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open access

Near-Death Experiences in Patients Undergoing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Description: Article describing the results of a two-phase descriptive study intended to document the frequency of near-death experiences (NDEs) in a nonprobability convenience sample of patients undergoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), to describe the types of NDE experienced most commonly during CPR, and to describe the types of NDE experienced most commonly during CPR, and to describe views of helpful nursing responses to reports of NDEs.
Date: Summer 1991
Creator: Schoenbeck, Susan Boykoff & Hocutt, Gerald D.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Nature and Meaning of the Near-Death Experience for Patients and Critical Care Nurses

Description: Study designed to develop a conceptual framework for the near-death experience (NDE), reflecting its nature and meaning for the patient and the critical care nurse. The study used naturalistic inquiry to examine the question: What is the nature and meaning of an NDE and how has it influenced the individual's view of the self, the future, and feelings and beliefs about life and death?
Date: Spring 2003
Creator: Morris, Linda L. & Knafl, Kathleen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Unexpected Findings in a Study of Visual Perception During the Naturalistic Near-Death Out-of-Body Experience

Description: Study of visual perception during the naturalistic near-death out-of-body experience (nND OBE), that aspect of the NDE in which the experiencer seems to view normal physical surroundings from a vantage point outside the physical body, which yielded some unexpected findings that contradicted or augmented previous research. Each of these findings is discussed relative to previous research and analyzed in light of the limitations of the current study.
Date: Spring 1989
Creator: Holden, Janice Miner
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Near-Death Verdicality Research in the Hospital Setting: Problems and Promise

Description: Study of near-death verdicality in the hospital setting. The paper describes problems, both anticipated and unanticipated, that were encountered. Based on the successes and failures of this undertaking, recommendations for future research of this type are presented.
Date: Autumn 1990
Creator: Holden, Janice Miner & Joesten, Leroy
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Visual Perception During Naturalistic Near-Death Out-of-Body Experiences

Description: Study attempting to ascertain the most appropriate content and placement of visual stimuli in a hospital-based study of the veridicality of out-of-body perception in the near-death experience (NDE), and the likelihood that a subject in such a study would notice, clearly perceive, and accurately recall a visual stimulus.
Date: Winter 1988
Creator: Holden, Janice Miner
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Electromagnetic Aftereffects of Near-Death Experiences

Description: Study investigating electromagnetic effects among near-death experiencers (NDErs), people who reported a close brush with death without an NDE, and people who reported never having been close to death but who used their most life-changing event as a past reference point.
Date: Winter 2008
Creator: Mouri, Farnoosh M. & Holden, Janice Miner
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Does the Arousal System Contribute to Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences? A Summary and Response

Description: Article acknowledging the viability and potential value of the hypothesis underlying articles suggesting a relationship between near-death experiences (NDEs) and the body's arousal system, but also identifying substantial weaknesses in both the presented lines of evidence and the studies.
Date: Spring 2007
Creator: Long, Jeffrey & Holden, Janice Miner
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

More Things in Heaven and Earth: A Response to "Near-Death Experiences with Hallucinatory Features"

Description: Article offering alternative arguments and conclusions to those Keith Augustine offered regarding discrepancies between some near-death experiencers' (NDErs') reports of events they perceived during their NDEs and objective information available about those events.
Date: Autumn 2007
Creator: Holden, Janice Miner
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Out-of-Body Experiences: All in the Brain?

Description: Article presenting arguments supporting the conclusion that the subtitle claims of an article published in "Nature" were not well-founded and that much research remains to be conducted to unravel the mystery of out-of-body experiences.
Date: Winter 2006
Creator: Holden, Janice Miner; Long, Jeffrey & MacLurg, Jason
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Journal of Near-Death Studies, Volume 7, Number 3, Spring 1989

Description: Quarterly journal publishing papers related to near-death experiences, including research reports; theoretical or conceptual statements; expressions of a scientific, philosophic, religious, or historical perspective on the study of near-death experiences; cross-cultural studies; individual case histories; and personal accounts of experiences or related phenomena.
Date: Spring 1989
Creator: Greyson, Bruce
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Journal of Near-Death Studies, Volume 26, Number 3, Spring 2008

Description: Quarterly journal publishing papers related to near-death experiences, including research reports; theoretical or conceptual statements; expressions of a scientific, philosophic, religious, or historical perspective on the study of near-death experiences; cross-cultural studies; individual case histories; and personal accounts of experiences or related phenomena.
Date: Spring 2008
Creator: Greyson, Bruce
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Journal of Near-Death Studies, Volume 27, Number 2, Winter 2008

Description: Quarterly journal publishing papers related to near-death experiences, including research reports; theoretical or conceptual statements; expressions of a scientific, philosophic, religious, or historical perspective on the study of near-death experiences; cross-cultural studies; individual case histories; and personal accounts of experiences or related phenomena.
Date: Winter 2008
Creator: Holden, Janice Miner
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Journal of Near-Death Studies, Volume 17, Number 1, Fall 1998

Description: Quarterly journal publishing papers related to near-death experiences, including research reports; theoretical or conceptual statements; expressions of a scientific, philosophic, religious, or historical perspective on the study of near-death experiences; cross-cultural studies; individual case histories; and personal accounts of experiences or related phenomena.
Date: Autumn 1998
Creator: Greyson, Bruce
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Journal of Near-Death Studies, Volume 13, Number 2, Winter 1994

Description: Quarterly journal publishing papers related to near-death experiences, including research reports; theoretical or conceptual statements; expressions of a scientific, philosophic, religious, or historical perspective on the study of near-death experiences; cross-cultural studies; individual case histories; and personal accounts of experiences or related phenomena.
Date: Winter 1994
Creator: Greyson, Bruce
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Journal of Near-Death Studies, Volume 25, Number 1, Fall 2006

Description: Quarterly journal publishing papers related to near-death experiences, including research reports; theoretical or conceptual statements; expressions of a scientific, philosophic, religious, or historical perspective on the study of near-death experiences; cross-cultural studies; individual case histories; and personal accounts of experiences or related phenomena.
Date: Autumn 2006
Creator: Greyson, Bruce
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Journal of Near-Death Studies, Volume 22, Number 4, Summer 2004

Description: Quarterly journal publishing papers related to near-death experiences, including research reports; theoretical or conceptual statements; expressions of a scientific, philosophic, religious, or historical perspective on the study of near-death experiences; cross-cultural studies; individual case histories; and personal accounts of experiences or related phenomena.
Date: Summer 2004
Creator: Greyson, Bruce
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Journal of Near-Death Studies, Volume 18, Number 4, Summer 2000

Description: Quarterly journal publishing papers related to near-death experiences, including research reports; theoretical or conceptual statements; expressions of a scientific, philosophic, religious, or historical perspective on the study of near-death experiences; cross-cultural studies; individual case histories; and personal accounts of experiences or related phenomena. Table of contents for each issue in volume 18 on page 279.
Date: Summer 2000
Creator: Greyson, Bruce
Partner: UNT Libraries
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