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Description: Recording of Jürgen Bräuninger's Tans-Trypticon.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1979
Duration: 34 minutes 11 seconds
Creator: Bräuninger, Jürgen
Partner: UNT Music Library

Setting for spirituals

Description: Recording of Joel Chadabe's Setting for spirituals.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1977
Duration: 18 minutes 08 seconds
Creator: Chadabe, Joel
Partner: UNT Music Library

The waste land

Description: Recording of Elżbieta Sikora's The waste land, for fixed media. The piece is a journey through time and spaces. The present is mixed with the past, the ordinary with the extraordinary, dream with reality. The work was commissioned by the Experimental Studio of Polish Radio and was realized in October 1979. The text comes from T. Elliot's poem "The Waste Land."
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1979
Duration: 24 minutes 09 seconds
Creator: Sikora, Elżbieta, 1943-
Partner: UNT Music Library

Daisy story

Description: Recording of Bohdan Mazurek's Daisy Story. Key sonorities include the twittering of birds, the croaking of frogs, and vocal phrases as well as whispers, laughter and shouts. The piece was realizes at the Polish Radio Experimental Studio in Warsaw.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1979
Duration: 19 minutes 12 seconds
Creator: Mazurek, Bohdan
Partner: UNT Music Library

Yttringar (utterances)

Description: Recording of Åke Parmerud's "Yttringar (utterances)." Form and material derived from the Fibbonacci-series. One of the goals of the piece is to avoid the regular behavior of instruments and electroacoustic sounds as clearly separated entities by creating rapid "shadowings" between the tape-part and the live-part. The piece is performed with the conductor hearing a separate channel click-track in a head-phoneset, enabling him to keep in perfect sync with the tape-part.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1982/1983
Duration: 18 minutes 02 seconds
Creator: Parmerud, Åke, 1953-
Partner: UNT Music Library


Description: Recording of Philip Rosenberg's Assemblage for tape.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1973
Duration: 5 minutes 37 seconds
Creator: Rosenberg, Philip
Partner: UNT Music Library

Six dark questions

Description: Recording of Dexter Morrill's Six dark questions performed by Neva Pilgrim, soprano. The piece is designed for soprano and a single electronic speaker. It is a voice drama in which the questions form an inquiry into the structure of the personality. At the outset of the piece, both singer and electronic device are defined in lifeless, mechanical terms; but as the questions are put forward one by one, more and more is revealed about the well hidden emotions in the individual. At first, the singe… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1979
Duration: 14 minutes 07 seconds
Creator: Morrill, Dexter
Partner: UNT Music Library


Description: Recording of Werner Kaegi's Conversations: Partie 3: Vers d'autres jeux.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1982
Duration: 15 minutes 31 seconds
Creator: Kaegi, Werner
Partner: UNT Music Library


Description: Recording of Alain Marchal's Los. The sound material includes percussive metal events and often violent, simple chords of three soprano voices. These elements are antagonistic to one another, where the percussive sounds attack, alter and kill the chords sung by the soprano voices. "Los" in German means "foward!" As a suffix, however, it indicated deprivation or absence. L.O.S. are also the initial of the first words of the sentence by Dante at the gates of Hell "Lasciate Ogni Speranza voi ch'en… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1982
Duration: 8 minutes 46 seconds
Partner: UNT Music Library

Speeches for Dr. Frankenstein

Description: Recording of Bruce Pennycook's Speeches for Dr. Frankenstein performed by Laurel Miller. The piece is for soprano and computer-generated tape. it was commissioned through the Canada Council for the Arts by Nera Pilgrim (soprano) and Dexter Morrill of Colgate University. It is a setting of four of the ten stanzas of the poem by Margaret Atwood, Canada's leading female author. This work has recieved numerous performances by Ms. Pilgrim and other in Canada and the U.S. This recording is a live per… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1982
Duration: 14 minutes 54 seconds
Creator: Pennycook, Bruce, 1949-
Partner: UNT Music Library


Description: Recording of John van Buren's Omion, performed by Monika Hölszky-Wiedemann, violin. "Omion" is the name of an archaic Byzantine melody-form. the piece revolves around the violin melody which interacts with various sound structures and is overwhelmed by a vast sound continuum at the end.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1980
Duration: 12 minutes 19 seconds
Creator: Van Buren, John, 1952-
Partner: UNT Music Library

Rosaces 4

Description: Recording of Jonty Harrison's Rosaces 4 for four amplified voices, stereo fixed medium and four-channel tape. For the tourist, Notre Dame de Chartres may be just one more 'sight' amongst the gothic cathedrals of northern France, only notable perhaps for having more of its original medieval glass than most of the others. But why are the three rosaces (rose windows) at the Chartres considered by experts to be amongst the hour greatest ever produced? Why is the building 46°54' off the normal west-… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1982
Duration: 14 minutes 45 seconds
Creator: Harrison, Jonty, 1952-
Partner: UNT Music Library

Pacem mundo

Description: Recording of Iván Patachich's "Pacem mundo" ("World Peace") for tape. Uses both concrete and electronic sound materials. The piece begins with a vocal ensemble with a soprano soloist that eventually becomes noticeably electronically manipulated. From then on, the piece switches between the vocal ensemble and other electronic sound material.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1980
Duration: 9 minutes 41 seconds
Creator: Patachich, Iván
Partner: UNT Music Library

P = Pinocchio ?

Description: Recording of Jukka Tiensuu's P = Pinocchio ? for six interpreters, computer-generated tapes and computer system for real-time compositional processes.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1982
Duration: 26 minutes 09 seconds
Creator: Tiensuu, Jukka
Partner: UNT Music Library
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