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[Egypt Mosque Arches, 2001]

Description: Photograph of two doorways inside of an Egyptian mosque. A larger doorway stands on the right side of the room, and a smaller door presses against the room's left wall. There is a large pillar towards the center of the mosque. There is an elaborately decorated window on the room's far wall. [2001, Sinai, Egypt]
Date: 2001
Creator: Doherty, Richard, 1951-
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Cairo Doors to Mosque, 2001]

Description: Photograph of the front steps leading into an Egyptian mosque. A decorative iron gate stands in front of the stairs. A floral sculpture hangs from the roof above the entrance. [2001, Cairo, Egypt]
Date: 2001
Creator: Doherty, Richard, 1951-
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Egypt Mosque 2, 2001]

Description: Photograph of lanterns hanging over a raised platform in a mosque. There is an arched doorway at the platform's back wall which is blocked off by metal bars. The floor in front of the stage is covered with intricately decorated tile. There is a wooden door surrounded by striped tiles on one of the temple's walls. [2001, Sinai, Egypt]
Date: 2001
Creator: Doherty, Richard, 1951-
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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