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open access


Description: A manual is given of the equipment and procedures used in the Army Reactor (SM-1A) to control the water purity and makeup. In addition to a description of the primary purification control system, a discussion is presented of the water chemistry control procedures for the auxiliary systems (e.g., the spent-fuel pit, the shield tank, and the waste disposal system). (T.F.H.)
Date: September 29, 1960
Creator: Chupak, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: BS>Temperatures and temperature gradients from gamma heating in reactor components are treated for more complicated cases thnn are found in the literature. A summary of available solutions for conditions which may arise in designing the reactor vessel and its components is attempted. The basic stress formula for the case of an exponential heat source in slab geometry is derived, into which the appropriate temperature equation can be inserted. (T.R.H.)
Date: January 1, 1961
Creator: Menzel, H.F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Dynamic Corrosion Screening Tests on Inconel and Nickel in NaCl-MgCl$sub 2$- UCl$sub 3$Bath

Description: Nickel is more susceptible to mass transfer ina 100hr nonisothermal dynamic corrosion system than is Inconel when exposed to a NaCl-MgCl/sub 2/-UCl/ sub 3/ (50.01800 F. No nickel mass transfer was observed in a 500hr test at 1350 F, but Inconel showed some attack under s transfer was observed in both tests, being more severe at the higher temperature. On the bases of these preliminary tests, it appears that nickel is a more satisfactory container than Inconel for the chloride bath at temperatur… more
Date: June 19, 1957
Creator: Jansen, D. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Operation of in-pile loop L-4-5 was terminated by failure of the circulating pump. When this failure occurred the ABSTRACTS automatic instrument control circuits performed satisfactorily. The loop was drained and removed without difficulty. A small amount of water was found in the loop connector. There were no thermocouple failures on this loop. Oxygen additions were made with the loop at full operating temperature and pressure. The loop and pressurizer heater wattmeters were calibrated. A cons… more
Date: March 1, 1956
Creator: Walter, F J
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design Evaluation of BER (Boiling Experimental Reactor) in Regard to Internal Explosions

Description: This is the Final Report on ARF Project No. D090 (formerly M073), "Design Evaluation of BER (Boiling Experimental Reactor) in Regard to Internal Explosions." This report was prepared by Armour Research Foundation for Argonne National Laboratory and summarizes the work accomplished from the time of the Phase Report I on May 10, 1955.
Date: January 1, 1957
Creator: Porzel, F. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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