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[Interior of a church]

Description: Photograph of the interior of a church. The church seems pretty dark, with the lighting inside the building all coming in through the windows. There is a large chandelier on the ceilings and a stained glass window in the center background.
Date: 1970
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Interior of a church, 3]

Description: Photograph of the interior of a church. The lighting in the church does not seem to be on with all of the lighting coming from the windows. There is a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and a stained glass window in the center background.
Date: 1970
Partner: UNT Music Library

[The Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City]

Description: Photograph of The Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City. The cathedral has two towers on the sides of the building that have statue details and bell shaped roofs that are topped with crosses. In between these towers is a shorter clock tower in the center of the building that is topped with a statue. The front of the church has ornate details carved into the stone and there are three entrances to the building. The church is fenced off from the sidewalk and there are people standing on the sidewa… more
Date: [1940..1960]
Creator: Williams, Byrd M. (Byrd Moore), III
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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