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open access

North Korea: U.S. Relations, Nuclear Diplomacy, and Internal Situation

Description: This report provides background information on the negotiations over North Korea's nuclear weapons program that began in the early 1990s under the Clinton Administration. As U.S. policy toward Pyongyang evolved through the George W. Bush and Obama presidencies, the negotiations moved from mostly bilateral to the multilateral Six-Party Talks (made up of China, Japan, Russia, North Korea, South Korea, and the United States).
Date: September 13, 2013
Creator: Chanlett-Avery, Emma & Rinehart, Ian E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

China-North Korea Relations

Description: This report provides a brief survey of China-North Korea relations, assesses China's objectives and actions, and raises policy issues for the United States.
Date: December 28, 2010
Creator: Nanto, Dick K. & Manyin, Mark E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

North Korea's Second Nuclear Test: Implications of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1874

Description: This report discusses North Korea's second nuclear test and the implications of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1874. The resolution puts in place a series of sanctions on North Korea's arms sales, luxury goods, and financial transactions related to its weapons programs, and calls upon states to inspect North Korean vessels suspected of carrying such shipments.
Date: April 15, 2010
Creator: Nikitin, Mary Beth; Manyin, Mark E.; Chanlett-Avery, Emma & Nanto, Dick K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

North Korea's 2009 Nuclear Test: Containment, Monitoring, Implications

Description: This report discusses the implications of North Korea's May 25, 2009, underground nuclear test, related issues such as the the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), containment of radioactive materials, and other concerns for Congress, such as improving nuclear monitoring capability.
Date: April 2, 2010
Creator: Medalia, Jonathan
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

External Inputs and North Korea's Confrontation Policy: A Case Study of Linkage Politics

Description: In an inquiry into national behavior, students of international relations treat national data as independent variables. Students of comparative politics treat them as dependent variables in an attempt to compute foreign policy outputs. There is reason to believe that international and comparative studies can be incorporated into a system of linkage politics. This study employs the framework of "linkage politics" of James N. Rosenau in an attempt to investigate the North Korean confrontation pol… more
Date: May 1973
Creator: Kim, Yu-Nam, 1939-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

North Korea: U.S. Relations, Nuclear Diplomacy, and Internal Situation

Description: Although the primary focus of U.S. policy toward North Korea is the nuclear weapons program, there are a host of other issues, which this report explores through an overview of the U.S.-North Korea relationship, including an emphasis on the diplomacy of the Six-Party Talks. Please refer to the list at the end of this report for the full list of CRS reports focusing on other North Korean issues.
Date: November 10, 2010
Creator: Chanlett-Avery, Emma & Taylor, Mi Ae
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

North Korea's Nuclear Weapons: Technical Issues

Description: This report summarizes what is known from open sources about the North Korean nuclear weapons program - including weapons-usable fissile material and warhead estimates - and assesses current developments in achieving denuclearization.
Date: July 1, 2009
Creator: Nikitin, Mary Beth
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ballistic Missile Defense in the Asia-Pacific Region: Cooperation and Opposition

Description: This report presents background information and discusses potential issues for Congress relating to U.S. ballistic missile defense (BMD) efforts in the Asia-Pacific region. These efforts pose several potential policy, funding, and oversight issues for Congress. Decisions that Congress makes on these issues could affect U.S. defense funding requirements and military capabilities, and U.S. relations with countries in the Asia Pacific region, including China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, and A… more
Date: April 3, 2015
Creator: Rinehart, Ian E.; Hildreth, Steven A. & Lawrence, Susan V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear Weapons R&D Organizations in Nine Nations

Description: This report describes the organizations controlling research and development (R&D) on nuclear weapons in several nations, and presents a brief history of the organizations controlling nuclear weapons R&D in the United States. It discusses whether these organizations are civilian or military, though in many nations the lines between civilian and military are blurred.
Date: January 25, 2010
Creator: Medalia, Jonathan
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

North Korea's Nuclear Weapons: Technical Issues

Description: This report summarizes what is known from open sources about the North Korean nuclear weapons program--including weapons-usable fissile material and warhead estimates--and assesses current developments in achieving denuclearization.
Date: May 5, 2009
Creator: Nikitin, Mary Beth
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Korea-U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress

Description: This report outlines the various elements of the bilateral relations between both the U.S. and North Korea and the U.S. and South Korea, especially nuclear nonproliferation agreements, nuclear dismantlement policies, and U.S. military troop withdrawals from South Korea.
Date: January 12, 2010
Creator: Niksch, Larry A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

North Korea's Nuclear Weapons: Technical Issues

Description: This report summarizes what is known from open sources about the North Korean nuclear weapons program--including weapons-usable fissile material and warhead estimates--and assesses current developments in achieving denuclearization.
Date: February 12, 2009
Creator: Nikitin, Mary Beth
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

North Korea's Nuclear Weapons: Technical Issues

Description: This report summarizes what is known from open sources about the North Korean nuclear weapons program--including weapons-usable fissile material and warhead estimates--and assesses current developments in achieving denuclearization.
Date: December 16, 2009
Creator: Nikitin, Mary Beth
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

North Korea: U.S. Relations, Nuclear Diplomacy, and Internal Situation

Description: North Korea has presented one of the most vexing and persistent problems in U.S. foreign policy in the post-Cold War period. The United States has never had formal diplomatic relations with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (the official name for North Korea), although contact at a lower level has ebbed and flowed over the years. Negotiations over North Korea's nuclear weapons program have occupied the past three U.S. administrations, even as some analysts anticipated a collapse of the … more
Date: December 5, 2014
Creator: Chanlett-Avery, Emma & Rinehart, Ian E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

North Korea: Back on the State Sponsors of Terrorism Lists?

Description: This report discusses questions about North Korea's relationship with terrorists, state sponsors of terrorism, and terrorist attacks as well as the possible implications on re-designating North Korea in the list of sponsors of terrorism.
Date: January 21, 2015
Creator: Manyin, Mark E.; Chanlett-Avery, Emma; Rennack, Dianne E.; Rinehart, Ian E. & Rollins, John W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

North Korea: Back on the Terrorism List?

Description: This report describes the rationales for including North Korea on the terrorism list from 1987- 2008, for North Korea's delisting in 2008, and the debate in 2010 over whether to re-list North Korea.
Date: May 24, 2010
Creator: Manyin, Mark E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

China-North Korea Relations

Description: This report provides a brief survey of China-North Korea relations, assesses China's objectives and actions, and raises policy issues for the United States.
Date: January 22, 2010
Creator: Nanto, Dick K.; Manyin, Mark E. & Dumbaugh, Kerry
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

North Korean Counterfeiting of U.S. Currency

Description: The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of what is known from open sources on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's (DPRK or North Korea), alleged counterfeiting of U.S. currency, examine North Korean motives and methods, and discuss U.S. interests and policy options.
Date: June 12, 2009
Creator: Nanto, Dick K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

North Korea's 2009 Nuclear Test: Containment, Monitoring, Implications

Description: This report discusses the implications of North Korea's May 25, 2009, underground nuclear test, related issues such as the the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), containment of radioactive materials, and other concerns for Congress, such as improving nuclear monitoring capability.
Date: November 24, 2010
Creator: Medalia, Jonathan
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

North Korea's Second Nuclear Test: Implications of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1874

Description: The United Nations Security Council unanimously passed Res. 1874 on June 12, 2009, in response to North Korea's second nuclear test. The resolution puts in place a series of sanctions on North Korea's arms sales, luxury goods, and financial transactions related to its weapons programs, and calls upon states to inspect North Korean vessels suspected of carrying such shipments. This report summarizes and analyzes Res. 1874.
Date: July 1, 2009
Creator: Nikitin, Mary Beth; Manyin, Mark E.; Chanlett-Avery, Emma; Nanto, Dick K. & Niksch, Larry A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

North Korea: Economic Leverage and Policy Analysis

Description: This report discusses the current political and economic state of North Korea, especially in regards to cooperative international efforts to dismantle North Korea's nuclear program and its trading relationships with China and Russia, especially.
Date: June 4, 2009
Creator: Nanto, Dick K. & Chanlett-Avery, Emma
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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