?

Description: This article identifies geographic clusters of food insecurity and health across U.S. counties to identify potential shared mechanisms for geographic disparities in health and food insecurity.
Date: June 14, 2018
Creator: Leonard, Tammy; Hughes, Amy; Donegan, Connor; Santillan, Alejandro & Pruitt, Sandi L.
Partner: UNT College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

Foreclosed and Sold: An Examination of Community and Property Characteristics Related to the Sale of REO Properties

Description: This article uses foreclosure data from Dallas County, Texas to examine how both housing and neighborhood characteristics are related to the possibility of the sale of a foreclosed property out of real-estate-owned (REO) stock.
Date: September 1, 2017
Creator: Zhang, Lei; Leonard, Tammy & Dias, Resha
Partner: UNT College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
open access

Social Capital and Public Goods

Description: This article analyzes the relationship between social networks and trust (two measures of social capital) and self-reported charitable contributions of time and/or money (pro-social behavior) using data collected from two ethnically distinct, low-income neighborhoods.
Date: February 18, 2010
Creator: Leonard, Tammy; Croson, Rachel T.A. & de Oliveira, Angela
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences

Do Neighborhoods Matter Differently for Movers and Non-Movers?: Analysis of Weight Gain in the Longitudinal Dallas Heart Study

Description: This article uses data from the Dallas Heart Study to evaluate the relationship between changes in neighborhood condition and weight change for both movers and non-movers over an approximate seven-year follow-up period.
Date: January 9, 2017
Creator: Leonard, Tammy; Ayers, Colby; Das, Sandeep R.; Neeland, Ian J. & Powell-Wiley, Tiffany M.
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

Neighborhood Effects on Food Consumption

Description: This article examines the dual role of the social and physical neighborhood environment as they relate to the eating behaviors of residents of a low-income minority urban neighborhood.
Date: May 12, 2014
Creator: Leonard, Tammy; McKillop, Caitlin; Carson, Jo Ann & Shuval, Kerem
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

Change in Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Weight Gain: Dallas Heart Study

Description: This article examines the longitudinal relationship between moving to more socioeconomically deprived neighborhoods and weight gain as a cardiovascular risk factor.
Date: June 17, 2015
Creator: Powell-Wiley, Tiffany M.; Cooper-McCann, Rebecca; Ayers, Colby; Berrigan, David; Lian, Min; McClurkin, Michael et al.
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

Geospatial and Contextual Approaches to Energy Balance and Health

Description: This article examines associations between geographic and contextual features of the environment and elements of human energy balance, with a particular focus on research and opportunities in the United States.
Date: March 13, 2015
Creator: Berrigan, David; Hipp, J. Aaron; Hurvitz, Philip M.; James, Peter; Jankowska, Marta M.; Kerr, Jacqueline et al.
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences

Neighborhood Price Externalities of Foreclosure Rehabilitation: An Examination of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program

Description: This article examines the neighborhood price impacts of Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) funded foreclosure rehabilitation undertaken by Habitat for Humanity in Dallas County, Texas using a difference-in-difference framework.
Date: January 12, 2017
Creator: Leonard, Tammy; Jha, Nikhil & Zhang, Lei
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

Who is Food Insecure? Implications for Targeted Recruitment and Outreach, National health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2005-2010

Description: This article characterizes differences in health among people receiving different types of food assistance and summarizes strategies for targeted recruitment and outreach of various food insecure populations.
Date: October 2016
Creator: Pruitt, Sandi L.; Leonard, Tammy; Xuan, Lei; Amory, Richard; Higashi, Robin T.; Nguyen, Oanh Kieu et al.
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

Systematic Neighborhood Observations at High Spatial Resolution: Methodology and Assessment of Potential Benefits

Description: This article describes a systematic neighborhood observation instrument for collecting data at very high spatial resolution to collect data in a low-income minority neighborhood in Dallas, TX.
Date: June 3, 2011
Creator: Leonard, Tammy; O'Brien Caughy, Margaret; Mays, Judith K. & Murdoch, James
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

Neighborhood-Level Socioeconomic Deprivation Predicts Weight Gain in a Multi-Ethnic Population: Longitudinal Data from the Dallas Heart Study

Description: This article examines the relationship between neighborhood-level socioeconomic deprivation and weight change in a multi-ethnic cohort from Dallas County, Texas, and whether behavioral/psychosocial factors attenuate the relationship.
Date: May 27, 2014
Creator: Powell-Wiley, Tiffany M.; Ayers, Colby; Agyemang, Priscilla; Leonard, Tammy; Berrigan, David; Ballard Barbash, Rachel et al.
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
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