This system will be undergoing maintenance January 21st between 9:00AM and 12:00PM CST.

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Rockefeller Center

Description: One facade is shown with its large gold relief decoration and the additional sculpted piece above the door. At the top of the building also seen is etched into the surface of the facade more decoration in the Art Deco style.
Date: 1931/1940
Creator: Hood, Raymond M.; Harrison, Wallace Kirkman & Lawrie, Lee Oskar
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Oliphant of St. Hubert

Description: This is a decorative oliphant made with Ivory, Bone and Shells. The curvilinear design of the oliphant is wide from one point and narrow from the other. There are two black straps on the piece. There are many carved engravings done in repeated pattern. There are horizontal lines running along the silhouette of the carved piece. There is a chain passing through the black straps to hold the piece.
Date: 1200~
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Apollo and Daphne

Description: This view of the sculpture depicts the head and part of the torso of the figure of Daphne. Her hair is strewn and her mouth is open. The sculpture depicts action and movement.
Date: 1622/1625
Creator: Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

A Holy Deacon

Description: The carved sculpture depicts a figure holding in book in his right hand. The figure wears draped clothing and the sculpture is painted in polychrome.
Date: 1515/1520~
Creator: Riemenschneider, Tilman
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Young Saint John

Description: The marble bust depicts a young man looking to his left. The sculpture is not painted and is set on a marble base the echoes the silhouette of the bottom of the bust. The young boy's hair is curled and his clothing is depicted in detail.
Date: unknown
Creator: Mino da Fiesole
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Great Stupa

Description: This view shows a close detail of the gate of the Great Stupa. This north gateway's central section and bottom architrave is seen from the inside. The carving depicts a scene with many figures, animals and other items.
Date: -0272~/-0150~
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design
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