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The Heart of Librarianship: A Literature Review of Outreach in Academic Libraries

Description: Presentation that provides a summary of the literature on library outreach and indicates how the literature review has impacted outreach developments at the UNT Libraries. Outreach has a positive impact on student success, but a clear definition of what outreach is looms beyond the literature. Intermixed with marketing, advertising, broader engagement methods, and social media use, outreach has become a catch-all term for activities that bring awareness to library resources, services, programs,… more
Date: June 11, 2021
Creator: Henson, Brea
Partner: UNT Libraries

Cross-Language Comparison of Mismatched Annotation in Interlinear-Glossed Texts

Description: This presentation explores the variation in interlinear-glossed text (IGT) in 5 closely related South-Central Tibeto-Burman languages with verb stem alternation, reduplicated adverbial modifiers, and pre-verbal directionals. While IGT is a rich representation of language, IGT for even closely related languages can look markedly different due to individual linguists’ divergent analyses. In comparing the discrepancies between representations of such features, we gain insight into the underlying a… more
Date: January 8, 2021
Creator: Burke, Mary & Chelliah, Shobhana Lakshmi
Partner: UNT College of Information

In the Know UNT Library Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Activities

Description: Presentation highlighting the activities of the UNT Libraries regarding DEIA (diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility). It was hosted by the UNT Libraries' Dean Council and the Library Council for Diversity and Inclusion.
Date: December 20, 2021
Creator: McIntosh, Marcia; Brannon, Sian; Roy, Meranda M.; Dooley, Yvonne; Gieringer, Morgan Davis; Cleveland, Susannah, 1972- et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Leveraging Digital Library Infrastructure to Build a Language Archive

Description: Presentation describing the ongoing CoRSAL (Computational Resource for South Asian Languages) project, including background on the UNT Digital Library infrastructure and metadata schema, specific fields that have presented issues or areas of discussion for language data records (language, creator/contributor, and relation), and final conclusions about the collaboration so far.
Date: September 30, 2021
Creator: Phillips, Mark Edward & Tarver, Hannah
Partner: UNT Libraries

Collaborative Clusters: Rethinking User Needs and Breaking Down Barriers

Description: University of North Texas Libraries established an innovative centralized system designed to increase transparency, evidence-based decision-making, and user-centeredness. A series of internal focus groups have revealed that traditional structures continue to silo and homogenize collections. How can libraries better design electronic collections to serve the needs of underserved users? It was presented at the Electronic Resources & Libraries conference held on March 8-11, 2021.
Date: March 10, 2021
Creator: Dawson, Jill & Crawford, Laurel
Partner: UNT Libraries

Creating a Local Usage Collection System: PySUSHI

Description: Presentation discussing the design and implementation of a built-in-house usage collection system for electronic resource usage via release 4 and release 5 of the SUSHI protocol, as well as the design and integration of additional modules for the loading of manually downloaded COUNTER reports.
Date: 2021-11-01/2021-11-04
Creator: Hergert, Christopher; Harker, Karen & Byrne, Sephra
Partner: UNT Libraries

Instructional Videos as Tools for Student Learning: Purpose and Practice

Description: Presentation on the creation and use of instructional videos in the UNT Libraries. This poster presentation describes their video production process, how these videos have supported student learning, and an example of an instructional video we created. Instructional videos are one major online resource that the University of North Texas Libraries provides to students. Librarians create a variety of online videos on topics that supplement course materials and instruction sessions. It was presen… more
Date: October 15, 2021
Creator: Volpe, Amelia & Roy, Meranda M.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Establishing a Smooth Video Production Workflow

Description: Presentation covers a 5-step video creation workflow to produce educational videos. It was presented at the 2021 Virtual Conference of the Texas Distance Learning Association (TxDLA) held on April 20-23, 2021.
Date: April 22, 2021
Creator: Roy, Meranda M.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Open Access and Open Educational Resources for Equitable Scholarly Communication: Rethinking Educational Planning Post-COVID

Description: Presentation that discusses Open Access (OA) and Open Educational Resources (OER) in light of the iniquities in scholarly communication that were made more apparent by the COVID-19 pandemic. This presentation discusses how OA and OER can address social justice concerns, improve scholarly communication, and facilitate equitable educational planning.
Date: October 14, 2021
Creator: Alemneh, Daniel Gelaw & Ford, Angela Y.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Utilizing TikTok for Library Peer-to-Peer Outreach

Description: This poster will cover the results and experiences of using Tiktok as a form of peer-to-peer outreach to share research tips with other college students. Specific examples, learned best practices, and future plans for improvement will be discussed. It was presented at the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Distance and Online Learning Virtual Poster Session held April 26-30, 2021.
Date: 2021-04-26/2021-04-30
Creator: Brents, Madison; Diaz, Sarah & Chung, Frances
Partner: UNT Libraries

North-South Scholarly Collaboration: Opportunities & Experiences in Africa

Description: Presentation given to stimulate future north-south collaborations by increasing awareness of both funded opportunities and low budget initiatives for scholarly exchanges and collaborations, benefits for scholars and their institutions in developed and developing countries, and best practices with respect to north-south collaborations and scholarly exchanges.
Date: October 31, 2021
Creator: Sonnenwald, Diane H.; Fourie, Ina; Raju, Jaya; Julien, Heidi; Alemneh, Daniel Gelaw & Rorissa, Abebe
Partner: UNT Libraries

"Unity in Diversity": A Conversation around the Interdisciplinary Identity of Information Science

Description: Presentation on the Interdisciplinarity of Information Science with the goal to engage researchers and educators in a discussion about ways in which information science can remain a diverse field, realize its full potential, build a strong identity, and delineate the roles of stakeholders in diversity, as well as identify potential barriers.
Date: November 2, 2021
Creator: Rorissa, Abebe; Iyer, Hemalata; Potnis, Devendra; Caidi, Nadia & Alemneh, Daniel Gelaw
Partner: UNT Libraries

Fostering Student Employee Engagement: Creating a Sense of Ownership Through Task Sharing Initiatives

Description: Presentation describing how student supervisors developed a task sharing and reporting mechanism to encourage teamwork and improve student engagement. Student supervisors of the Access Services Department are committed to creating a positive and effective work environment while ensuring accountability and productivity. In order to improve students' work experience, the supervisors developed tools and techniques which have increased student engagement in the department operations and empowered t… more
Date: November 17, 2021
Creator: Akers, Emily; Baskett, Pilar; Knox, Briana & Keshmiripour, Setareh
Partner: UNT Libraries

A quick update about the Hungarian web archive

Description: Presentation for the IIPC General Assembly and Web Archiving Conference virtually held on June 14-16, 2021. This presentation on the progress of Hungarian web archiving including information on the government degree on web archiving, new legislation, and the beginning of social media archiving.
Date: June 14, 2021
Creator: Németh, Márton
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium

Drawing attention with special collections

Description: Presentation for the IIPC General Assembly and Web Archiving Conference virtually held on June 14-16, 2021. This presentation illustrates the author's efforts to raise awareness about the National Library of Luxembourg's web archiving initiative, by spotlighting the special collections on, with an easily accessible exploration of the captured information and a descriptive presentation about topics with universal appeal.
Date: June 16, 2021
Creator: Els, Ben
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium

Trust in

Description: Presentation for the IIPC General Assembly and Web Archiving Conference virtually held on June 14-16, 2021. This presentation was a part of the Trust in Web Archives panel. It highlights the increased adoption of and steps taken to ensure users trust the service.
Date: June 16, 2021
Creator: Stanton, Clare
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium

[Web heritage of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel]

Description: Presentation for the IIPC General Assembly and Web Archiving Conference virtually held on June 14-16, 2021. This presentation introduces the content archived by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Date: 2021-06-15/2021-06-16
Creator: Soetens, Ellen
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium

Making the most of Legal Deposit in the UK Web Archive

Description: Presentation for the IIPC General Assembly and Web Archiving Conference virtually held on June 14-16, 2021. This presentation explores some limitations of the UK Web Archive (UKWA) and the steps taken to remove some of these barriers to using the web archive collection.
Date: June 16, 2021
Creator: Webber, Jason
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium

The Whole Earth Web Archive

Description: Presentation for the IIPC General Assembly and Web Archiving Conference virtually held on June 14-16, 2021. This presentation discusses the Internet Archive's Whole Earth Web Archive (WEWA) and its conceptual and technical work, including prior projects and technical work to provide improved access to specific, valuable subsets of the overall global web archive behind the Wayback Machine.
Date: June 15, 2021
Creator: Bailey, Jefferson
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
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