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open access

["A Falling Out Among Friends" article, March 8, 2004]

Description: An article, written by Debra Rosenberg and Mark Miller for Newsweek, about President George W. Bush's support of the marriage amendment that would ban gay and lesbian marriages at the federal level. It includes the response of Charles C. Francis and other gay and lesbian Republicans. An advertisement follows the article.
Date: March 8, 2004
Creator: Rosenberg, Debra & Miller, Mark
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Letter from Charles Francis to Governor Bush, June 8, 1998]

Description: A letter from Charles C. Francis to Governor George W. Bush warning about how the GOP's spokesman Robert Black's smearing of the group 'Log Cabin Republicans' is not going to end well and that Bush needs to act. Francis gives Bush a heads up about upcoming responses in newspapers and demonstrations.
Date: June 8, 1998
Creator: Francis, Charles C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
captions transcript

[Lecture by Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield]

Description: Lecture featuring Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, the founders of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. They discuss their history together and how the company first established itself and grew to what it is today. Covered are their original business plans, stumbling blocks they faced and their solutions to those problems, and how they redefined the idea of business as a force for change. At the end is a presentation video, speech, and pledge from their "Stamp Stampede" campaign against big corporations' in… more
Date: April 9, 2015
Duration: 1 hour 7 minutes 39 seconds
Creator: University of North Texas. College of Music.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Cauble Ranch sign]

Description: Photograph of highway signage advertising the Cauble Ranch's 1970 Sale of Champions auction event, with an illustration of a horse. An arrow on top of the sign, pointing to the right, says "Next Exit" and the text below says "Buy Tomorrow's Champion Quarter Horses Today! Cauble Ranch's 1970 Sale of Champions, October 30, 1970 1 P.M., Cutter Bill Championship Arena." The sign is in an open field.
Date: [1970..]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Cauble Ranch sign (full view)]

Description: Photograph of highway signage advertising the Cauble Ranch's 1970 Sale of Champions auction event, with an illustration of a horse. An arrow on top of the sign, pointing to the right, says "Next Exit" and the text below says "Buy Tomorrow's Champion Quarter Horses Today! Cauble Ranch's 1970 Sale of Champions, October 30, 1970 1 P.M., Cutter Bill Championship Arena." The sign is in an open field on the side of the highway.
Date: [1970..]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Dallas Gay News, Issue 85, Friday, April 20, 1984

Description: Weekly newspaper containing news, events, and advertisements of interest to the gay community of Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas. This issue features a photograph of Phil Johnson on the cover, advertising the Gay Archives at the Community Center on Cedar Springs in Dallas.
Date: April 20, 1984
Creator: The Oak Lawn Voice
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Leoncarlo, Woodwired Duo poster]

Description: Poster advertising a concert by Leoncarlo and Woodwired Duo on November 18, 2016, at Lone Star Taps & Caps, Denton, Texas. Poster is black and white, with event details in small white text in a block above a black, white, and gray painted abstract form on a black background.
Date: 2016
Creator: Walker, Christopher
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Anna Jalkeus Group poster]

Description: Poster advertising a concert by Anna Jalkeus Group on September 26, 2016, at Greenhouse Restaurant & Bar, Denton, Texas. Poster features color photograph of the musician and event details in blue, black, and white text. Musicians included Anna Jalkeus, Aaron Dutton, Garrett Wingfield, Ethan Stalbaum, Greg Santa Croce, Aaron Holthus, and John Sturino.
Date: 2016
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Mountain Song, Rhu, E.C. Jacobs and the Green Hour Residency poster]

Description: Poster advertising a concert by Mountain Song, Rhu, and E.C. Jacobs and the Green Hour Residency on May 26, 2016, at Andy's Bar, Denton, Texas. Event details are printed in black underneath a black, white, and yellow photo montage illustration of feet ascending stairs and a face with an eye patch and yellow lips.
Date: 2016
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Radiohead In Rainbows 10th Anniversary poster]

Description: Poster advertising a Radiohead, In Rainbows 10th Anniversary show covered by an ensemble of musicians on October 10, 2017, at Dan's Silverleaf, Denton, Texas. Details of the event are printed in a multicolored block of text centered above a landscape of multicolored, multi-level vertical bars.
Date: 2017
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Pilotdrift poster]

Description: Poster advertising an album release by the band Pilotdrift, of Texarkana, Texas. Poster features a red monochromatic illustration of a science fiction style landscape and floating spheres, with the band name and album name, 'Water Sphere', printed across the image. The band website, as well as that of Good Records who released the album, is printed in white at the bottom of the poster.
Date: 2005
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Rhu, Megan Storie poster]

Description: Poster advertising a concert by Rhu with Megan Storie on June 18, 2017 at Lone Star Taps & Caps, Denton, Texas. Poster is for the 'Transitioning' EP release, and features a black and white photographic double exposure of a woman's face and profile above event details in black print on a white background.
Date: 2017
Creator: Walker, Christopher
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Colleen Clark Meets Monk poster]

Description: Poster advertising a concert by Colleen Clark on April 25, 2017, at Kenton Hall, University of North Texas College of Music, Denton, Texas. Poster features event details in black and turquoise text on a cream background. Monk Quartet and Monk Orchestra consisted of Colleen Clark, Brian Horton, Peter Rioux, Henry Beal, Devin Eddleman, Spenser Liszt, Brian Fincher, Abdullah Ebrahim, Corina Munoz, Mark Jeffrey, and Hiroki Kitazawa.
Date: 2017
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Pulkingham Layne poster]

Description: Poster advertising a concert by Pulkingham Layne on September 24, 2017, at Dan's Silverleaf, Denton, Texas . Poster features a hand-drawn illustration of the musicians playing guitars under purple and white text on a blue background. Event details are handwritten at the bottom of the poster.
Date: 2017
Partner: UNT Music Library
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