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open access

The Bobwhite Population Decline: Its History, Genetic Consequences, and Studies on Techniques for Locating and Assessing Current Populations

Description: The northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) population decline is a severe, rangewide phenomenon beginning >150 years ago and continuing today. In this investigation, I: 1. document the timeline of bobwhite population decline and unintended genetic consequences of attempted remedies, 2) develop a model useful for predicting possible locations of potentially sustainable bobwhite populations in semiarid rangeland in Texas and Oklahoma, and 3) examine the relationship between population monitoring… more
Date: May 2019
Creator: Whitt, Jeffrey Glen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Effects of Neonicotinoid Exposure on Embryonic Development and Organ Mass in Northern Bobwhite Quail

Description: Since their emergence in the early 1990s, neonicotinoid use has increased exponentially to make them the world's most prevalent insecticides. Although there is considerable research concerning the lethality of neonicotinoids, their sub-lethal and developmental effects are still being explored, especially with regards to non-mammalian species. The goal of this research was to investigate the effects of the neonicotinoid imidacloprid on the morphological and physiological development of northern … more
Date: May 2016
Creator: Gobeli, Amanda
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Thermal Stress During Pre-Incubation Induces Subsequent Developmental Plasticity in Northern Bobwhites

Description: Northern bobwhite populations have declined concurrent with global warming. The focal period of this study was the 12-d pre-incubation period, when bobwhite eggs remain in the nest without the thermal protection of the incubating parent. This study first established the storage and thermal limits of bobwhite eggs, then investigated how global warming may impact oviparous embryos and how bobwhite embryos react to acute and chronic doses of simulated drought temperatures during pre-incubation. … more
Date: August 2010
Creator: Reyna, Kelly Shane
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Upper lethal temperatures of Northern Bobwhite embryos and the thermal properties of their eggs

Description: This article explores the upper lethal temperature for Bobwhite eggs. Results find that thermal tolerances of Northern Bobwhite embryos are high, indicating an adaptation to the naturally occurring temperature extremes in the Bobwhite's environment. However, the results also indicate that high temperatures could have plausibly contributed to the population decline observed in the Bobwhite's semi-arid range.
Date: January 1, 2012
Creator: Reyna, Kelly S. & Burggren, Warren W.
Partner: UNT College of Science
open access

Translocation as a Population Restoration Technique for Northern Bobwhites: A Review and Synthesis

Description: This paper includes a review and recommendation by the National Bobwhite Technical Committee Science Subcommittee, along with a discussion of the state of science on key aspects of bobwhite conservation, best management practices for translocation, and ways to reduce uncertainty about implementation.
Date: July 25, 2017
Creator: Martin, James A.; Applegate, Roger D.; Dailey, Thomas V.; Downey, Michelle; Emmerich, Beth; Hernández, Fidel et al.
Partner: UNT College of Science
open access

The Southern Corn Rootworm and Farm Practices to Control It

Description: "Of all corn pests in the South one of the most serious is the larva, or young, of the 12-spotted cucumber beetle -- the so-called southern corn rootworm. True to its name, it feeds on the roots, but in young corn it also drills a small hole in the stem just above the first circle of roots, boring out the crown and killing the bud.... Progressive farming methods, as described in this bulletin, will reduce the ravages of this insect. Burn over waste places to destroy dead grass, weeds, and rubbi… more
Date: 1918
Creator: Luginbill, Philip
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Restoration Techniques for Northern Bobwhites

Description: Isolated populations of northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) have declined causing many quail managers to attempt population restoration by releasing captive-reared bobwhites or translocating wild bobwhites. I evaluated three restoration techniques: (1) release of captive-reared bobwhites, (2) translocation of bobwhites from high densities to low densities, and (3) release of captive-reared and translocated bobwhites acclimated on site prior to release. These results show that captive-reare… more
Date: May 2015
Creator: Newman, William L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Cardiovascular Fetal Programming in Quail (Colinus virginianus), An Avian Comparative Model

Description: The consequences of early embryonic insults and how they affect subsequent life reflects the emerging concept of "fetal programming". The aim of this project is to study the effects of embryonic insults as they subsequently manifest themselves in adults, with emphasis on the heart and vasculature. My experiments establish that fetal programming operates on the bobwhite quail inducing similar changes as those observed in mammalians and other birds. The quail's fast development provides reliable … more
Date: December 2016
Creator: Flores Santin, Josele R.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Propagation of Game Birds

Description: "Success in the propagation of game birds has been enjoyed in the United States by individuals, by sportsmen's organizations, and by State game departments. There have been failures, of course, but methods that assure success are known. These are treated concisely in this bulletin.... Developed methods need only be carried out with energy and intelligence to produce satisfactory results. Raising game birds may be made profitable, since the demand exceeds the supply of adult birds for breeding, … more
Date: 1927
Creator: McAtee, W. L. (Waldo Lee), 1883-1962
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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