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open access

[Hurrell Photograph: Pamela Randall]

Description: A front and back spread from the December edition of Esquire Magazine 1940. This spread features a color reproduction of a Hurrell photograph of actress Pamela Randall [1918-1991] followed on the reverse by eight card illustrations featuring reproductive etchings by Howard Baer and descriptive text by Phil Stack.
Date: December 1940
Creator: Hurrell, George; Stack, Phil & Baer, Howard
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
captions transcript

[News Clip: Art (Kimbell)]

Description: Video footage from the KXAS-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, to accompany a news story.
Date: January 23, 1978, 10:00 p.m.
Duration: 1 minute 38 seconds
Creator: KXAS-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Title page for "The Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England"]

Description: Photographs of a book titled "The Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England: Concerning High Treason, and other Pleas of the Crown, and Criminall Causes" held by UNT Special Collections. The first image is a detailed picture of the title page alone. There is a Latin quote from Ecclesiastes 8:11 beneath the title and printing information at the bottom of the page. There are very detailed illustrations around the title making a border with columns, scroll-work, and vines.The second imag… more
Date: October 9, 2014
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Argus pin, lenses, and cloth at angle]

Description: Photograph of an Argus pin with a photo of Byrd Williams III and two lenses from the Byrd Williams Family Photography Collection, held by UNT Special Collections. One of the lenses is propped up and the pin is visible through it. The pieces are resting on top of a folded cloth that has stains and smudges. The pin is engraved at the top with "ARGUS INCORPORATED" and at the bottom with "ANN ARBOR MICH". A small paper section beneath the photograph reads "866".
Date: July 20, 2016
Creator: Sylve, Joshua
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Man swinging an axe at a snake while his wife jumps back in surprise]

Description: Etching and engraving print of a man swinging an axe at a snake. The man appears to be protecting his wife and child who sit in front of a large open hearth. The wife reacts in surprise and fear in the midst of cooking dinner with the child in her lap. This print has a unique ghost image on its verso of a woman dressed in French style fashion with a large wig embellished with feathers.
Date: [1695..1800]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

["The Expedition of Humphry Clinker"; "Burdock refiting the surgeon's attempt to trepan him."]

Description: Etching and engraving print from page 216 of Charles Grignion I's "The Expedition of Humphry Clinker"; "Burdock refiting the surgeon's attempt to trepan him.". The print includes an oval framing the scene with characteristic flourishes of ivy vines surrounding a plaque with the title information. The main figure in the image appears standing on his bed angrily confronting a flustered doctor to a room of terrified onlookers. The print was part of a copy of the picaresque novel "The Expedition of… more
Date: [1695..1800]
Creator: Grignion, Charles the Elder
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

["Residence of Robert H. Rose esq." etching and engraving print]

Description: Etching and engraving titled "Residence of Robert H. Rose Esq." depicts the palatial historic home and grounds owned by Robert H. Rose in New York state. Several deer are resting on the lawn and several people are visible as silhouettes near the building.
Date: 1845
Creator: Smillie, James, 1807-1885 & Hinshelwood, Robert, 1812-1879
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

["A Western Lake by Sunset"]

Description: Steel engraving on a book leaf titled "A Western Lake by Sunset" depicting a vast landscape surrounding a distant lake and small rivers. On the verso side of the leaf are penciled notes about its missing companion page, page numbers and the collectors' information.
Date: 1851
Creator: Durand, A. B. (Asher Brown), 1796-1886 & Smillie, James, 1807-1885
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Etching of a man with coins]

Description: Etching "Portrait of Man", designed Guercino Da Cento and printed by Austrian printmaker Adam Bartsch, in 1782. The print shows a man illustrated with loose and energetic lines standing and pointing at coins resting on a table.
Date: 1782
Creator: Da Cento, Guercino & Bartsch, Adam
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

["The Beggars Opera" etching and engraving]

Description: Etching and engraving print of an lively outdoor opera with a small pit orchestra and performers in animals masks. The print, "The Beggars Opera", published in 1728 was printed for John Bonles and The Black Horse in Cornhill.
Date: 1728
Creator: Hogarth, William; Blake, William & Bonles, John
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Etcing and engraving "Puer parvulus minabiteos"]

Description: French religious etching and engraving titled "Puer Parvulus Minabiteos" (The Boy Threatened Them), which depictsa woman and three children in a field with a herd of wolfs, lions, and tigers among sheep and cattle. The main child, the baby Jesus, appears with a shepherds crook leading the flock.
Date: [1695..1800]
Creator: Le Clerc, Sébastien, 1637-1714 & Lacroix, S. F. (Silvestre François), 1765-1843
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Pastoral French landscape etching and engraving]

Description: Pastoral French etching and engraving of a landscape showing a small herd of cattle wadding through a stream that cuts through a hilly landscape with many trees. Two small figures appear conversing on the bank of the stream with a lone individual on a horse. The print is attributed to French designer and printmaker Adam Perelle and was published in Paris by Pierre Mariette.
Date: [1500..1700]
Creator: Perelle, Adam & Mariette, Pierre
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[News Script: Artist group]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV station in Fort Worth, Texas, covering a news story about a group of seven Fort Worth artists attempting to revive the art of printmaking, producing a portfolio of etched art prints.
Date: February 28, 1951
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Medal from game in Japan]

Description: Photographs of a badge received in Japan from the Bob Kap Collection, held by UNT Special Collections. In the first photo the front of the badge is visible. It has the US and Japanese flags at the top and two figures playing soccer beneath them. In the second photo the back of the badge is visible. At the top is Japanese writing followed by English that reads "Soccer Friendly Match, 1967.12.26, Nagai Stadium". It is a silver color with aging areas around the edges.
Date: August 28, 2018
Creator: Gellner, Megan
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Argus pin, lenses, and cloth]

Description: Photograph of an Argus pin with a photo of Byrd Williams III and two lenses from the Byrd Williams Family Photography Collection, held by UNT Special Collections. The lenses and pin are resting on top of a folded cloth that has stains and smudges. The pin is engraved at the top with "ARGUS INCORPORATED" and at the bottom with "ANN ARBOR MICH". A small paper section beneath the photograph reads "866".
Date: July 20, 2016
Creator: Sylve, Joshua
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[George W. Sheldon, Selections in Modern Art]

Description: Photographs of the cover and pages from George W. Sheldon's "Selections in Modern Art," held by UNT Special Collections. These volumes contain 125 plates of steel engravings and etchings representing works of recent and contemporary artists of the late 19th century. The etching Cedars by Moonlight by James Smillies, 1878, is one of the earliest instances of an American etcher beginning to differentiate between daylight and moonlight, a distinction easier made in theory than in practice. The cov… more
Date: November 27, 2017
Creator: Sylve, Joshua & Merrill, Jeffery
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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