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Digging into File Formats

Description: This Tech Talk presentation gives an introduction to how data is represented on a filesystem, a hands-on demo of DROID, and a discussion of similar tools including 'file' (unix command line) and JHOVE.
Date: February 12, 2014
Creator: Eisenhauer, Stephen
Partner: UNT Digital Scholarship Cooperative (DiSCo)

DataRes Project Institution Policy Scan Data

Description: Dataset from the DataRes Project indicating the name of the institutions in the study, funding awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) during the 2010-2011 fiscal year, whether institutions have a Data Management Policy, and the URL is a policy exists.
Date: 2011-10/2013-09
Creator: Keralis, Spencer D. C.; Stark, Shannon; Najmi, Anjum; Freese, Ephraim & Ugartechea, Monica
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Denton Declaration: An Open Data Manifesto

Description: Paper included in a report for the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) on research data management and the DataRes Project. This section reports on The Denton Declaration. Abstract: On May 22, 2012, at the University of North Texas, a group of technologists and librarians, scholars and researchers, university administrators, and other stakeholders gathered to discuss and articulate best practices and emerging trends in research data management. This declaration bridges the conve… more
Date: November 2013
Partner: UNT Libraries

Online Profiles and Unique Author Identifiers

Description: Presentation for the Cross Timbers Library Collaborative (CTLC) Scholarly Communications and Digital Curation (SCDC) Affinity Group 2013 Winter Meeting. This presentation discusses online profiles and unique author identifiers, their importance, features, and strategies for successfully using them.
Date: December 13, 2013
Creator: Waugh, Laura & Najmi, Anjum
Partner: UNT Libraries

Chronicles in Preservation: Building Institutional Capacity in Digital Preservation

Description: Poster presented at the 2013 iPres Conference. The poster discusses the Chronicles in Preservation project, which evaluates how to improve the preservation readiness of digitized and born-digital newspapers on a spectrum of essential to optimal levels of conformance to digital preservation standards.
Date: September 2013
Creator: Schultz, Matt; Phillips, Mark Edward; Krabbenhoeft, Nick & Eisenhauer, Stephen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Problem of Data

Description: Report on the problem of data, workflows and methodologies at a variety of academic data curation sites, and the academic milieu of library and information schools that offer instruction in data curation.
Date: August 2, 2012
Creator: Jahnke, Lori; Asher, Andrew & Keralis, Spencer D. C.
Partner: UNT Digital Scholarship Cooperative (DiSCo)

Scholarly Communication in the Digital Humanities

Description: Presentation for a panel discussion at the Cross Timbers Library Collaborative (CTLC) Scholarly Communications and Digital Curation (SCDC) Affinity Group 2013 Summer Meeting. This presentation discusses scholarly communication issues in the digital humanities.
Date: June 14, 2013
Creator: Keralis, Spencer D. C.
Partner: UNT Digital Scholarship Cooperative (DiSCo)
open access

Modular Curation for ETD Repositories

Description: This paper discusses the Lifecycle Management of ETDs project led by the University of North Texas (UNT) and funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). This paper explains the research methodology the project took to evaluate these various tools, IRs and related submission systems; share findings; and discuss how these findings have solidified implementation improvements for the above mentioned curation technologies (Clam, AV, JHOVE/JHOVE2, DROID & FITS).
Date: July 11, 2013
Creator: Schultz, Matt; Eisenhauer, Stephen & Krabbenhoeft, Nick
Partner: UNT Libraries

DataRes Project Briefing

Description: Presentation for the 2012 CNI Annual Membership Meeting. This presentation provides an overview and update on the DataRes Project.
Date: April 2012
Creator: Halbert, Martin; Moen, William E.; Keralis, Spencer D. C. & Stark, Shannon
Partner: UNT Libraries
captions transcript

Outrageous Oral Volume 3: The Dallas Way GLBT History Project

Description: This video recording presents Outrageous Oral Volume 3. For this event, attendees welcomed members of The Dallas Way GLBT History Project to the University of North Texas (UNT) campus. This is a group of community members dedicated to preserving the history of gay life in Dallas, and their Outrageous Oral events bring together artists, activists, and civic leaders to share their stories of life as gay people in the DFW area, pre-Stonewall, pre-DADT, and during the first cataclysmic years of the… more
Date: October 11, 2012
Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes 45 seconds
Creator: Keralis, Spencer D. C.; Freese, Ephraim; Garcia, Gilda; Belden, Dreanna; Greene, Monica; Monroe, Bruce et al.
Partner: UNT Digital Scholarship Cooperative (DiSCo)
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