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open access

English Methods Courses in Texas Preparation for the Essential Elements

Description: This study analyzes the congruence between the objectives of secondary-level English methods courses in Texas universities and the objectives of the state-mandated high school curriculum (the essential elements) in language arts. A questionnaire was used to obtain information from 26 English methods instructors at 22 universities in Texas. The data obtained from these questionnaires reveal that these instructors strongly emphasize preparing prospective English teachers to teach the essential el… more
Date: August 1988
Creator: Erwin, Martha L. (Martha Lea)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Developmental Appropriateness of the English Language Arts Essential Elements for Kindergarten

Description: The developmental appropriateness of the English language arts essential elements for kindergarten children in the State of Texas was evaluated by surveying the opinions of thirty-six kindergarten teachers in one school district. A questionnaire was developed using the essential elements so that respondents could record a yes or no opinion and supply additional comments on each essential element. Ninety-seven percent of the teachers responded. The results indicated rates of agreement for develo… more
Date: December 1988
Creator: Anderson, Susan R. (Susan Rogers)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Record of the Development of a High School Summer Repertory Company in Plano, Texas from 1978-1981

Description: This thesis records data on the development of The Park Boulevard Players, Plano, Texas, as an innovative school district theatre arts program. Data is organized to illustrate program growth based on educational and performance needs of involved students and community citizens. It proves that high school students are capable of producing summer entertainment worthy of community viewing. Being original in form and content, this thesis should serve as a resourceful guide for similar programs. The… more
Date: May 1984
Creator: Steele, John A. (John Armin)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparison of Practices Followed by College Supervisors of Secondary Student Teachers in Kentucky with Those Followed by College Supervisors in Texas, and with Those Recommended by National Authorities

Description: The problem with which this investigation was concerned was that of determining the practices utilized by college supervisors of secondary student teachers in Kentucky. A mailed questionnaire was employed to determine the emphasis of practices of the college supervisor pertaining to student teachers, cooperating teachers, and cooperating school administrators. The purposes of this study included the following: 1. To determine the status of Kentucky college and university supervisors of secondar… more
Date: December 1974
Creator: Creamer, Glynn N.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Survey of Attitudes of Speech Teachers Toward Peer Evaluation in 4a and 5a High Schools in Texas

Description: Two hundred questionnaires were sent to high school speech teachers in Texas to determine their attitudes toward peer evaluation, a method of critiquing speech class activities. Results indicated that these teachers are familiar with and use peer evaluation and that they do favor it as an evaluation technique. Women used peer evaluation more than men, and teachers with more experience used peer evaluation more than those less experienced. Peer evaluation was used most for speeches and oral inte… more
Date: August 1982
Creator: Hayslip, Gail D. (Gail Denise)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Status and Content of Middle/Junior High School Art Programs in Texas

Description: The purpose of this study was to examine the status and the content of the middle/junior high school art- programs in Texas. A questionnaire designed to elicit information concerning the art program was sent to middle/junior high school art teachers in Texas. The responses were analyzed according to the school district size, the grades comprising the school, and the school enrollment using simple descriptive statistics. This study revealed the following areas concerning the typical middle/junio… more
Date: December 1983
Creator: Gentry, Sharon K. (Sharon Kay)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Descriptive Study of Value Systems within a School District in Texas

Description: The purpose of this study was to determine the various values that can be found in teachers of an open school system and how those values differed among various teacher groups within the school. The value systems (Tribalistic, Egocentric, Conformist, Manipulative, Sociocentric, and Existential) were based on the "Levels of Psychological Existence" developed by Clare W. Graves. A values test was utilized in order to collect data. The "Values for Teaching Test" was administered to 492 teachers an… more
Date: August 1976
Creator: Long, Penelope N.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Case Study of Parental Involvement in the Initial Plan "A" Public School Districts in Texas

Description: The problem of this investigation is a case study of parental involvement in the initial Plan A public school districts in Texas. The components of parental involvement isolated for the study are parent education, parent participation, and parent counseling. The major sources of data are questionnaires distributed to parents, teachers, and administrators in the initial Plan A public school districts. Secondary sources of data include interviews with the three categories of respondents to the qu… more
Date: December 1972
Creator: Kallstrom, Christine Peterman
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Analysis of Certain Wealth in Texas to Determine Possible Sources of Taxation for Educational Purposes

Description: This study revelaed that the rank of Texas with other state in the United States in the expenditure for schools per pupil is thrty-fifth. It further discussed that there are possible sources of taxation in the properties. However, there is a wide variation that needs to be studied. It further justify that present administrative and legislative trends in searching for new source of taxation makes the problem an important one.
Date: August 1937
Creator: Hedgpeth, Armo T.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Survey of Bookkeeping Systems Being Used in Sixty-Six Retail and Eight Wholesale Businesses of Denton, Texas, with Recommendations for Improvements

Description: This study aim to determine the bookkeeping systems in use in the retail and wholesale businesses in Denton, Texas, and to determine what improvements could be made in the bookkeeping systems of these businesses.
Date: June 1938
Creator: Brookshear, Garland R.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Norma and Mel Gabler: The Development and Causes of Their Involvement Concerning the Curricular Appropriateness of School Textbook Content

Description: The problem of this study was to trace through available sources the history of Norma and Mel Gablers' work concerning the curricular appropriateness of textbooks and interpret in terms of motivation, scope, and effectiveness the identified impact of their work. The purpose of this study was to present a comprehensive report documenting specifically that which the Gablers have done, said, and represent. A chronology of events of the Gablers' textbook involvement from 1961 through 1981 has been … more
Date: August 1982
Creator: Piasecki, Frank Edward
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Perceptions of Teachers Toward Factors of Motivation to Work Who are Grouped According to the Way in Which They Perceived the Organizational Climate in Their School

Description: The problems of this study, using secondary teachers in selected schools in Region X, Texas, was to determine (a) How teachers perceived the climate in their school using the Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire (OCDQ); (b) how teachers perceived factors of motivation to work using the Educational Work Components Study questionnaire (EWCS); (c) whether or not teachers who perceived the climate similarly had different perceptions concerning factors of motivation to work. A sample of … more
Date: August 1982
Creator: Shapiro, Michael L. (Michael Lawrence)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Discrepancy Analysis of Basic Science Teaching Competencies in Secondary Science in Texas

Description: The study has a twofold purpose. The first is to compare the priority order of the seven fundamental areas of skill among the three sample groups, The second is to compare the differences between actual and ideal teacher performance in the seven fundamental skill areas. The conclusions are generalizable only to the population of Texas teacher educators, members of the Texas Science Supervisors Association and members of the Science Teachers Association of Texas, All of the groups had basic agre… more
Date: May 1979
Creator: Owens, Arthur Michael
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of Industrial Arts Programs in Negro High Schools of Texas

Description: "The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which industrial arts is taught in the Negro high schools of Texas, the number of pupils enrolled in the schools, the types of programs offered the amount and kind of equipment provided for teaching industrial arts, and the qualifications of the teachers."--4.
Date: January 1953
Creator: Ottinger, Sam J.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Texas Reformatory System with Emphasis on the Gatesville School for Boys

Description: At least one state function is handled differently in most all of the forty-eight sovereign states. This function is that of juvenile control, or the care of juvenile delinquents. The states vary a great deal in their methods of combating juvenile delinquency and in the operation of their reformatories, and most of these systems are in crying need of reform. Many are the forgotten chore of state administrators, and others are the thorn in the side of the state's political administration. The la… more
Date: January 1949
Creator: Johnson, Samuel Maurice
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Some Effects of the War Upon the Mathematics Curriculum and the Motivating Forces at Work as Reflected in the Dallas City Schools

Description: "To discuss the effect all this war activity has had upon the Dallas Schools and to voice a protest against those who seek to discredit mathematics and at the same time to contribute a readable thesis upon the subject is largely the purpose of this study." --leaf 2
Date: August 1945
Creator: Smith, R. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Historical Study of Agricultural Education with Special Application to Denton County

Description: In this study the activities contributing to the welfare of the farmers of Denton County will be confined to the experiment farm or station and the county extension service. These two educational agencies have proved that adult education can be very successful. Although there is no direct relation between the two, most of the information learned in experimental research is imparted through the extension service.
Date: August 1937
Creator: Norman, Lee Weldon
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

How Health, Social Conditions and Educational Opportunities of the Mexican Children in the Sonora Independent School May Be Improved

Description: "The purpose of this study is to analyze health, social conditions and educational environment which affect the educational development of the Mexican children in the Sonora Independent School and plan a remedial program. The source of the data in this study was the survey made by Winters, and a survey of health, social and educational conditions of the Mexicans living in Sonora. The study was limited to the Mexican families and the Mexican children in the Sonora school district."--leaf 1.
Date: August 1941
Creator: James, Helen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

To Determine Whether Changes Are Needed in the Recreation Program of Secondary Schools of Hill County Texas

Description: "It is the purpose of this study to attack one phase of the leisure-time problem: that phase which deals with the recreation program of secondary schools. As effort will be made to determine whether changes are needed in the recreation program of the secondary schools of Hill County Texas in order that they may meet the demands of the new leisure in the light of young people's activities and interests and accepted standards of the present day."--leaf 1.
Date: August 1937
Creator: Savage, Flora Strickland
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Guidance Work Practices in Class A Schools in Texas

Description: The objective of this thesis is to determine guidance practices in four-year, Class A High Schools in Texas by: (1) surveying related literature in the field of guidance to determine what the experts consider a good guidance program for secondary schools; (2) means of a survey in the form of a questionnaire, to determine what is actually being done in guidance work in Texas Class A Schools; (3) arriving at a conclusion concerning good guidance work practices for four year, Class A High Schools … more
Date: August 1954
Creator: Copeland, Alva Beach
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A History of the Kilgore College

Description: "This is a history of the Kilgore College, Kilgore, Texas, a junior college for Kilgore and the oil belt. The data concerning the history of this very young publicly owned junior college has been secured through personal interviews with its originators, its administrators past and present, Kilgore newspapers, college catalogs, college annuals, and educational references, public laws and board minutes...The material dealing with the history of this college has been organized to cover the followi… more
Date: August 1948
Creator: Bradford, Q. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study to Determine a Sound Program for the Effective Instruction and Social Integration of Latin-American Pupils in the Secondary Schools of Texas

Description: "The purpose of this study was to formulate a recommended program to aid in the social integration of Latin-American and Anglo-American children in the secondary schools of Texas. In preparation for the development of this suggested plan, some of the more serious problems involved in the education of Latin-American children in schools designed primarily for the instruction of Anglo-American pupils were studied in available literature, and a set of psychological, sociological, and democratic cri… more
Date: August 1952
Creator: Davenport, Ane J.
Partner: UNT Libraries
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