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Description: Recording of Jonty Harrison's Eq for live saxophone and tape. It is the third in a series of works that features saxophones. This piece like the others, is also concerned with 'cu' (here made manifest by the interaction of live saxophone and recorded sounds on tape), 'Q' (a filter is used to sweet the producing melodic material out of static harmony) and spatial articulation. 'EQ' is studio slang for 'equalization - a more sophisticated version of the treble and bass controls on a domestic hi-f… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1980
Duration: 15 minutes 06 seconds
Creator: Harrison, Jonty, 1952-
Partner: UNT Music Library

Poema Reiterado

Description: Recording of Ricardo Mandolini's Poema Reiterado using the voice of Leonardo Martinez reciting Mandolini's own poem "Palabras" in an electro-acoustic composition. All sound material are disengaged from the speech of the spoken text (Sprachkomposition) which embodies the idea of the ancient synthesis between text and music. Realized at the Studio of the Musikhochschule in Cologne, Germany in 1983.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1983
Duration: 10 minutes 56 seconds
Creator: Mandolini, Ricardo, 1950-
Partner: UNT Music Library


Description: Recording of Andrew Lewis's Logos. "Acousmatic" music for fixed medium (stereo).
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1984
Duration: 30 minutes 07 seconds
Creator: Lewis, Andrew, 1963-
Partner: UNT Music Library

Pot Pourri

Description: Recording of Alain Thibault and Marcelle Deschenes's "Pot Pourri," a reduced version of the multimedia work OPERAaaAAH.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1984
Duration: 25 minutes 17 seconds
Creator: Thibault, Alain, 1956- & Deschênes, Marcelle, 1939-
Partner: UNT Music Library

Nazca Liftoff et Time Arroyo

Description: Recording of David Rosenboom's "Nazca liftoff et Time Arroyo." David Rosenboom: Nazca Liftoff and Time Arroyo. Nazca Liftoff and Time Arroyo are two sections of a series of seven pieces composed for the album, "Voyage Futur." These are two examples of what the author calls "high performance." These pieces are completely based on algorithms. Direct actions to the computer have the effect of directing the algorithm process to crucial branches and selecting sets of musical materials and / or relat… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1981
Duration: 8 minutes 04 seconds
Creator: Rosenboom, David
Partner: UNT Music Library

The silent god

Description: Recording of Mauro Graziani's The silent god. It is a sound processing work, no synthesized sounds are involved. The beginning sound materials are sounds often used in religious rites and ceremonies, hence the title. Sound material includes: Japanese gongs, Tibetan and Chinese bells, Tibetan trumpets, gamelan, Indian and Middle-eastern harp, western organ, aeolian harp, voices. Processing includes filtering, time and/or pitch changing, delays, freezing, cutting, and mixing. The work was realize… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1980
Duration: 9 minutes 54 seconds
Creator: Graziani, Mauro, 1954-
Partner: UNT Music Library


Description: Recording of Eugeniusz Rudnik's Lekcja.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1965
Duration: 15 minutes 11 seconds
Creator: Rudnik, Eugeniusz
Partner: UNT Music Library

Pour bande et instruments divers

Description: Recording of Bogusław Schäffer's "Pour bande et instruments divers" ("For tape and various instruments")
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1977
Duration: 14 minutes 31 seconds
Creator: Schäffer, Bogusław
Partner: UNT Music Library

Gestes III : douceurs

Description: Recording of Peter Tod Lewis's Gestes III : douceurs.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1979
Duration: 7 minutes 25 seconds
Creator: Lewis, Peter Tod
Partner: UNT Music Library

Anna's Magic Garden

Description: Recording of Trevor Wishart's Anna's Magic Garden. It is an impressionist work that attempts to recreate the agitation of the world from the view of a three-year-old child. The voice is that of his daughter, Anne Ruth. The piece contains sounds both concrete and synthesized. Recorded over five weeks in the studios of San José State University and University of Texas, Austin.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1982
Duration: 10 minutes 01 second
Creator: Wishart, Trevor
Partner: UNT Music Library

La Tête d'Orphée II

Description: Recording of Elżbieta Sikora's La Tête d'Orphée II. the piece is based on the story of Orpheus returning from hell to find Euridice. Commissioned by the Experimental Studio at the Polish Radio in Warsaw in 1981 and was composed in the same studio with the technical collaboration of Barbara Okon-Makowska. It was premiered during the "Warsaw Autumn" festival in September 1981.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1981
Duration: 24 minutes 52 seconds
Creator: Sikora, Elżbieta, 1943-
Partner: UNT Music Library

Mu Song

Description: Recording of Richard Karpen's Mu Song. Karpen used the programs "Music II" sound synthesis language and "Score II" not list preprocessor in the composition of this piece. It was realized at the Center for Computer Music at Brooklyn College, City University of New York.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1983
Duration: 18 minutes 59 seconds
Creator: Karpen, Richard, 1957-
Partner: UNT Music Library


Description: Recording of Gottfried Martin's Pax for tape. Includes electronic and natural sounds, including voice, news recordings, and recordings of war sounds.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1983
Duration: 18 minutes 03 seconds
Creator: Martin, Gottfried
Partner: UNT Music Library

Les mouvements mousseux

Description: Recording of Tamas Ungvary's "Les mouvements mousseux." This piece was commissioned by Polish Radio. Most of the sounds and sound textures were created in Stockholm in the computer studio of EMS. Singing voices were generated by MUSSE, a vocal synthesizer developed at the Center for Speech Communication Research and Musical Acoustics of the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The three movements of the composition grow out of the material itself. Both additive synthesis and FM synthesis… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1980
Duration: 13 minutes 33 seconds
Creator: Ungvary, Tamas, 1936-
Partner: UNT Music Library

Naissance et agonie de ma lampe de chevet

Description: Recording of Michel Redolfi's "Naissance et agonie de ma lampe de chevet" ("Birth and agony of my bedside lamp").
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1981?
Duration: 10 minutes 14 seconds
Creator: Redolfi, Michel, 1951-
Partner: UNT Music Library

Des nombres et des mots

Description: Recording of Louis Chretiennot's "Des nombres et des mots." The piece begins with a man reciting numbers 1-10 in French; after the first reading, electronic manipulation is added.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1983
Duration: 13 minutes 43 seconds
Creator: Chrétiennot, Louis 1954-
Partner: UNT Music Library


Description: Recording of Werner Kaegi's Conversations: Partie 3: Vers d'autres jeux.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1982
Duration: 15 minutes 31 seconds
Creator: Kaegi, Werner
Partner: UNT Music Library

Métabole n° 1

Description: Recording of Roland Cahen's Métabole n° 1. The atmosphere of the piece is that of a place of "dark clouds like the sky of Flanders." It was realized at the IPEM of Ghent in Belgium headed by Lucien Goethals. The piece is one of Cahen's first musical compositions.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1983
Duration: 7 minutes 31 seconds
Creator: Cahen, Roland 1958-
Partner: UNT Music Library


Description: Recording of Dieter Kaufmann's Chanson.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1971
Duration: 8 minutes 22 seconds
Creator: Kaufmann, Dieter
Partner: UNT Music Library

Music for S

Description: Recording of Stanislaw Krupowicz's Music for S. The work is a computer generated tape, composed at CCRMA, Stanford University using additive synthesis and John Chowning's voice simulation instrument.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: March 10, 1984
Duration: 9 minutes 19 seconds
Creator: Krupowicz, Stanisław, 1952-
Partner: UNT Music Library


Description: Recording of Larry Austin's Clipperfix-Supersong.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1983
Duration: 14 minutes
Creator: Austin, Larry
Partner: UNT Music Library

In a World

Description: Recording of Chris Chafe's "In a World" for cello and computer sound. Computer sounds were realized at Stanford University's Center of Computer Research in Music and Acoustics. Software was created to control legato phrasing of singing voice models, and to perturb them in direction of other instrumental sounds,
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1983
Duration: 9 minutes 27 seconds
Creator: Chafe, Chris
Partner: UNT Music Library

Balthasar's Traum

Description: Recording of Frank Corcoran's "Balthasar's Traum" performed at the Electronic Studio of the Berlin Technical University in close cooperation with Folkmar Hein. The work is based on an idea of a short story by Jorge Luis Borge and the Gospel of St. Mark about Balthasar Espinosa, a man who becomes involved with the Gutres people of Pampa and eventually dies by being hanged on a cross by the same people with whom he was so fascinated. It takes place in the great plains of the Pampa where Baltasar… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1981
Duration: 12 minutes 57 seconds
Creator: Corcoran, Frank
Partner: UNT Music Library

Fabulas, II Parte

Description: Recording of Ricardo Mandolini's "Fabulas, II Parte" ("Fables, second part"). The sound material is made up of both concrete and electronic sounds, often processed. There are two distinct sections to the piece, marked by differences in tempo, rhythmic character, and differences of size. This work is the continuation of the "Fabulas" piece, composed at the IPEM studio in 1979. It was composed and realized at the studio of the Technical University of Berlin in 1980 with technical collaboration by… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1980
Duration: 10 minutes 25 seconds
Creator: Mandolini, Ricardo, 1950-
Partner: UNT Music Library
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