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open access

[Clipping: Hallan la Cabeza de Mujer Descuartizada]

Description: Newspaper clipping headlines the discovery of a head belonging to a dismembered woman. Upon further investigation by the police and firefighters in Itagüí, more body parts have been found. The newspaper clipping also includes information about a dog show, a body found in a river, and other local news.
Date: unknown
Creator: Martinez A., Rodrigo
Partner: Castleberry Peace Institute
open access

[Clipping: Asesinaron a un Chivero en Belén Rincón]

Description: Newspaper clipping describes the murder of a goatkeeper in Belén Rincón. The man was driving down a street when he was shot several times. Police have ruled out the possibility of the event being a robbery, the victim's wallet and other items of value were untouched. The newpaper clipping also reports that two bodies have been found in Rio Porce.
Date: unknown
Creator: Lozano Perafán, Diana
Partner: Castleberry Peace Institute

[People meeting on a rooftop]

Description: Photograph of people waiting to access a rooftop. Some individuals are already there and seem to be conversing with each other or enjoying the view. A majority are wearing backpacks, it is possible this is a popular tourist spot.
Date: unknown
Partner: Castleberry Peace Institute

[Altavista's Cultural Week]

Description: Photograph of people enjoying Altavista's Cultural Week. Two people are dressed in cultural clothing below the sign. Some people are enjoying the festivities from balconies while others are walking through the street.
Date: unknown
Partner: Castleberry Peace Institute
open access

Historia del barrio San Jose del Manzanillo

Description: The Community Action board of San Jose de Manzanillo wrote this report about the history of San Jose. Starting from 1915, with houses made of straw and wood, to its current state. Holidays and food that are special to the community of San Jose are also mentioned. Important local and Community Action board elections are included as well.
Date: unknown
Creator: Junta de Accion Comunal- San Jose del Manzanillo
Partner: Castleberry Peace Institute
open access

Aguas Frías: Caminando por las Microcuencas

Description: Pamphlet showcases the Agua Frías community. Local youth groups are very active in making a difference and helping out neighbors. The elders of the community gather weekly in order to reflect and talk about their younger days. A page is dedicated to the hardworking woman of Aguas Frías who work the fields.
Date: unknown
Creator: Alcaldía de Medellín
Partner: Castleberry Peace Institute

[Party game with Children]

Description: Photograph of multiple children standing in a circle. They are playing a party game that involves balloons. Some popped balloons can be seen on the pavement and a woman appears to be explaining the game to a younger child.
Date: unknown
Partner: Castleberry Peace Institute
open access

[Clipping: Del Olvido no Escapan ni los Muertos]

Description: Newspaper clipping explains that a local cemetery is having many problems. It was not taken care of the way it should have and due to weather, some remains have been exposed. Updates of a man living a double life for the past six years are also included.
Date: unknown
Creator: El Colombiano
Partner: Castleberry Peace Institute
open access

Corregimiento de Altavista: Valorar Nuestro Pasado, Reconocer el Presente y Planear Nuestro Futuro

Description: This report contains the history of Altavista and what the future might look like for the area. The Table of Contents begins on page 7. The report is split into chapters, each covering a town. Important holidays, myths/legends, geography, and local traditions are discussed.
Date: April 2009
Creator: Mauricio Pérez Flórez
Partner: Castleberry Peace Institute
open access

Sistema de Trueke en Santa Elena

Description: Pamphlet describing the market in Santa Elena. Lists of products, services, and classes are provided. New members can fill out a form that describes what they offer and what they would like to see from the market.
Date: unknown
Creator: Alcaldía de Medellín
Partner: Castleberry Peace Institute
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