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open access

Precipitation of cerium sulfate

Description: Cerium sulfate purified by D2EHPA in Semiworks can be precipitated by adjusting pH to between 1 and 2 in tank 6 with 50% caustic. The solution can then be transferred through tank 1 to tank 67, where sodium bisulfate is added to make the solution 0.5M sulfate. A stoichiometric amount (mole for mole) of 50% caustic is added to just neutralize the sodium bisulfate. The precipitate is digested one hour at 60 C, then filtered.
Date: January 27, 1964
Creator: Buckingham, J. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Redox Plant shutdown, January 8, 1955--February 2, 1955

Description: This report summarizes work completed during the Redox Plant shutdown in January 1955. An analysis of major difficulties encountered, improvements made during the shutdown, and building design deficiencies brought to light by the shutdown are discussed. (JL)
Date: February 15, 1955
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Flowsheet No. 1: Cesium isolation and packaging

Description: An engineering flowsheet has been prepared for the conversion of an aqueous slurry of cesium-zinc-ferrocyanide into a dry cesium chloride product by the calcination process. Flowsheet No. 1 defines a six-step batch-type calcination operation for processing the slurry into a dry powder for offsite shipment in bulk containers. Some of the advantages to this process are as follows: Product losses are expected to be small, estimated to be less than 0.03 percent; the equipment required to process a … more
Date: May 20, 1957
Creator: Wirta, R. W. & Koski, O. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Discussion of ruthenium problem in Redox Plant

Description: A meeting was held February 5, 1954 in the 2704-Z Building to discuss the ruthenium problem in the Redox Plant and to decide on a course of action to correct the problem. The following persons were in attendance.
Date: February 8, 1954
Creator: Mobley, W. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hanford Atomic Products Operation Five-Year Program

Description: The General Electric Company has prepared in past years numerous documents for the Atomic Energy Commission outlining in some detail its current and proposed programs at Hanford. Last year, at the request of the commission, program types of information were consolidated into one document, the HAPO Five Year Program. That document was well received and useful to an extent that the General Electric Company was requested by the Commission to prepare another covering the fiscal years 1959 through 1… more
Date: May 19, 1958
Creator: Priode, C. A.; Benoliel, R. W.; Gilbert, W. D.; McGrath, R. E.; Tomlinson, R. E. & Zuhr, H. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Division monthly report, May 1966

Description: This report, from the Chemical Processing Department at HAPO for May 1966, discusses the following: Production operation; Purex and Redox operation; Finished products operation; maintenance; Financial operations; facilities engineering; research; and employee-relations, and waste management.
Date: June 20, 1966
Creator: Reed, P. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Addendum to HW-34882: Technical appraisal of Redox ruthenium problems and their resolution

Description: In the light of Redox Plant performance since the start-up on 2-3-55, coupled with a review of the technological factors involved in the current flowsheet, a departure from the process program outlined in HW-34882 is herewith presented as an addendum to that document which will also serve to detail the corresponding items in the latest Redox Test Program, HW-35069. The purposes of this document are to: (1) Discuss the need for modifications of the program given in HW-34882, and (2) Present the … more
Date: February 24, 1955
Creator: Harmon, M. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Production of metal waste forms from spent fuel treatment

Description: Treatment of spent nuclear fuel at Argonne National Laboratory consists of a pyroprocessing scheme in which the development of suitable waste forms is being advanced. Of the two waste forms being proposed, metal and mineral, the production of the metal waste form utilizes induction melting to stabilize the waste product. Alloying of metallic nuclear materials by induction melting has long been an Argonne strength and thus, the transition to metallic waste processing seems compatible. A test pro… more
Date: February 1, 1995
Creator: Westphal, B. R.; Keiser, D. D.; Rigg, R. H. & Laug, D. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department Monthly Report: January 1959

Description: This report for January 1959, from the Chemical Processing Department at HAPO, discusses the following: Production operation; Purex and Redox operation; Finished products operation; maintenance: Financial operations; facilities engineering; research; and employee relations.
Date: February 20, 1959
Creator: Hanford Atomic Products Operation. Chemical Processing Department.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department Monthly Report: September 1963

Description: This report, from the Chemical Processing Department at HAPO for September 1963, discusses the following: Production operation; Purex and Redox operation; Finished products operation; maintenance; Financial operations, facilities engineering; research; employee relations; weapons manufacturing operation; and power and crafts operation.
Date: October 21, 1963
Creator: Hanford Atomic Products Operation. Chemical Processing Department.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Division monthly report, January 1966

Description: This report, from the Chemical Processing Department at HAPO for January 1966, discusses the following: Production operation; Purex and Redox operation; Finished products operation; maintenance; Financial operations; facilities engineering; research; and employee relations.
Date: February 21, 1966
Creator: Reed, P. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pyrochemical processing of DOE spent nuclear fuel

Description: A compact, efficient method for conditioning spent nuclear fuel is under development. This method, known as pyrochemical processing, or {open_quotes}pyroprocessing,{close_quotes} provides a separation of fission products from the actinide elements present in spent fuel and further separates pure uranium from the transuranic elements. The process can facilitate the timely and environmentally-sound treatment of the highly diverse collection of spent fuel currently in the inventory of the United S… more
Date: February 1, 1995
Creator: Laidler, J. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department Monthly Report: March 1961

Description: This report for March 1961, from the Chemical Processing Department at HAPO, discusses the following: Production operation; Purex and Redox operation; Finished products operation; maintenance: Financial operations; facilities engineering; research; and employee relations.
Date: April 21, 1961
Creator: Hanford Atomic Products Operation. Chemical Processing Department.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department Monthly Report: October 1960

Description: This report, from the Chemical Processing Department at HAPO for October 1960, discusses the following: Production operation; Purex and Redox operation; Finished products operation; maintenance; Financial operations, facilities engineering; research; employee relations; and special separation processing and auxiliaries operation.
Date: November 21, 1960
Creator: Hanford Atomic Products Operation. Chemical Processing Department.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Addendum 3 to CSAR 80-027, Use of calorimeter 109B for fissile material measurement

Description: This modification to the Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP) calorimeter system involves removing current calorimeter No. 3 from the water bath and replacing it with a calorimeter that can accommodate larger diameter items (an oversize can). The inside diameters of both the sample and the reference cells will be increased to 5.835 inches at the top opening and to 5.22 inches at the bottom, the 8 inch high measurement zone. This Addendum 3 to Criticality Safety Analysis Report 80-027 examines critic… more
Date: December 5, 1994
Creator: Chiao, T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hanford Engineer Works technical progress letter No. 134, January 19--25, [1947]

Description: This technical progress letter contains reports from six Technical Department divisions at the Hanford Engineer Works for January 19 through January 25, 1947. The six reporting divisions are: 100 Areas, 300 Area, 200 Areas, Chemical Development, Laboratories, and Statistical Studies. (JL)
Date: January 30, 1947
Creator: Greninger, A. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Items for over-all Redox contamination improvement

Description: In view of contamination difficulties within the Redox operation, number of items are being considered to improve this situation. It is the objective of this document to list and describe seven times which it is felt would contribute most toward improvement. It is also an objective to present for RDS-D-12 Group consideration the recommendations of representatives from Manufacturing, Technical, and Design in these matters with the expectation that a project proposal written in general terms for … more
Date: January 13, 1955
Creator: Rohrmann, C. A.; Wilson, B. D. & Merrill, E. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Sand filter pilot proposal

Description: This report is a short communication concerning the performance of pilot plant sand filters at Building 292-B at Hanford Atomic Products Operation. (VC)
Date: July 15, 1948
Creator: Stainken, F. A. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Definitive process design, Redox multi-purpose dissolver installation

Description: This document provides the required definitive scope design for dissolver equipment capable of nuclear safe processing by geometry of E-Metal and certain other fuels enriched to a maximum of one per cent U-235 equivalent. Using only a single dissolver installation of this design, it will be possible to process the current E-Metal monthly commitment in less than two weeks (five-day week). The proposed dissolver system is to incorporate design flexibility required to permit conversion to Zirflex … more
Date: May 6, 1959
Creator: Gustafson, L. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department Monthly Report: November 1965

Description: This report, from the Chemical Processing Department at HAPO, November 1965, discusses the following: Production Operation; Purex and Redox Operation; Finished Products Operation; Maintenance; Financial Operations; facilities engineering; research; and employee relations.
Date: December 22, 1965
Creator: Hanford Atomic Products Operation. Chemical Processing Department.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department Monthly Report: May 1963

Description: This report, from the Chemical Processing Department at HAPO for May 1963, discusses the following: Production operation; Purex and Redox operation; Finished products operation; maintenance; Financial operations, facilities engineering; research; employee relations; weapons manufacturing operation; and power and crafts operation.
Date: June 21, 1963
Creator: Hanford Atomic Products Operation. Chemical Processing Department.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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