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open access

Analytical Electron Microscopy Characterization of Uranium-Contaminated Soils from the Fernald Site, FY1993 Report

Description: A combination of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy with backscattered electron detection (SEM/BSE), and analytical electron microscopy (AEM) is being used to determine the nature of uranium in soils from the Fernald Environmental Management Project. The information gained from these studies is being used to develop and test remediation technologies. Investigations using SEM have shown that uranium is contained within particles that are typically 1 to 100 micrometers in diameter. … more
Date: October 1994
Creator: Buck, E. C.; Cunnane, J. C.; Brown, N. R. & Dietz, N. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reaction of Hydrogen With Uranium

Description: Report discussing reaction of hydrogen with uranium in a range of temperatures and pressures. Experimental materials, methods and results are included.
Date: February 17, 1955
Creator: Albrecht, William M. & Mallett, Manley William, 1909-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The solvent-extraction performance of small scale redox IA columns using Fenske helix packing, ammonium nitrate salting agent, and unirradiated uranium

Description: A report which deals with the Redox IA Column studies made in small-scale columns packed with 3/16-in. Fenske helices and using NH4NO3 salting agent.
Date: April 13, 1949
Creator: Woodfield, F. W.; Bradley, J. G.; Switzer, W. O. & Merrill, E. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Rapid Colorimeric Method for the Determination of Phosphate in Uranium Waste Solutions

Description: Report discussing tests of a new colorimetric method. From abstract: "A colorimetric method, which is a modification of the classical phosphomolybdic acid method, has been developed for the determination of phosphate in synthetic uranium waste solutions...The chief advantage of the method, over those presently included in HW Manuals, is the rapidity with which determinations may be carried out."
Date: August 22, 1949
Creator: Sege, C. A. & Ice, C. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Extrapolation Chamber Measurements of the Beta Ray Surface Dose from Uranium

Description: From purpose: "The purpose of the work reported here is to measure the beta ray surface does rate from uranium metal and to develop equipment and techniques for measuring the surface dose rate from other materials. It is also the intention to extend the measurements to dose rates delivered at various depths in tissue."
Date: 1948
Creator: Leap, H. E., Jr. & Whipple, G. H., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

"25" Critically Consultation with J. W. Morfitt : April 3, 1950

Description: Summary: "Criticality was considered impossible in any contingency encountered in practice under either of the following conditions which include no safety factor: (a) In any isolated cylinder not more than 5 in. in disruptor, if the total amount of U235 present does not exceed 7.5 Eg. (b) In an isolated vessel of any shape and size, if the total amount of U235 present does not exceed 880 g. An "isolated" vessel is one which does not "see" more than 0.1 [...] other vessels containing fissionabl… more
Date: April 3, 1950
Creator: Merrill, E. T. & Sege, G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Solvent-Extraction Performance of Redox IC Columns (ANL June 1948 Flowsheet) Using Raschig Ring Packing, and Unirradiated Uranium: Redox Technical Study No. 14

Description: A report which summarizes the performance data obtained from Redox solvent extraction IC Column studies made prior to January 15, 1949 in accordance with conditions of the A.N.L. June 1, 1948, Flowsheet.
Date: August 22, 1949
Creator: Hartzell, L. O.; Woodfield, F. W. & Bradley, J. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Density and Viscosity of Solutions in the Tributyl Phosphate Process for Uranium Recovery

Description: The following report discusses the presentation of preliminary density and viscosity data which may explain whether higher viscosities of the Deo Base-TBP systems, and a change in density differences between the two phases will lead to unsatisfactory column operation.
Date: November 29, 1949
Creator: Burger, L. L. & Slansky, C. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Vapor-Deposited Zirconium on Uranium

Description: From introduction: "This report describes the second phase of the work on the application of protective coatings to uranium by vapor deposition to reduce or prevent its corrosion by water."
Date: July 20, 1955
Creator: Powell, Carroll F.; Jones, Robert P.; Girod, Fleet T. & Campbell, Ivor E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Interim Report of Diamond-Drill Exploration, Club Mesa, Montrose County, Colorado

Description: From introduction: The present report summarizes the indicated and inferred reserves which have been found to date by the drilling in Club Mesa, Montrose County of New Mexico, and includes an estimate of the potential reserves predicted for the area. It also includes a statement of plans for additional drilling. A final report will be prepared on the completion of the drilling planned for 1951.
Date: May 1951
Creator: Bryner, Leonid & Withington, Charles F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radioactivity at the Jim Kane Mine, Mohave County, Arizona

Description: Abstract: About 2,000 tons of low-grade lead ore has been produced from the Jim Kane mine, near Kingman, Mohave County, Ariz. A 3-foot vein of gouge and siderite stringers in pre-Cambrian gneiss contains some lead and, locally, is abnormally radioactive. A sample of the vein contained 0.067 percent uranium. Abnormal radioactivity is restricted to a small part of the vein, and no reserves are calculated.
Date: January 1951
Creator: Kaiser, E. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Uranium Deposits on the Bulloch Group of Claims, Kane County, Utah

Description: From abstract: The Bulloch group of uranium claims are in T. 40 S., R. 9 we, Kane County, Utah. The past production has been 8.5 tons of submarginal ore submitted to the Marysvale purchasing depot of the Atomic Energy Commission in 1950; this shipment assayed 0.16 percent U308, Uranium is finely disseminated in clay, carbonaceous clay, carbonized wood fragments, iron-oxide concretions, petrified logs, sandstone, and conglomerates of the lower part of"the Dakota sandstone and upper part of the S… more
Date: January 1951
Creator: Beroni, E. P.; McKeown, F. A.; Stugard, F., Jr. & Gott, Garland B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Selected Annotated Bibliography of the Uranium Geology of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks in the United States and Territories

Description: From introduction: This bibliography is an annotated list of selected reports that were publicly available as of May 31, 1956, pertaining to the uranium content and/or radioactivity of igneous and metamorphic rocks and minerals in the United States.
Date: July 1956
Creator: Curtis, Diane
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Proposed Exploration for Uranium in the Front Range Mineral Belt, Colorado

Description: From abstract: Recorded production of pitchblende in the United States totals 313 tons of ore containing about 15 percent uranium. Of this total, 303 tons was produced at Central City and 8 tons at Lawson prior to World War I. The remaining 2 tons has been mined at Caribou during the past two years and is being stockpiled at the mine.
Date: January 1951
Creator: Moore, Frank B.; King, Robert Ugstad & Hinrichs, E. Neal
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Report on Diamond-Drill Exploration and Plans for Additional Drilling in Long Park and Vicinity, Montrose County, Colorado

Description: From abstract and summary: Long Park and vicinity is in T. 47 N., R. 17 W., Montrose County, Colo. The U. S. Geological Survey started a program of drilling in the area in April 1949, to find deposits that might be developed into new mines and to appraise the reserves of the area. This drilling was done during two periods of time under separate contracts.
Date: June 1951
Creator: Stephens, H. G. & Newman, William L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Study of Aluminum-Uranium Alloys

Description: Report discussing the redetermination of liquids for aluminum alloys containing 13 to 25 w/o uranium by metallographic examination, thermal analyses, and electrical resistance measurements. In addition, phase diagrams and a method for producing sound, homogeneous aluminum 16 w/o uranium alloy sleeve castings are presented.
Date: January 19, 1956
Creator: Saller, Henry A.; Dickerson, Ronald F.; Rough, Frank A.; Foster, Ellis L.; Bauer, Arthur A. & Lulay, John R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Countercurrent Solid-Liquid Contactor for Continuous Ion Exchange

Description: From abstract: "A continuous countercurrent solid-liquid contactor has been developed which retains the desirable features of the conventional fixed bed and gains the advantages of countercurrent flow. It can be adapted to many solid-liquid mass-transfer processes such as ion exchange, silica gel adsorption, and ore leaching."
Date: September 19, 1952
Creator: Higgins, I. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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