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open access

Afghanistan Casualties: Military Forces and Civilians

Description: Report collecting statistics from a variety of sources on casualties sustained during Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), which began on October 7, 2001. OEF actions take place primarily in Afghanistan; however, OEF casualties also includes American casualties in Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Guantanamo Bay (Cuba), Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, the Philippines, Seychelles, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Yemen.
Date: January 14, 2011
Creator: Chesser, Susan G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

European Union Enlargement: A Status Report on Turkey's Accession Negotiations

Description: This report provides a brief overview of the EU's accession process and Turkey's path to EU membership. The U.S. Congress has had a long-standing interest in Turkey as a NATO ally and partner in regional foreign policy and energy security issues. Although some Members of Congress have expressed continued support for Turkey's membership in the EU, congressional interest and enthusiasm seems to have diminished recently.
Date: August 5, 2013
Creator: Morelli, Vincent L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Israel's Blockade of Gaza, the Mavi Marmara Incident, and Its Aftermath

Description: This report provides background information on the blockade imposed of by Israeli in response to Hamas's takeover. Israel considered its actions to be legitimate self-defense. Turkey, whose nationals comprised the largest contingent in the flotilla and among the casualties, considered them to be unjustifiable and in contravention of international law.
Date: June 23, 2010
Creator: Migdalovitz, Carol
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Prospects for Privatization of the Turkish Telecommunications System

Description: Turkey is considering privatizing its telecommunications system. Any developing country must analyze whether its economic, social, and institutional environment is appropriate for the privatization of a utility. The purposes of this study are (1) to establish a model to assist policy makers, (2) to analyze whether Turkey meets the prerequisites for telecommunications privatization, and (3) to provide Turkish leaders pragmatic policy alternatives pertaining to privatization of the Turkish Teleco… more
Date: December 1992
Creator: Eroglu, Ismail
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The G-20 and International Economic Cooperation: Background and Implications for Congress

Description: This report discusses the background of the G-20 (an international forum for discussing and coordinating economic policies) and some of the issues that it has addressed. It includes historic background on the work of the G-20, information about how the group operates, overviews of G-20 summits, major issues that the group is likely to address and the likely effectiveness of the G-20 in the near future. The members of the G-20 include Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany,… more
Date: October 23, 2013
Creator: Nelson, Rebecca M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Kurds in Post-Saddam Iraq

Description: This report discusses the state of the Kurdish-inhabited region of northern Iraq, which has been fairly peaceful since the fall of Saddam Hussein; however, the region is also home to friction with Christian and other minorities, with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and other Arab leaders of Iraq, and with neighboring Turkey and Iran. The report also addresses other general political issues and tensions in the Kurdish region, and how said tensions might affect and be affected by the projected U.S.… more
Date: June 3, 2009
Creator: Katzman, Kenneth
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Turkey: Situation Update

Description: This report briefly discusses recent political, economic, and security issues in Turkey, especially relating to Turkey's relationship with Greece, the European Union, and the United States.
Date: September 12, 1997
Creator: Migdalovitz, Carol
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Management of Communal Conflict in the Middle East: The Case of the Kurds

Description: The objective of this study is to describe and analyze the management of communal conflict in the Middle East, focusing on the Kurds. To this end, an effort is made to examine (1) the means that have been used to manage the Kurdish conflict by Middle Eastern countries; (2) the degree of success or failure of applied measures and (3) possible explanations for the first two questions.
Date: December 1983
Creator: Khosrowshahi, Manouchehr Rostamy
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Study of Terrorism in Southwest Asia 1968-1982

Description: This study assumes that political terrorism results from conscious decision-making by groups opposing a governing system, policy or process. The kinds of terrorist activity employed depend upon such factors as the philosophy, goals, objectives, and needs of the terrorist group. This presents a comparative analysis of three types of terrorists in southwest Asia: Palestinians, Marxist-Leninists, and Muslims. The first section summarizes and compares the three groups' motivational causes, philosop… more
Date: August 1990
Creator: Zonozy, Nassrullah Y. (Nassrullah Yeganeh)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Managing Water Resources in the Tigris and Euphrates Drainage Basin: An Inquiry into the Policy Process

Description: The Tigris and Euphrates are international rivers vital to the four countries through which they flow: Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. The population in the region has more than doubled in less than thirty years, and irrigated agriculture, hydroelectric power generation, industrialization, and urbanization have increased. All of these developments require more water, and the dependence of the riparian nations on the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers has become apparent, as has the need f… more
Date: August 1984
Creator: Al-Himyari, Abbas Hussien
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

[News Script: Hijacking demands refused]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, relating a news story about the Turkish government rejecting the demands of four young Turkish men holding 66 people hostage on a hijacked plane in Bulgaria.
Date: October 23, 1972, 12:00 p.m.
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Turkey: Background and U.S. Relations In Brief

Description: This report provides information and analysis on Turkish relations with the United States, Russia, Syria, and Kurdish groups. Domestic issues in Turkey include economic issues and President Erdogan's increasing authoritarianism.
Date: June 6, 2018
Creator: Zanotti, Jim & Thomas, Clayton
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Afghanistan Casualties: Military Forces and Civilians

Description: This report presents statistics from a variety of sources on casualties sustained during Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), which began on October 7, 2001, and is ongoing. OEF actions take place primarily in Afghanistan; however, OEF casualties also includes American casualties in Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Guantanamo Bay (Cuba), Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, the Philippines, Seychelles, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Yemen.
Date: August 3, 2011
Creator: Chesser, Susan G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cyprus: Reunification Proving Elusive

Description: Attempts to resolve the Cyprus problem and reunify the island have undergone various levels of negotiation for over 45 years. Talks between Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders have thus far failed to reach a mutually agreed settlement leaving the country with a solution for unification far from being achieved and raising the specter of a possible permanent separation. This report provides a brief overview of the early history of the negotiations, a more detailed review of the negotiations since 2… more
Date: July 26, 2011
Creator: Morelli, Vincent
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The G-20 and International Economic Cooperation: Background and Implications for Congress

Description: This report discusses the background of the G-20 (an international forum for discussing and coordinating economic policies) and some of the issues that it has addressed. It includes historic background on the work of the G-20, information about how the group operates, overviews of G-20 summits, major issues that the group is likely to address and the likely effectiveness of the G-20 in the near future. The members of the G-20 include Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germa… more
Date: March 31, 2011
Creator: Nelson, Rebecca M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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