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[Oral history interview with Dan Reich]

Description: Oral history interview with Dan Reich. Topics covered include Reich's career in museums and his relationship with Duane Puryear, an AIDS activist who died from complications from AIDS. Reich says that Puryear went by the name "Tag" when he knew him.
Date: 2019-08~
Duration: 1 hour 23 minutes 47 seconds
Creator: Testa, Nino
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
captions transcript

Improving Digital Access to Zines

Description: Recording of a presentation session at the 2015 Digital Frontiers Annual Conference. In this session, the presenter discusses the history role of zines and the benefits of making zine archives accessible to a wider audience.
Date: September 2015
Duration: 20 minutes 08 seconds
Creator: Dolan, Holly & Seiple, Lizzie
Partner: UNT Libraries
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