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open access

A Comparison of Predicted and Actual Trophic Status of Lake Ray Roberts, Texas Based on Chlorophyll A

Description: Two years before impoundment, the trophic status of Lake Ray Roberts was predicted by applying the total phosphorus input into the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) eutrophication model. Predicted mean summer epilimnetic (MSE) chlorophyll a of Elm Fork arm, Isle duBois arm and Main Body were in the eutrophic category of the OECD model. Observed MSE chlorophyll a two years after impoundment of Elm Fork arm, Isle duBois and Main Body had not reached their predicted mean… more
Date: May 1999
Creator: Lytle, Lili Lisa
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Oral Interpretation in a Public Awareness Campaign Denton County Probationer Education and Employment Program

Description: This study investigates the use of oral interpretation in social contexts. The context chosen was a community corrections program which provides education and employment assistance to adults on probation in Denton County, Texas. A solo interpretation script was incorporated into a public awareness presentation about the Denton County Probationer Education and Employment Program. The presentation was presented to a pilot audience to test the effectiveness of combining oral interpretation with pu… more
Date: August 1982
Creator: Truitt, Gary
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Survey of Landowner Attitudes Toward the Construction of Lake Ray Roberts

Description: Documentation of social impacts resulting from the construction of Lake Ray Roberts is to be incorporated into a two year post-impoundment study. Research objectives are to: 1) locate current residences of landowners and previous landowners who were displaced; 2) determine social impacts resulting from construction of Lake Ray Roberts; 3) document degree of satisfaction with current living conditions; 4) document landowners' degree of satisfaction associated with COE negotiations; 5) document l… more
Date: August 1991
Creator: Norris, Paula Sue
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Oral Interpretation as a Catalyst for Social Awareness Ann's Haven: Hospice of Denton County

Description: This oral interpretation thesis studies the use of oral interpretation in social contexts. The context chosen was the Hospice movement, which deals with assisting terminally ill persons and their families through the stages of death and bereavement. A readers theatre script was compiled for "Ann's Haven: Hospice of Denton County," which was selected for the locus of this thesis. The script was presented to various civic groups for the purpose of informing the public and eliciting support for An… more
Date: August 1981
Creator: Cancilla, Carlajo
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Degradation of Phenolic Acids by Azotobacter Species Isolated from Sorghum Fields

Description: Sorghum plants excrete phenolic acids which reduce subsequent crop yields. These acids accumulate in field soil by combining with soil and clay particles to form stable complexes which remain until degraded by bacterial metabolism. The amount of phenolic acids in soil samples were obtained by gas chromatography measurements, while Azotobacter populations were obtained by plate counts in 40 sorghum field samples from Denton County, Texas. One can conclude that increasing the Azotobacter populati… more
Date: August 1989
Creator: Al-Hadhrami, Mohamed N. (Mohamed Nasser)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Habitat Evaluation Procedures at Ray Roberts Lake: an Analysis of the Relationship with Ecological Indicators and a Study of Observer and Temporal Variability

Description: Habitat Evaluation Procedure data gathered at Ray Roberts Lake in 1989 and 1990 were analysed for temporal variability, observer variability and relationships between Habitat Units (HUs) and species density/diversity. observer variability within a group was analysed by cluster analysis and bootstrapping. Five out of 36 sites showed significant differences in Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) values within the group. A nonparametric Mann-Whitney test was used to analyze temporal variability. One o… more
Date: December 1993
Creator: Wattrus, Jane M. (Jane Marie)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Evaluation of the Denton County Safety Education Program in Denton, Texas

Description: The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the Denton County Safety Education Program. Subjects were 117 driving-while-intoxicated offenders who completed this alcohol reeducation program between June 1975 to June 1976. Questionnaires were used as evaluative measures. Data were analyzed in three steps: 1) two two-way ANOVAs with one repeated measure; 2) two Pearson product moment correlations; and 3) a Fisher's Z test. Conclusions of the investigation were that (1) both proble… more
Date: December 1978
Creator: Rayburn, Susan L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

[News Script: Camp Soroptimist]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, covering a news story about Camp Soroptimist, a camp for disabled children in Denton County, dedicating its new infirmary and craft shop.
Date: August 14, 1960
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

A Survey of the Physical Education Programs for Girls in the Affiliated Schools within a Radius of Sixty Miles of Denton Texas

Description: A survey of the physical education programs for high school girls near Denton, Texas to determine the extent of compliance with state law for physical education, the facilities for the program, training of the teachers, type of physical education program, and teaching load of physical education teachers.
Date: June 1939
Creator: Morriss, May
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Quantitative Analysis of Water and Biological Samples for Determination of Haleogenated Organics in the Upper Trinity River, Texas : Final Technical Report

Description: This study had three objectives: 1) to develop a method for the quantitative determination of total organic bound chlorine in water and biological samples using Source-Excited X-Ray Fluorescence, 2) to provide training in the use of analytical techniques for students from different disciplines, and 3) to use an interdisciplinary approach involving students of biology, chemistry, and physics to investigate a complex environmental problem. Only the first objective is treated in detail in this vo… more
Date: 1976
Creator: Johnson, David E.
Partner: UNT Institute of Applied Sciences
open access

Technical Memorandum: Lewisville Lake Watershed Protection & Management Strategies

Description: This report represents the findings of a study which "assessed the viability of the Water Quality Corridor Management (WQCM) model in reviewing the status of stream systems, and ultimately, established an accurate mechanism for evaluating the stream corridor and surface water quality draining into Lewisville Lake" (p. 1).
Date: September 2007
Creator: University of North Texas. Institute of Applied Sciences.
Partner: UNT Institute of Applied Sciences
open access

Pre-impoundment Environmental Study of Ray Roberts Lake

Description: "This report presents the results of the pre-impoundment investigations" of Ray Roberts Lake. The purpose of the study is "to improve understanding of the impact of [U.S. Army Corps of Engineers] water resource projects, to provide the basis for evaluating the projects' effects on fish and wildlife resources, and to provide the opportunity for better planning and development of water resource projects and natural resource management" in the Lake Ray Roberts area, located in Denton County, Texas… more
Date: May 1988
Creator: University of North Texas. Institute of Applied Sciences.
Partner: UNT Institute of Applied Sciences
open access

An Evaluation of the Environmental Impact of Recreation Facilities Expansion at Lake Ray Roberts State Park, Isle du Bois and Johnson Branch Units

Description: This report "presents the results and recommendations of a two month investigation conducted at Lake Ray Roberts State Park," as "part of the ongoing effort of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to manage and conserve the natural resources of the state and provide...enjoyable recreation areas to the citizens of Texas." The study proposes the expansion of the Isle du Bois and Johnson Branch Units of the Lake Ray Roberts State Park to accommodate the surrounding counties' population growth (… more
Date: unknown
Creator: Texas. Parks and Wildlife Department.
Partner: UNT Institute of Applied Sciences
open access

Post-impoundment Study of Ray Roberts Lake Year-Six

Description: "This report presents the results of investigations conducted six years following the impoundment of Ray Roberts Lake." The purpose of the study is "to improve understanding of the impact of [U.S. Army Corps of Engineers] water resource projects, to provide the basis for evaluating the projects' effects on fish and wildlife resources, and to provide the opportunity for better planning and development of water resource projects and natural resource management" in the Lake Ray Roberts area, locat… more
Date: December 1995
Creator: University of North Texas. Institute of Applied Sciences.
Partner: UNT Institute of Applied Sciences
open access

Pre-impoundment Environmental Study of Ray Roberts Lake

Description: "This report presents the results of the pre-impoundment investigations" of Ray Roberts Lake. The purpose of the study is "to improve understanding of the impact of [U.S. Army Corps of Engineers] water resource projects, to provide the basis for evaluating the projects' effects on fish and wildlife resources, and to provide the opportunity for better planning and development of water resource projects and natural resource management" in the Lake Ray Roberts area, located in Denton County, Texas… more
Date: December 1987
Creator: University of North Texas. Institute of Applied Sciences.
Partner: UNT Institute of Applied Sciences
open access

Post-impoundment Study of Ray Roberts Lake Year-Ten

Description: "This report is the final chapter of a long-term project to assess the environmental impacts associated with the construction and operation of Ray Roberts Lake during its first ten years" (p. ii). The purpose of the study is "to improve understanding of the impact of [U.S. Army Corps of Engineers] water resource projects, to provide the basis for evaluating the projects' effects on fish and wildlife resources, and to provide the opportunity for better planning and development of water resource … more
Date: December 1999
Creator: University of North Texas. Institute of Applied Sciences.
Partner: UNT Institute of Applied Sciences
open access

Archaeological Testing of the Lewisville Lake Shoreline, Denton County, Texas

Description: This report describes the results of test excavations at 23 prehistoric and 16 historic sites on the periphery of Lewisville Lake, Denton County, Texas. The purpose of this report is to summarize the character and significance of the archaeological sites that were test excavated and recommendations for mitigation at those sites determined eligible for the National Register.
Date: 1991
Creator: Brown, Kenneth L. (Kenneth Lynn), 1951- & Lebo, Susan A.
Partner: UNT Institute of Applied Sciences
open access

How Healthy is the Upper Trinity River?: Biological and Water Quality Perspectives

Description: This conference report contains discussions and papers from a symposium hosted at Texas Christian University, in Fort Worth, Texas, examining the ecological health of the Upper Trinity River, and the impacts of various human activity, such as agriculture, urbanization, and waste management. The papers cover the effect of water quality on urban rivers, long-term water quality trends in the Trinity River, solutions that may improve water quality in the river, as well as biological, agricultural … more
Date: 1990
Creator: Jensen, Ric
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

[News Script: Teenage Crime]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, covering a news story about the arrest of two teenage boys, who hijacked a Cadillac and robbed a grocery store in Haslet.
Date: September 17, 1956
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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