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[Photo of Charlie Francis holding a folder]

Description: Photograph of Charles Inge Francis, the great uncle of Charles C. Francis and NTSU regent, standing in an office space with a Gothic cathedral painting on the wall behind him and a folder or papers in his hand. On the back is a handwritten note that reads "To J. R. Harris my nephew, Sincerely, Charles I. Francis 2-24-69". Beneath that note is a long three paragraph biography of Charles Inge Francis.
Date: February 24, 1969
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

["Trinity: Bridge to Infinity" on display at WBC]

Description: Photograph of the art piece "Trinity: Bridge to Infinity" from a tour of the Wilshire Baptist Church library in Dallas during the 2015 Church and Synagogue Library Association conference. The piece, that simulates stained glass, was on loan at the time of the tour and next to it is a reproduction piece of a stained glass rose window. One of the attendees is taking photos of the two pieces.
Date: July 28, 2015
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Display cabinet and chair]

Description: Photograph of a display cabinet in the Judge Sarah T. Hughes Reading Room that was used for the Owsley Exhibit after the dedication of the Owsley Foyer in Willis Library. In the display case are photos, documents, and a hat from Alvin Owsley and the family. There is a chair next to the case. On the back of the print is a handwritten note that reads "A. M. Willis Library - Owsley Foyer Dedication - Owsley Exhibit - 12-16-1996 0025".
Date: December 16, 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[David Owsley speaking to guests]

Description: Photograph of David Owsley speaking to guests Richard Himmel, Johanna Hurley, Dr. David Kesterson, and Jack Davis during the reception after the dedication of the Owsley Foyer in Willis Library. On the back of the print is a handwritten note that reads "A. M. Willis Library - Owsley Foyer Dedication - Richard Himmel, Joanna Hurley, Dr. Kesterson, Jack Davis, David Owsley, ? 12/16/1996 0013".
Date: December 16, 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Owsley Foyer dedication guests]

Description: Photograph of a group of guests standing together during the reception after the Owsley Foyer dedication. They are (L-R) Richard Himmel, Chancellor Alfred Hurley, Johanna Hurley, Dr. David Kesterson, Jack Davis, and David Owsley. On the back of the print is a handwritten note that reads "A. M. Willis Library - Owsley Foyer Dedication - Richard Himmel, Chancellor Hurley, Joanna Hurley, Dr. David Kesterson, Jack Davis, David Owsley - 12/16/1996 0011".
Date: December 16, 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[A. M. Willis Library details]

Description: Photograph of the exterior of one of the stairwells in Willis Library and the main building. At the top of the building are two rows of protruding cube shapes and a small rounded window. There is also a space between the enclosed stairwell and the main building where a line of windows were placed. On the back of the print is a handwritten note that reads "A. M. Willis, Jr. Library".
Date: 197X
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Student using K/6 stereophones]

Description: Photograph of a student using a set of Koss K/6 stereophones at a listening station in the Music Library at Willis. There is a cassette player on the desk and he is holding up an open score book next to it. On the back of the print is a handwritten note that reads "Library 7-28-78 Music Library".
Date: July 28, 1978
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Display case with sword]

Description: Photograph of one of the display cases used for the Owsley exhibit for the dedication of the Owsley Foyer. Inside of the cabinet is a sword that was owned by Alvin Owsley, two medals, photographs and documents. On the back of the print is a handwritten note that reads "A. M. Willis Library - Owsley Foyer Dedication - Owsley Exhibit - 12-16-1996 0021".
Date: December 16, 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Students moving boxes with job tags]

Description: Photograph of a photograph of students and staff unloading boxes from a truck at the loading dock of Willis Library. They are using a ramp to reach the trailer. Attached to the print are two tags and on the back is a chart for information. The front two mark the customer as NTSU Today and details the pages and size changes that apply to it. One of the tags names the company doing the work "Clark Printing Company" from "Kansas City, MO". On the back is a title "Donations to Willis Library" and n… more
Date: 1985
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Pony Tracks by Frederic Remington]

Description: Photograph of a children's book set on a table that is titled 'Pony Tracks' and was written by Frederic Remington. Drawn on the front is a Native American riding on a horse with a trail of hoof-prints leading back to a cowboy on a horse stamped with US. On the back of the print is a handwritten note that reads "Libraries - Rare books".
Date: [1979..]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Books on table and student reading]

Description: Photograph of a student reading a book by one of the stained glass windows in the Sandborn Room attached to another photograph of a pile of open books laid out on a table. The one of a pile of books is labbeled as "Kodak Safety Film 5071" and "#28". On the back of the print is tape and a handwritten note that reads "Libraries Sandborn Room".
Date: 1987~
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[A. M. Willis Library exterior and note]

Description: Photograph of the exterior of A. M. Willis Library and the Library Mall in front of it on the NTSU campus. There is a typed note on the back along with a stamp and smaller handwritten note. They read "Public Information North Texas State University Denton, Texas 76203", "North Texas State University's new Library, scheduled to open this summer, is designed to eventually house 1.6 million volumes with the addition of the building's Phase II to be build after 1972 and Phase III scheduled after 19… more
Date: [1969..1970]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Tiny picture book in hand]

Description: Photograph of a rare tiny book of pictures and paintings that folds up into a little purse case. The book is in the hand of an employee and at the top is a handwritten note that reads "MUST RETURN TO PAIS AFTER USE." On the back of the print is a handwritten note that reads "Libraries - Rare books".
Date: [1979..]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Catalog card for Ignacio Alvarez's 'A Yaqui Easter sermon']

Description: Photograph of the catalog card for the piece "A Yaqui Easter sermon" by Ignacio Alvarez. The card was the first in a catalog drawer and there are several small stones in front of it for place keeping. The card reads "EASTER; Alvarez, Ignacio, 1892-; A Yaqui Easter sermon. Edited by Muriel Thayer Painter, Refugio Savala, and Ignacio Alvarez. Tucson, University of Arizona Press [1956, 1955]." On the back of the print is a handwritten note that reads "AM Willis Library, interior 1970s".
Date: 197X
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[David Owsley and Dr. Robert LaForte]

Description: Photograph of David Owsley and Dr. Robert La Forte standing and shaking hands in front of the Owsley Foyer dedication plaque. There is a picture above David as well. On the back of the print is a handwritten note that reads "A. M. Willis Library - Owsley Foyer Dedication - David Owsley and Dr. Robert La Forte - 12-16-1996 0019".
Date: December 16, 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Richard Himmel, Dr. David Kesterson, and David Owsley]

Description: Photograph of Richard Himmel, Dr. David Kesterson, and David Owsley speaking to each other at the reception after the dedication of the Owsley Foyer in Willis Library. Behind them is an office space and Chancellor Alfred Hurley. On the back of the print is a handwritten note that reads "A. M. Willis Library - Owsley Foyer Dedication - Chancellor Hurley, Richard Himmel, Dr. David Kesterson, David Owsley 12-16-1996 0015".
Date: December 16, 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Student studying in Willis Library]

Description: Photograph of a student studying in Willis Library at one of the open tables. He is holding open a book in front of him and writing in the notepad beside it. Behind him is a large and long bookshelf full of different materials. On the back of the print is a handwritten note that reads "AM Willis Library [interior] 1970s; Library Servce Dept."
Date: 197X
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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