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open access

Off-Site Radiological Safety Report, Carlsbad, New Mexico

Description: A summary ls presented of the off-slte radiological safety actlvities of the U. S. Public Health Service during the Project Gnome operation. Topics dlscussed include: operational procedures; collection of data by aerial monltoring, mobile monitoring, potash mlne surveys, air sampling, milk sampllng, water sampling, soil and vegetation sampllng, and a film badge program; laboratory control, emergency measures; medlcal services; and veterinary activltles. It was concluded that no persons ln the v… more
Date: January 1, 1961
Creator: Placak, O. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Oral History Interview with Albert B. Thorn, July 25, 1990

Description: Interview with Albert Thorn concerning his experiences before, during, and after his employment in the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression. Thorn worked at camps in Lake Arthur, New Mexico (Company 2842) and Carlsbad, New Mexico (Company 2842).
Date: July 25, 1990
Creator: Marcello, Ronald E. & Thorn, Albert B.
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
open access

Oral History Interview with Albert B. Grubbs, February 25,1993

Description: Interview with Albert Grubbs, Jr. from Dawson, Texas concerning his experiences while employed by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) during the Great Depression as well as his childhood and his experiences leading up to joining the CCC. Grubbs worked at camps in Lubbock, Texas (Company 3820) and Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Date: February 25, 1993
Creator: Ferguson, James & Grubbs, Albert B., Jr.
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
open access

Oral History Interview with Paul Bunch, December 7, 1971

Description: Interview with Paul Bunch, a New Mexico National Guard WWII veteran and POW from Atlanta, Missouri. Bunch served in I Troop, 111th Horse Cavalry, which became F Battery, 200th Coast Artillery (Anti-Aircraft); he recounts going to the Philippines before the war in 1941, his action during the bombing of Clark Field on December 8th, the fight for Bataan, and his capture and internment at Camp O'Donnell, after which he was held at Cabanatuan #2, Bilibid Prison, and then Yodagawa Steel Mill, Osaka, … more
Date: December 7, 1971
Creator: Marcello, Ronald E. & Bunch, William Paul
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
open access

Seismic Waves from an Underground Explosion in a Salt Bed: Preliminary Report

Description: From abstract: Seismic waves resulting from a 5 kiloton nuclear detonation 1200 feet deep in a salt bed near Carlsbad, New Mexico were measured by strong-motion seismographs operated by the Coast and Geodetic Survey on the surface in the distance range from 0.5 to 8.8 miles and underground in a potash mine 8.7 to 11.2 miles distant.
Date: April 12, 1962
Creator: Carder, Dean S.; Mickey, W. V.; Murphy, L. M.; Cloud, W. K.; Jordan, J. N. & Gordon, D. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Evaluation of the Elementary School Program of Carlsbad, New Mexico

Description: The purpose of this study was to make an evaluation of the elementary school program of Carlsbad, New Mexico, so that as clear and accurate a picture as possible might be obtained of present practices, to compare these practices with acceptable educational information and philosophy of the present time, and to make recommendations for improving the school program. The results of the study should be beneficial to administrators and teachers alike in the improvement of the schools.
Date: February 1951
Creator: Vaughn, Donald A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
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