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open access

Human Round Trip to Mars: Six Months and Radiation Safe

Description: Paper describing a proposal to send a crew on a round trip to Mars that will be relatively fast and safe from radiation dosage from cosmic rays and other sources. It includes background information, descriptions with figures, and discussion regarding a single trip or continuous trips to Mars.
Date: 1991
Creator: Lazareth, Otto W.; Schmidt, Eldon; Ludewig, Hans & Powell, James R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Production of the Light Rare Earths in the Massive Metallic State

Description: Abstract: "Cerium, lanthanum, praseodymium and neodymium metals have been prepared in high purity in the massive state by reducing the appropriate rare earth chloride with calcium metal, using iodine as an auxiliary oxidant. Vacuum remelting of the product metal is employed to eliminate small amounts of calcium and magnesium. Attempted reductions of samarium and yttrium halides have not been successful."
Date: 1951
Creator: Spedding, F. H.; Wilhelm, Harley A.; Keller, W. H.; Ahmann, D. H.; Daane, A. H.; Hach, C. C. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Medical and Health Physics Quarterly Report: July - September 1950

Description: The following quarterly report covers the period of July through September of 1950, split into three reports discussing the metabolic properties of plutonium and allied materials, biological studies of radiation effects, and health chemistry and physics.
Date: November 8, 1950
Creator: Hamilton, J. G.; Lawrence, J. H. & Garden, N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Medical and Health Physics Quarterly Report: October - December 1953

Description: The following quarterly report covers a period between October, November, December of 1953 to April of 1954. The document provides reports on medical and health physics, particularly on the biological studies of radiation effects, the metabolic properties of various materials, radiation chemistry, health chemistry, and health physics.
Date: April 1954
Creator: Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Medical and Health Physics Quarterly Report: January - March 1954

Description: The following quarterly report covers the period of January, February and March of 1954, discussing medical and health physics such as: the metabolic properties of various materials, biological studies of radiation effects, lipoprotein studies, health chemistry, and health physics.
Date: May 16, 1954
Creator: Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Medical and Health Physics Quarterly Report: April - June 1954

Description: The following quarterly report covers the period between April, May and June of 1954. The reports presented in this document discusses subjects of medical health and physics such as: biological studies of radiation effects, the metabolic properties of various tracer materials, radiation chemistry, health chemistry, and health physics.
Date: July 29, 1954
Creator: Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Medical and Health Physics Quarterly Report: January - March 1952

Description: A report about the preliminary studies which have been continued on the metabolism of fission products which were available at and obtained from Oak Ridge. These studies were conducted on rats after the fission products were made physiologically compatible.
Date: 1956~
Creator: Hamilton, Joseph G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

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Description: The design criteria are written to supply information for the preparation of a project proposal covering budget item B-2265 for Fiscal Year 1956. The function of in-line instrumentation installed shall be the rapid on-the-spot analysis of process variables for quick presentation to process operators for immediate action in process control. Alarm or safety circuits may be incorporated on the equipment.
Date: February 22, 1956
Creator: Hildreth, N. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health Physics Division Annual Progress Report: Period Ending June 30, 1976

Description: Annual report for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Health Physics Division including sections on medical physics and internal dosimetry; chemical physics and spectroscopy; biological and radiation physics; assessment technology; emergency technology; analytic dosimetry and education group; theses, papers, publications, and lectures; and miscellaneous staff activities.
Date: October 1976
Creator: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Health Physics Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Penetration of Respiratory Protective Equipment by Ruthenium at Building 202-S

Description: The four types of respirator cartridges used at the 202 S Building were tested against aerosols found at that location, and in the laboratory against non-radioactive gaseous ruthenium tetroxide. Positive penetration of two types of cartridges was shown with one process aerosol. Gaseous ruthenium tetroxide penetrated all types of cartridges tested. Leaks were found in some of the cartridges. Particle size of aerosol particles was measured by means of cascade impactor samples and electron photomi… more
Date: February 21, 1955
Creator: Gill, W. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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