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open access

Compilation of cores and cuttings from U. S. Government-sponsored geothermal wells

Description: This compendium lists the repositories holding geothermal core and well cuttings from US government-sponsored geothermal wells. Also, a partial listing of cores and cutting from these wells is tabulated, along with referenced reports and location maps. These samples are available to the public for research investigations and studies, usually following submission of an appropriate request for use of the samples. The purpose of this compilation is to serve as a possible source of cores and cuttin… more
Date: July 1, 1980
Creator: Mathews, M.; Gambill, D.T. & Rowley, J.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Transient Temperature Distributions in a Thermally Orthotropic Plate With Non-Uniform Surface Heating

Description: ent temperature variation in a thermally orthotropic plate which is subjected to an arbitrary heating rate distribution along one face with all other surfaces being insulated. Dimensionless temperature histories and distributions determined from this solution are presented for the special, but representative, case of a linearly varying heating rate distribution on plates with varying degrees of thermal orthotropy. These results establish quantitatively the value of a material with high planar a… more
Date: June 1, 1961
Creator: Hornbaker, David Ross
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Feasibility Studies of in-Situ Coal Gasification in the Warrior Coal Field. Quarterly Report

Description: Studies in support of in-situ gasification involved experiments in bench-scale combustors where three parameters were varied independently: initial fuel bed temperature, applied air flow and water vapor influx rate. Methods for measuring the thermal conductivity of solids at high temperatures were evaluated and measurements of the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity were made over a temperature range for several samples of coke. (LTN)
Date: January 1, 1980
Creator: Douglas, George W. & McKinley, Marvin D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radially resolved measurements of ''q'' on the ATC tokamak

Description: This paper describes a new technique for directly measuring the safety factor, or q, profile in a tokamak. A tightly collimated neutral beam capable of injecting approximately 100 mA of 30 keV deuterium atoms was mounted on the ATC tokamak. By proper tangential aiming of the beam a strong concentration of circulating fast ions was created at a chosen plasma minor radius. By examining the orbits of these ions with a multi-sight-line charge exchange detector, it was possible to measure the shifts… more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Goldston, R.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tar sand extraction by steam stimulation and steam drive: measurement of physical properties

Description: The measurement of the following thermophysical properties of Utah tar sands is in progress: thermal conductivity, specific heat relative permeability, and viscosity (of the recovered bitumen). During the report period (October 1, 1978 to November 1, 1979), experimental procedures have been developed and a basic data set has been measured. Additionally, standard core analysis has been performed for four drill sites in the Asphalt Ridge, Utah area.
Date: September 10, 1980
Creator: Linberg, W.R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Investigation of Celotex trademark charring depths in the DT-18 shipping container

Description: Celotex {trademark}, the insulating material used between the outer and inner containers of the DT-18 shipping package, undergoes decomposition, combustion, or both when heated to temperatures exceeding 150{degrees}C. Several DT-18 packages that had previously undergone hypothetical thermal accident testing were opened and Celotex {trademark} charring depths ranging from {1/2} to 1 {1/2} in. were recorded. The majority of char depth data taken was between 3/4 and 1 {1/4} in. One-dimensional HEA… more
Date: March 1, 1992
Creator: Anderson, J.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Scoping Experiments for a Space Reactor

Description: Some scoping experiments were performed to evaluate fuel performance in a lithium heat pipe reactor operating at a nominal 1500K heat pipe temperature. Fuel-coolant and fuel-coolant-clad relationships showed that once a failed heat pipe occurs temperatures can rise high enough so that large concentrations of uranium can be transported by the vapor phase. Upon condensation this uranium would be capable of penetrating heat pipes adjacent to the failed pipe. The potential for propagation of failur… more
Date: July 7, 1983
Creator: Alexander, C. A. & Ogden, J. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cryogenic recovery analysis of forced flow supercritical helium cooled superconductors

Description: A coupled heat conduction and fluid flow method of solution was presented for cryogenic stability analysis of cabled composite superconductors of large scale magnetic coils. The coils are cooled by forced flow supercritical helium in parallel flow channels. The coolant flow reduction in one of the channels during the spontaneous recovery transient, after the conductor undergoes a transition from superconducting to resistive, necessitates a parallel channel analysis. A way to simulate the parall… more
Date: August 1, 1977
Creator: Lee, A. Y.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recent results on the FRC transport

Description: Some recent transport studies of field-reversed configurations (FRC) during their equilibrium phase are presented. The FRC confinement times of interest tau/sub N/, tau/sub E/, and tau/ sub phi/ are for particles, energy, and trapped-flux, respectively. An analytical expression for tau/sub N/ based on Lower-Hybrid-Drift (LHD) resistivity is presented. Some progress in assessing the respective contributions of radiation and thermal conduction to tau/sub E/ is given. Finally, the relation tau/sub… more
Date: January 1, 1984
Creator: Tuszewski, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of irradiation-induced defects on fusion reactor ceramics

Description: Structural, thermal, and electrical properties critical to performance of ceramics in a fusion environment can be profoundly altered by irradiation effects. Neutron damage may cause swelling, reduction of thermal conductivity, increase in dielectric loss, and either reduction or enhancement of strength depending on the crystal structure and defect content of the material. Absorption of ionizing energy inevitably leads to degradation of insulating properties, but these changes can be reduced by … more
Date: January 1, 1986
Creator: Clinard, F.W. Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

RODCON: a finite difference heat conduction computer code in cylindrical coordinates

Description: RODCON, a finite difference computer code, was developed to calculate the internal temperature distribution of the fuel rod simulator (FRS) for the Core Flow Test Loop (CFTL). RODCON solves the implicit, time-dependent forward-differencing heat transfer equation in 2-dimensional (Rtheta) cylindrical coordinates at an axial plane with user specified radial material zones and surface conditions at the FRS periphery. Symmetry of the boundary conditions of coolant bulk temperatures and film coeffic… more
Date: September 16, 1980
Creator: Conklin, J. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Simple measurement of line density

Description: Energy line density, E/sub l/ = ..integral..(F/2)nk(T/sub e/ + T/sub i/)dA, has proved to be one of the easiest (and most critical) measurements made on the Scylla IV-P, 5-m linear theta pinch. A quantitative evaluation of end-stoppering techniques is made available by extracting the line energy containment time, tau/sub E/sub l//, from the time history of E/sub l/. To model E/sub l/(t) properly and, hence, determine the details of energy loss mechanisms (streaming and thermal conduction) requi… more
Date: February 1, 1978
Creator: Armstrong, W.T. & Siemon, R.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Feasibility Studies of in-Situ Coal Gasification in the Warrior Coal Field. Quarterly Report

Description: Laboratory studies on a research combustor were used in an attempt to determine the length of oxidation and reduction zones. Unfortunately the buoyant effects of the heated gases caused the burn to proceed along the upper portion of the horizontal combustor. This made the interpretation of uncertain value. Methods of measuring the thermal conductivity and chemical reactivity of coke are discussed. A bibliography of the physical and chemical properties of coke is appended. (LTN)
Date: March 1, 1979
Creator: Douglas, George W. & McKinley, Marvin D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thermal transport properties of niobium and some niobium base alloys from 80 to 1600/sup 0/K

Description: The electrical resistivities and absolute Seebeck coefficients of 99.8 at. % niobium with a RRR of 36, Nb-4.8 at. % W, Nb-5 at. % Mo, Nb-10 at. % Mo, and Nb-2.4 at. % Mo-2.4 at. % Zr were measured from 80 to 1600/sup 0/K, and the thermal conductivities of the niobium and Nb-5 at. % W were measured from 80 to 1300/sup 0/K. A technique is described for measuring the electrical resistivity and Seebeck coefficient of a specimen during radial heat flow measurements of the thermal conductivity. The t… more
Date: January 1, 1980
Creator: Moore, J. P.; Graves, R. S. & Williams, R. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Feasibility Studies of in-Situ Coal Gasification in the Warrior Coal Field. Quarterly Report

Description: Studies in support of in-situ gasification involved bench-scale combustor experiments using forward combustion and coke as a fuel. Measurements of the thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and reactivity were made on several cokes over a range of temperatures. (LTN)
Date: October 1, 1979
Creator: Douglas, George W. & McKinley, Marvin D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Predicted temperature/time histories resulting from the burial of nuclear waste canisters in bedded salt

Description: This report provides computed thermal mappings for bedded salt surrounding canisters containing nuclear waste. This information can be used to study the possible migration of fluids within bedded salt under the influence of thermal gradients created by the heat-generating nuclear waste. The results presented were obtained from CINDA thermal models. Three different drift/canister configurations were modeled. The thermal conductivity of the salt was assumed to be temperature dependent while both … more
Date: July 1, 1980
Creator: George, O.L. Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Expected environments in high-level nuclear waste and spent fuel repositories in salt

Description: The purpose of this report is to describe the expected environments associated with high-level waste (HLW) and spent fuel (SF) repositories in salt formations. These environments include the thermal, fluid, pressure, brine chemistry, and radiation fields predicted for the repository conceptual designs. In this study, it is assumed that the repository will be a room and pillar mine in a rock-salt formation, with the disposal horizon located approx. 2000 ft (610 m) below the surface of the earth.… more
Date: August 1, 1980
Creator: Claiborne, H.C. & Rickertsen, L.D., Graham, R.F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Transport inhibition due to flow-driven ion turbulence at the shock behind the critical surface

Description: Using a fine-zoned spherical hydrodynamic code, we examine the effects of reduced thermal conductivity at the ion acoustic shock behind the ponderomotive force-steepened profile. Narrow, high density peaks, and shock heated ions are found.
Date: January 1, 1980
Creator: Mayer, F. J.; Mitrovich, D.; Powers, L. V. & Speziale, T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Feasibility Studies of in-Situ Coal Gasification in the Warrior Coal Field. Quarterly Report

Description: Support studies for in-situ gasification involved design and construction of a laboratory combustor, measurement of the physical and chemical properties of coke, experiments with the shrinking core combustion model, and calculations of in-situ combustion in thin seams and a review of the in-situ gasification experiments at Gorgas, Alabama. (LTN)
Date: October 1, 1978
Creator: Douglas, George W. & McKinley, Marvin D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Survey of Nonmetallic Liquid Coolants for Nuclear-Power Piles

Description: A comprehensive survey of the literature was made in an effort to identify nonmetallic materials of possible usefulness as liquid coolants. Materials having maximum melting points of 1000 deg F and boiling points of l200 deg F were considered, but boiling points above 2200 deg F were preferred. Melting points, boiling points, densities, heat capacities, and thermal conductivities were tabulated. Approximately 190 materials appeared to have melting and boiling temperatures in a suitable range. A… more
Date: May 26, 1950
Creator: Shaw, H.L. & Boulger, F.W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Materials compatibility and lubricants research on CFC-refrigerant substitutes: Thermophysical properties

Description: Numerous fluids have been identified as promising alternative refrigerants, but much of the information needed to predict their behavior as pure fluids and as components in mixtures does not exist. In particular, reliable thermophysical properties data and models are needed to predict the performance of the new refrigerants in heating and cooling equipment, and to design and optimize equipment to be reliable and energy efficient. The objective of this project is to provide highly accurate, sele… more
Date: April 1, 1992
Creator: Kayser, R.F. (National Inst. of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD (United States). Thermophysics Div.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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