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open access

Statistical relationship between median visibility and conditions of worst-case manmade impact on visibility

Description: A study was conducted of the statistical relationships between median visibility and the levels of visibility associated with worst-case manmade impacts. The data base for the study consisted of midday visibility recordings for the years 1974-1976 at 28 suburban/nonurban airports throughout the United States. The visibility recordings were converted to estimates of extinction coefficients with the use of the Koschmeider formula. The data were sorted according to meteorology in order to eliminat… more
Date: January 1, 1980
Creator: Gins, J.D.; Nochumson, D. & Trijonis, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Northern Arizona Basin Study (NABS), 1989

Description: An experiment was conducted to better understand a frequent layer of northwest winds found in the Northern Arizona region. This layer has been observed most often in winter near the surface at Page, Arizona, and often opposes larger scale upper level west winds. The results of this experiment improved both the temporal and the down-valley spatial resolution of the flow structure in this region during winter. 11 refs., 9 figs.
Date: January 1, 1989
Creator: Porch, W.M.; Clements, W.E. & Grant, T.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Solar photovoltaic applications seminar: design, installation and operation of small, stand-alone photovoltaic power systems

Description: This seminar material was developed primarily to provide solar photovoltaic (PV) applied engineering technology to the Federal community. An introduction to photoconductivity, semiconductors, and solar photovoltaic cells is included along with a demonstration of specific applications and application identification. The seminar details general systems design and incorporates most known information from industry, academia, and Government concerning small solar cell power system design engineering… more
Date: July 1, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A guide to writing procurement specifications for new and existing CHAWS sites

Description: Turn-key Chemical Hazard Warning Systems (CHAWS) have been designed by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and installed at a number of US Army sites. This document is intended to be used as a guide by those charged with writing procurement specification for both new and existing CHAWS sites. It discusses issues of system design and the functional requirements for both hardware and software. Suggestions are made for those interested in updating the computer platform and/or operati… more
Date: September 1, 1991
Creator: Martins, S.A. & Fry, C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of atmospheric variability on energy utilization and conservation. Final report, 1 January 1979-31 December 1979

Description: An interdisciplinary approach towards a detailed assessment of energy consumption in urban space-heating and cooling is presented in terms of measurement and modeling results. Modeling efforts concentrated on the city of Minneapolis, MN, using data from the winter seasons 1977/78 and 1978/79. Further developments of a reference model also fall back on data from Cheyenne, WY, and Greeley, CO. Mean absolute daily errors of gas consumption estimated by the physical model applied to Minneapolis are… more
Date: April 1980
Creator: Reiter, Elmar R.; Burns, C. C.; Cochrane, H.; Johnson, G. R.; Leong, H.; McKean, J. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Baker Construction, Cincinnati, Ohio. Solar energy system performance evaluation, October 1980-May 1981

Description: The Baker Construction site is a single family residence in Ohio with a passive solar heating system, which consists of 302 square feet of 62 degree sloped greenhouse glazing, a 35,500-pound concrete mass wall, 10,400-pound concrete slab floor, 20 phase change storage rods, six 1-kW electric baseboard heaters, and a wood stove. A solar fraction of 55% is reported. Also the solar savings ratio and conventional fuel savings are given. The performance of the greenhouse collector subsystem, the hea… more
Date: January 1, 1981
Creator: Spears, J.W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of general circulation model results and comparison with regional climatic data, Task 3

Description: On time scales of greater than one year the variability of weather and climate on a large path of the Earth is dominated by the Southern Oscillation. While current theories of this phenomenon have clarified the role of the interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere in maintaining this oscillation it has so far been unclear whether the Southern Oscillation originates in the ocean, in the atmosphere or during the interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere. In this study we compared si… more
Date: January 1, 1989
Creator: Cess, R.D. & Hameed, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Solar energy system performance evaluation - Seasonal Report for Seeco Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska

Description: The SEECO Lincoln Solar Energy System was designed to provide 60 percent of the space heating for the 50 seat Hyde Memorial Observatory in Lincoln, Nebraska. The system consists of nine SEECO Mod 1 flat plate air collectors (481 square feet), a 347 cubic foot rock storage bin, blowers, controls and air ducting. An auxiliary natural gas furnace provides additional energy when the solar energy is not adequate to meet the space heating demand. The system has five modes of operation. System descrip… more
Date: June 1, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary designs for ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) stationkeeping subsystems (SKSS). Task I. Design requirements. Final report

Description: The results of Task I, Design Requirements, are presented. Environmental conditions for the Punta Tuna, Puerto Rico site are reviewed and synthesized to provide definition of current, wind and wave severity, direction, and occurrence for service, operational, and extreme sea states. SKSS performance requirements, including design life and watch circle, are followed by interface considerations particularly for the electrical transmission riser cable, and design criteria including safety and load… more
Date: June 1, 1979
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energy and cost analysis of commercial building shell characteristics and operating schedules

Description: Eight prototypical commercial buildings were considered, and estimates of the energy savings realized from various conservation measures are presented. For each of four building types (hospital, office, educational, and retail) two building designs representative of both pre- and post-embargo construction were analyzed. The ongoing program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory aims to develop an engineering-economic model to forecast annual energy use in the US commercial sector. This particular stu… more
Date: April 1, 1980
Creator: Johnson, W.S. & Pierce, F.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

SIMS three year study on statistics and environmental factors in health. Technical progress report No. 2

Description: Progress is reported on a study of statistical methods for the correlation of environmental factors and health effects, with emphasis on the effects of air pollution. Statistical methods and models for describing the effects of the environment, measured in terms of pollution and weather variables on health, so far measured only in terms of respiratory diseases, are discussed. Plans for conducting a six-city pollution health study are also discussed. A list of publications during 1976 and 1977 i… more
Date: December 1, 1977
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Review: Volume 24, No. 2, 1991

Description: The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is a multiprogram, multipurpose laboratory that conducts research in the physical, chemical, and life sciences; in fusion, fission, and fossil energy; and in energy conservation and other energy-related technologies. This review outlines some current endeavors of the lab. A state of the laboratory presentation is given by director, Alvin Trivelpiece. Research of single crystals for welding is described. The Science Alliance, a partnership between ORNL an… more
Date: January 1, 1991
Creator: Krause, C. (ed.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California solar energy system performance evaluation, July 1980-June 1981

Description: The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory site is an office building in California with an active solar energy system designed to supply from 23 to 33% of the space heating load and part of the hot water load. The solar heating system is equipped with 1428 square feet of flat-plate collectors, a 2000-gallon water storage tank, and two gas-fired boilers to supply auxiliary heat for both space heating and domestic hot water. Poor performance is reported, with the solar fraction being only 4%. Also given a… more
Date: January 1, 1981
Creator: Wetzel, P.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Passive-solar design manual for the United States Navy

Description: A passive solar design manual for single-family detached residences and dormitory-type buildings is being developed. The design procedure employed in the manual is a simplification of the original monthly solar load ratio (SLR) method. The new SLR correlations involve a single constant for each system. The correlation constant appears as a scale factor permitting the use of a universal performance curve for all passive systems. Furthermore, by providing location-dependent correlations between t… more
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Wray, W. O.; Biehl, F. A.; Kosiewicz, C. R. & Miles, C. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Meteorological conditions during the winter validation study at Rocky Flats, Colorado: An overview

Description: The objective for the Winter Validation Study was to gather field data for validation of the Terrain-Responsive Atmospheric Code (TRAC) under winter time meteorological conditions. Twelve tracer tests were conducted during a two-week period in February 1991. Each test lasted 12 hours, with releases of SF{sub 6} tracer from the Rocky Flats Plant near Golden, Colorado. The tests included ground-based and airborne sampling to 16 km from the release point. This presentation summarizes meteorologica… more
Date: November 6, 1991
Creator: Hodgin, C.R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Simulation and Simplified Design Studies of Photovoltaic Systems

Description: Results of TRNSYS simulations of photovoltaic systems with electrical storage are described. Studies of the sensitivity of system performance, in terms of the fraction of the electrical load supplied by the solar energy system, to variables such as array size, battery size, location, time of year, and load shape are reported. An accurate simplified method for predicting array output of max-power photovoltaic systems is presented. A second simplified method, which estimates the overall performan… more
Date: September 1980
Creator: Evans, D. L.; Facinelli, W. A. & Koehler, L. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mixed strategies for energy conservation and alternative energy utilization (solar) in buildings. Final report. Volume III. Appendixes. [10 appendices]

Description: This appendix summarizes building characteristics used to determine heating and cooling loads for each of the five building types in each of the four regions. For the selected five buildings, the following data are attached: new and existing construction characteristics; new and existing construction thermal resistance; floor plan and elevation; people load schedule; lighting load schedule; appliance load schedule; ventilation schedule; and hot water use schedule. For the five building types (s… more
Date: June 1, 1977
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Diagnostic tests determining the thermal response of a house

Description: Two different approaches to the determination of the thermal response of buildings are possible: deterministic models and methods based on equivalent thermal parameters (ETP's) of a building. While the former are computer applications of heat transfer theory, the latter consist of data oriented techniques that infer the ETP's of a particular building by multiple correlation of indoor temperature and weather. The ETP method is convenient to provide a rank ordering of different houses by their th… more
Date: November 1, 1977
Creator: Sonderegger, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Investigation of simple daily solar radiation models suitable for use in the design of solar heating systems

Description: Solar heating system simulations typically require hourly weather data and the use of a main-line computer. A simpler alternative is to use daily steps with a model for daily solar collection. This report investigates the accuracy of sinusoidal radiation models for use in solar heating simulation. Accuracy of daily radiation models is assessed in two ways: by a theoretical comparison with hourly weather data, and by analysis of results of daily simulation. Results indicate that a daily radiatio… more
Date: August 1, 1980
Creator: Sillman, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of mesoscale weather disturbances on contamination concentrations. Fourth technical progress report, August 1, 1976--October 31, 1977

Description: The objective of this research is the development and verification of a regional scale numerical weather prediction model for use in forecasting air pollution concentrations. The scope includes verification of meteorological forecasts of flow fields, boundary layer structure and precipitation using three hourly rawinsonde data in the central and eastern United States. A prototype regional numerical weather forecast system has been developed. This system includes codes to read in the first guess… more
Date: July 1, 1977
Creator: Kreitzberg, C. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Generation and mobility of radon in soil

Description: Objectives of this research include: (1) To determine the processes that cause large seasonal and short-term changes in the radon (Rn) content of soil gases, and to develop methods of predicting and modeling these variations; (2) to evaluate the relation of Rn emanation coefficients to form of radium (Ra) and other U-series decay products, particularly the role of Ra in organic matter and Fe-oxides; (3) to evaluate the conditions in which convection of gas in soil and bedrock may affect soil ga… more
Date: January 1, 1992
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Report: Results of Computed Tracer Concentrations over Eastern China, South Korea, and Japan for 01 March to 30 May 2007 Daily Simulated Releases from Taiyuan, China

Description: In order to prepare for a proposed long range tracer experiment in China for the spring of 2008 time period, NARAC computed hypothetical PMCH concentrations over Eastern China, South Korea and Japan for simulated releases from Taiyuan, China. Normalized 1 kg of PMCH source strength releases were made twice a day, with wind input from global forecast weather model. We used 6-hour analysis fields valid at the start of each model run, resulting in four wind fields per day. The selected domain enco… more
Date: August 7, 2007
Creator: Vogt, P
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of the Integrated Biomass Supply Analysis and Logistics Model (IBSAL)

Description: The Integrated Biomass Supply & Logistics (IBSAL) model is a dynamic (time dependent) model of operations that involve collection, harvest, storage, preprocessing, and transportation of feedstock for use at a biorefinery. The model uses mathematical equations to represent individual unit operations. These unit operations can be assembled by the user to represent the working rate of equipment and queues to represent storage at facilities. The model calculates itemized costs, energy input, and ca… more
Date: June 1, 2008
Creator: Sokhansanj, Shahabaddine; Webb, Erin & Turhollow, Anthony F., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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