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open access

The Writing Portion of the TASP Test: Does Instruction Make a Difference?

Description: This investigation sought to determine the effects of composition instruction on student performance. Informants consisted of students and teachers. Students completed two surveys and participated in interviews. Teachers completed one survey. The findings suggest that student performance are influenced by confidence in writing ability and previous writing instruction. Further, teachers either teach composition actively or inactively, and these teacher stances influence both student confidence a… more
Date: May 1992
Creator: Vrba, Susanne G.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Christmas Cantatas of Christoph Graupner (1683-1760): Volume 1

Description: An assessment of the contributions of Christoph Graupner's 1,418 extant church cantatas is enhanced by a study of his fifty-five surviving Christmas cantatas, written for the feasts of Christmas, St. Stephen's, St. John's, and the Sunday after Christmas. Graupner's training in Kirchberg, Reichenbach and at the Thomas School in Leipzig is recounted as well as his subsequent tenures in Hamburg and Darmstadt.
Date: August 1992
Creator: Schmidt, René R.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Reading interests and activity of older adults and their sense of life satisfaction

Description: This study addresses the problem of reading among older adults and the relation of such reading to their sense of life satisfaction. The study also considers the relation between reading interests and activity of older adults and the availability to them of reading materials and services.
Date: May 1982
Creator: Grubb, Elizabeth Ann
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The history of the trumpet through the baroque era

Description: The purpose of this study is to present the development of the trumpet from the primitive lip-vibrated instruments of ancient cultures to the baroque trumpet on which were performed the astounding parts composed by the culminating figures of that period, Bach and Handel.
Date: August 1953
Creator: Douglass, Robert S. (Robert Satterfield)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

El treatro de Jose Maria Diaz

Description: Los esfuerzos manifiestos en este trabajo se canalizan a presentar al lector un estudio sobre la obra de José María Díaz, merece, de vez en cuando, un estudio más o menos amplio de su producción artística. Todos somos los deudores de quienes mediante sus escritos nos entretienen e instruyen al compartir con nosotros sus experiencias e ideas, y parece que nos cumple manifestar de una manera o de otra nuestro agradecimento. Es esta actitud, pues, la que anima al autor del presente trabajo.
Date: June 1967
Creator: Flores, Noe E.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A theoretical model of technical professionals in work teams

Description: A two-stage study was conducted which examined role strain and its correlates among technical professional employees in team settings in 14 companies in the United States and Canada. A questionnaire was constructed based on the results of interviews with engineers and managers, and the analysis of simple plot data.
Date: December 1994
Creator: Beyerlein, Susan T.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The effects of computer performance assessment on student scores in a computer applications course

Description: The goal of this study was to determine if performance -based tests should be routinely administered to students in computer application courses. The purpose was to determine the most appropriate mode of testing for individuals taking a computer applications course. The study is divided into areas of assessment, personality traits, and computer attitudes.
Date: July 1994
Creator: Casey, Sue Hartness
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Relationship of Characteristics of the Research Methods used in two Subfields of Geology and the Growth of Published Research in those Subfields

Description: The major problem addressed by this study was to investigate the relationship between characteristics of the research methods used in selected subject subfields and the growth of published research in those subfields.
Date: December 1982
Creator: Stephenson, Mary Sue
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Chemical, Physical and Biological Investigation of the Total Suspended and Dissolved Substances in Lake Dallas with Emphasis on Sanitation

Description: The purpose of this investigation is to determine the suspended organic matter and the total phosphorus in the waters of Lake Dallas and to evaluate these findings. Since organic matter floating in lakes is largely comprised of minute plants, animals, and detritus derived from animals and plants, the fertilizing effect of phosphorus must be considered as an integral part of this problem.
Date: June 1942
Creator: Eads, Ewin A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of Superstitions and Customs Affecting Health Practices Among the People of Starr County, Texas

Description: Because superstitions and customs of the people of Starr County, Texas, have a bearing on health practices that affect their well-being, the purpose of this study is to explain the deep-rooted superstitions and customs adhered to by the settlers. In order to understand more fully the cultural factors which relate to health, it is necessary to study the lives and customs of the people of Starr County. An effort has been made to look at their problems, not from a critical standpoint, but from the… more
Date: August 1948
Creator: Longoria, Gladys L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Experimental Preparation of Earth Pigments of Denton County, Texas

Description: This study is a report of the results of a series of experiments, the purposes of which were to determine: (1) what natural pigments are available in Denton County, Texas, (2) the variety, quality, and quantity of the native pigments as compared with standard commercial pigments, and (3) the suitability of these native pigments for use in the preparation of artists' colors. Since the chief interest was in the specific hues, their quality and variety, the factor of commercial possibilities was n… more
Date: August 1941
Creator: Gough, Ray
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Mercury Photosensitized Reactions of Some Hydocarbons

Description: The problem was to study several hydrocarbons when they were subjected to ultraviolet light of 2536 Å in the presence of mercury vapor. It would be expected from the work of Stallings that the rupture of any tertiary hydrogen bond in the molecule would be the predominant effect. However, secondary and primary bond splitting would occur as well as some C-C bond rupturing, but these could be expected to a lesser degree than the first, since the t-hydrogen has the greatest reactivity.
Date: June 1946
Creator: Dickinson, Ermintrude
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Effecting a Guidance Program in the Nocona, Texas, High School

Description: This study is a reflection of the efforts made by faculty members of the Nocona, Texas High School, with the aid of two outside evaluating committees, to set up a workable and practical plan for executing personnel problems and policies in the school. The major portion of this investigation centers around the evaluations made of the guidance service in 1940 and 1942 and the re-evaluation made in 1947.
Date: August 1947
Creator: McPherson, Ernest W.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Developing and Evaluating a Course in Crafts in a Small School

Description: The purpose of this study is to find and evaluate a course in crafts in a small rural school with the hope that it may be of some value to teachers in rural districts, and that it may help provide a more general education for the rural school child. The results of an interest questionnaire, projects suggested by the students, projects made, and direct observations will be the means used in determining the needs and interests of the Waneta School students. A comparison of suggested projects and … more
Date: August 1941
Creator: Kee, Jim W.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Le Devin Du Village: a Product of the "Guerre Des Bouffons"

Description: The significance of this opera, Le Devin du Village, lies not in the fact that it is great music, but in the fact of its historical importance. Its appearance in 1752, with its revolutionary ideas, heralds the coming of what we consider today as native French comic opera; i. e., native in the sense that it is composed by Frenchmen, although adapted from the Italian style in many respects. Another claim of uniqueness that might be made for this work is that its composer was no recognized musicia… more
Date: August 1946
Creator: Reynolds, William Jensen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Integration of a Fifth-Grade Curriculum Through Language-Arts Subjects in the Stonewall Jackson Elementary School, Denton, Texas

Description: This thesis seeks to determine whether an integrated program provided a progressive enlargement of experience or participation in social situations; whether it placed value upon service to others through social participation; whether it resulted in personal satisfactions through the development and use of the capacity of each individual; whether it provided for the development of functional knowledge, skills, attitudes, and appreciations by which the problems were solved in situations which wer… more
Date: August 1941
Creator: Williams, Maude Ann
Partner: UNT Libraries
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