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Radiological and Environmental Research Division Annual Report: Part 3, Ecology, January-December 1980

Description: Annual report of the Argonne National Laboratory Radiological and Environmental Research Division regarding activities related to ecology. This report discuses programs including a development project for microcosm screening systems, two initiatives in ecological modeling, and a program of field experiments for a national assessment of crop losses due to air pollution.
Date: July 1981
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory. Radiological and Environmental Research Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radiological and Environmental Research Division Annual Report: Part 4, Atmospheric Physics, January-December 1980

Description: Annual report of the Argonne National Laboratory Radiological and Environmental Research Division regarding activities related to atmospheric physics. This report discusses research activities on the transport, removal and, to a lesser extent, transformation of pollutants in the lower atmosphere.
Date: August 1981
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory. Radiological and Environmental Research Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fuel Cycle Programs, Quarterly Progress Report: April-June 1980

Description: Quarterly report of the Argonne National Laboratory Chemical Engineering Division regarding activities related to properties and handling of radioactive materials, operation of nuclear reactors, and other relevant research.
Date: February 1981
Creator: Steindler, M. J.; Bates, J. K.; Brock, R. E.; Cannon, T. F.; Couture, R. A.; Deeken, P. G. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Materials Technology for Coal-Conversion Processes Quarterly Report: April-June 1980

Description: Quarterly report on the activities of the Argonne National Laboratory Materials Science Division regarding studies on ceramic (refractory) and metallic materials presently being used or intended for use in coal-conversion processes. The program entails research in the fields of nondestructive testing and failure analysis, together with studies of erosive wear, corrosion, and refractory degradation.
Date: October 1980
Creator: Ellingson, W. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fuel Cycle Programs, Quarterly Progress Report: July-September 1980

Description: Quarterly report of the Argonne National Laboratory Chemical Engineering Division regarding activities related to properties and handling of radioactive materials, operation of nuclear reactors, and other relevant research.
Date: July 1981
Creator: Steindler, M. J.; Bates, J. K.; Brock, R. E.; Cannon, T. F.; Couture, R. A.; Deeken, P. G. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fuel Cycle Programs, Quarterly Progress Report: October-December 1980

Description: Quarterly report of the Argonne National Laboratory Chemical Engineering Division regarding activities related to properties and handling of radioactive materials, operation of nuclear reactors, and other relevant research.
Date: July 1981
Creator: Steindler, M. J.; Vogler, Seymour; Vandegrift, G. F.; Williams, Jacqueline; Gerding, T. J.; Jardine, L. J. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Fuel Cell Development Progress Report: October-December 1980

Description: Quarterly report discussing fuel cell research and development work at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). This report describes efforts directed toward (1) developing alternative concepts for components of molten carbonate fuel cells and (2) improving understanding of component behavior.
Date: June 1982
Creator: Pierce, R. D.; Arons, R. M.; Dusek, J. T.; Fraioli, A. V.; Kucera, G. H.; Sim, J. W. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Materials Technology for Coal-Conversion Processes Quarterly Report: January-March 1980

Description: Quarterly report on the activities of the Argonne National Laboratory Materials Science Division regarding economical conversion of coal into clean and usable alternate fuels will be advanced through the use of durable materials systems. This program is designed to provide part of the materials information necessary for successful operation of coal-conversion systems.
Date: June 1980
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory. Materials Science Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Fuel Cell Development Progress Report: January-March 1980

Description: Quarterly report discussing fuel cell research and development work at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). This report describes efforts directed toward understanding and improving components of molten carbonate fuel cells and have included operation of 10-cm square cells.
Date: September 1980
Creator: Pierce, R. D.; Arons, R. M.; Fraioli, A. V.; Kucera, G. H.; Poeppel, R. B.; Sim, J. W. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Fuel Cell Development Progress Report: April-June 1980

Description: Quarterly report discussing fuel cell research and development work at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). This report describes efforts directed toward understanding and improving components of molten carbonate fuel cells and have included operation of a 10-cm square cell.
Date: November 1980
Creator: Pierce, R. D.; Arons, R. M.; Dusek, J. T.; Fraioli, A. V.; Kucera, G. H.; Poeppel, R. B. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Fuel Cell Development Progress Report: July-September 1980

Description: Quarterly report discussing fuel cell research and development work at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). This report describes efforts directed toward (1) investigating alternative concepts for components of molten carbonate fuel cell stacks and (2) improving our understanding of component behavior.
Date: July 1981
Creator: Pierce, R. D.; Arons, R. M.; Dusek, J. T.; Fraioli, A. V.; Kucera, G. H.; Poeppel, R. B. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Materials Technology for Coal-Conversion Processes Quarterly Report: July-September 1980

Description: Quarterly report on the activities of the Argonne National Laboratory Materials Science Division regarding studies on ceramic (refractory) and metallic materials presently being used or intended for use in coal-conversion processes. The program entails efforts in nondestructive testing and failure analysis, as well as studies of erosive wear, corrosion, and refractory degradation.
Date: 1980?
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory. Materials Science Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

MHD generator electrode development. Quarterly report, October-December 31, 1980

Description: This program is directed towards the engineering development of cold metallic electrodes which are alternatives to the use of platinum as an anode clad material for MHD generators. Results of continuing laboratory screening tests are presented. Improvements in the anode arc test methodology and test setup, which have resulted in improved reproducibility as well as test simplification, are discussed. Laboratory electrochemical corrosion testing has been initiated using aqueous and molten salts a… more
Date: January 1, 1981
Creator: Sadler, John W.; Cadoff, Laurence H.; Dietrick, Don L.; Kochka, Edgar L.; Dilmore, James A.; Jacobs, Dave et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Solar production of industrial process hot water. Quarterly performance report, January-March 1980

Description: The performance of the Campbell Soup solar hot water facility is tabulated for January through March 1980, from each of the monthly performance reports. The data during this period indicates that the system is operating with good reliability (95 percent in February, 90 percent in March). Of the days that the system was not operating in those months, only one was for work on the system, one was for testing of the flat plate collectors, and the remainder were due to the system not operating becau… more
Date: January 1, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Phase equilibrium properties of coal-derived liquids. Technical progress report, July-December 1980

Description: A wide variety of methods have been used to study the phase behavior of mixtures, including: Measuring the phase boundary of binary mixtures, observing property discontinuities from volumetric measurements, and thermal measurements of mixtures, measuring the composition of samples in batch systems, measuring the composition of samples from continuous remixing and separation in recirculating systems, gas-liquid chromatography, and measuring the composition of samples from a once-through flow sys… more
Date: January 1, 1981
Creator: Yesavage, V. F. & Kidnay, A. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear waste management. Quarterly progress report, April-June 1980

Description: The status of the following programs is reported: high-level waste immobilization; alternative waste forms; Nuclear Waste Materials Characterization Center; TRU waste immobilization; TRU waste decontamination; krypton solidification; thermal outgassing; iodine-129 fixation; monitoring and physical characterization of unsaturated zone transport; well-logging instrumentation development; mobility of organic complexes of fission products in soils; waste management system studies; waste management … more
Date: September 1980
Creator: Platt, A. M. & Powell, J. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Oil and Gas Supply Modeling

Description: Abstract: The symposium on Oil and Gas Supply Modeling, held at the Department of Commerce, Washington, DC (June 18-20, 1980), was funded by the Energy Information Administration of the Department of Energy and co-sponsored by the National Bureau of Standards' Operations Research Division. The symposium was organized to be a forum in which the theoretical and applied state-of-the-art of oil and gas supply models could be presented and discussed. Speakers addressed the following areas: the reali… more
Date: May 1982
Creator: Gass, Saul I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

MHD air heater development technology. Technical progress report, April 1, 1980-June 30, 1980

Description: Technology development for the directly-fired high temperature air heater (HTAH) for MHD power plants is described. Work is being done under three tasks as described in the following. (1) materials selection, evaluation, and development: The objective of this task is to continue development of ceramic materials technology for the directly-fired HTAH. The scope of the work will include compilation of materials data, materials selection for testing and design studies, materials property determina… more
Date: July 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Seismic Studies in Austin-Pleasant Bayou and Cuero Prospects - a Summary of Research Activities

Description: Studies based partly on pre-existing or recently acquired seimic data were designed to confirm or improve the geological interpretation and resource assessment of geopressure geothermal prospect areas in Texas. Other objectives were (1) to evaluate seismic signatures as indicators of lithologic properties, (2) to assist in projecting structural and stratigraphic information beyond the limits of well control, and (3) to investigate processing techniques that enhance data displays by improving si… more
Date: November 1980
Creator: Morton, R. A.; Winker, C. D. & Garcia, D. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of Combustion and Flame Processes Initiated by IR Laser-Induced Absorption Annual Progress Report: 1980

Description: In this study, simulated flame and combustion processes were initiated by multiple-photon absorption from high power infrared (IR) laser sources. Subsequent examination of the system was performed by dye laser induced fluorescence (LIF), multiphoton spectroscopy, and visible and infrared emission. To understand combustion and flame reaction, a knowledge of the kinetic role of free radicals such as C/sub 3/, CH, C/sub 2/, and OH, is critical. For this reason the reaction dynamics of the C/sub 3/… more
Date: August 1, 1980
Creator: Guillory, William Arnold
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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