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open access

Radiochemical analyses of samples from beneath a solid radioactive waste disposal pit at Los Alamos, New Mexico

Description: Solid radioactive wastes are disposed of by burial in pits excavated in rhyolite tuff at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL). Contaminants in the waste include fission products, uranium, and transuranic elements. In 1976, horizontal core holes were drilled beneath a waste disposal pit that was used from 1963 to 1966. Samples of the core were analyzed for gross alpha, gross beta, total uranium, /sup 90/Sr, /sup 137/Cs, /sup 238/Pu, /sup 239/ /sup 240/Pu, and /sup 241/Am. The measured gro… more
Date: June 1, 1980
Creator: Purtymun, W. D.; Rogers, M. A. & Wheeler, M. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Plutonium isotopic analysis of highly enriched mixed oxides

Description: We investigated the analysis method used by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to determine the plutonium isotopic composition of highly enriched mixed oxides (MOX). The IAEA currently uses the Cicero multichannel analyzer and the IAEAPU algorithm for its analysis. In our investigation the plutonium isotopic measurements were found to be good for PuO/sub 2/ powder or low-enriched MOX, but acceptable for highly enriched MOX in IAEA special nuclear material (SNM) accountability applica… more
Date: August 1, 1986
Creator: Clement, S. D. & Augustson, R. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Stability of plutonium contaminated sediments in the Miami--Erie Canal. [Mound Facility, Ohio, radioactive effluents monitoring]

Description: This study was conducted to evaluate the stability of plutonium-contaminated sediment in the Miami-Erie Canal. Correlations were sought to relate concentrations at air sampling stations to plutonium-238 concentrations in air and stack emissions, wind direction, particulate loading, rainfall, and construction activities. There appears to be some impact on airborne concentrations at air sampling stations 122 and 123 from the contaminated sediment in the canal and ponds area. For purposes of this … more
Date: March 1, 1978
Creator: Farmer, Billy M. & Carfagno, Daniel G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An MS-DOS-based program for analyzing plutonium gamma-ray spectra

Description: A plutonium gamma-ray analysis system that operates on MS-DOS-based computers has been developed for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to perform in-field analysis of plutonium gamma-ray spectra for plutonium isotopics. The user interacts with the system by means of menus and screens that allow the user to select various applications and to enter information pertinent to a measurement. This information, along with the plutonium weight-percent-abundance results from the data analysis… more
Date: September 7, 1989
Creator: Ruhter, W. D. & Buckley, W. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of the radionuclide concentrations in soil and plants from the 1975 terrestrial survey of Bikini and Eneu Islands

Description: In June 1975 a radiological survey was conducted of the terrestrial environment of Bikini and Eneu islands (Bikini Atoll) to evaluate the potential radiation dose to the returning Bikini population. In this report, we present measurements of the radionuclide concentration in soil profiles and in dominant species of edible and nonedible, indicator plants. The use of these data to derive relationships to predict the plant uptake of radionuclides from soil is described. Approximately 620 soil and … more
Date: January 21, 1977
Creator: Colsher, C. S.; Robison, W. L. & Gudiksen, P. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Kilowatt isotope power system. Phase II plan. Volume V. Safety, quality assurance and reliability

Description: The development of a Kilowatt Isotope Power System (KIPS) was begun in 1975 for the purpose of satisfying the power requirements of satellites in the 1980's. The KIPS is a /sup 238/PuO/sub 2/-fueled organic Rankine cycle turbine power system to provide a design output of 500 to 2000 W. Included in this volume are: launch and flight safety considerations; quality assurance techniques and procedures to be followed through system fabrication, assembly and inspection; and the reliability program ma… more
Date: March 15, 1978
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Germanium detector system for the detection of transuranics at low-activity concentrations in soil. [/sup 241/Am, /sup 240/Pu, /sup 239/Pu, /sup 238/U, /sup 232/Th]

Description: A photon spectroscopy system is described which is designed for the detection of plutonium and /sup 241/Am in soil samples with a minimum turnaround time. Quantification is based upon the 60-keV gamma emitted in /sup 241/Am decay and upon the uranium L x-rays (energies from 13 to 22 keV) emitted by plutonium isotopes during alpha decay. The detector is a single-crystal, intrinsic-germanium-planar detector with a surface area of 21 cm/sup 2/. Sensitivity is increased by incorporating a detector … more
Date: January 1, 1978
Creator: West, L.; Umbarger, C.J. & Dempsey, T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Prediction of the migration of several radionuclides in ocean sediment with the computer code IONMIG: a preliminary report

Description: A computer code, IONMIG, which is used to calculate the far-field transport of radionuclides through ocean sediment by diffusion and convection is described. The code uses a two-dimensional, axisymmetric, explicit finite difference formulation. Preliminary results for several species (Cs, Pu, I, Tc) are given.
Date: May 1, 1980
Creator: Russo, A.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Environmental radiation safety: source term modification by soil aerosols. Interim report

Description: The goal of this project is to provide information useful in estimating hazards related to the use of a pure refractory oxide of /sup 238/Pu as a power source in some of the space vehicles to be launched during the next few years. Although the sources are designed and built to withstand re-entry into the earth's atmosphere, and to impact with the earth's surface without releasing any plutonium, the possibility that such an event might produce aerosols composed of soil and /sup 238/PuO/sub 2/ ca… more
Date: August 1, 1980
Creator: Moss, O.R.; Allen, M.D.; Rossignol, E.J. & Cannon, W.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Isotopic distributions, element ratios, and element mass fractions from enrichment-meter-type gamma-ray measurements of MOX

Description: The gamma-ray spectra from infinitely'' thick mixed oxide samples have been measured. The plutonium isotopics, the U/Pu ratio, the high-Z mass fractions (assuming only plutonium, uranium, and americium), and the low-Z mass fraction (assuming the matrix is only oxygen) can be determined by carefully analyzing the data. The results agree well with the chemical determination of these parameters. 8 refs., 3 figs., 3 tabs.
Date: January 1, 1991
Creator: Close, D. A.; Parker, J. L.; Haycock, D. L. & Dragnev, T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Table of radioactive elements

Description: As has been the custom in the past, the Commission publishes a table of relative atomic masses and halflives of selected radionuclides. The information contained in this table will enable the user to calculate the atomic weight for radioactive materials with a variety of isotopic compositions. The atomic masses have been taken from the 1984 Atomic Mass Table. Some of the halflives have already been documented.
Date: January 1, 1985
Creator: Holden, Norman E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Environmental studies group. Annual report for 1978

Description: Group projects included radioecological studies of aquatic and terrestrial systems, land management activities, foodstuff monitoring, dust transport studies including fugitive dust measurements and modeling, and several support programs involving evaluation of the plant's ambient air samplers and airborne tritium monitoring techniques. Some salient results from the several project reports include determination of an appropriate model for mechanically generated fugitive dust dispersion, a r… more
Date: August 21, 1980
Creator: Hunt, D. C. & Hurley, J. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Environmental surveillance at Los Alamos during 1987

Description: This report describes the environmental surveillance program conducted by Los Alamos National Laboratory during 1987. Routine monitoring for radiation and radioactive or chemical materials is conducted on the Laboratory site as well as in the surrounding region. Monitoring results are used to determine compliance with appropriate standards and to permit early identification of potentially undesirable trends. Results and interpretation of data for 1987 cover: external penetrating radiation; quan… more
Date: May 1, 1988
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for functionals of the time-dependent nuclide density field. [ORIGEN-A]

Description: An approach to extend the present ORNL sensitivity program to include functionals of the time-dependent nuclide density field is developed. An adjoint equation for the nuclide field was derived previously by using generalized perturbation theory; the present derivation makes use of a variational principle and results in the same equation. The physical significance of this equation is discussed and compared to that of the time-dependent neutron adjoint equation. Computational requirements for de… more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Williams, M.L. & Weisbin, C.R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Sediment and radionuclide transport in rivers. Phase 3. Field sampling program for Cattaraugus and Buttermilk Creeks, New York

Description: A field sampling program was conducted on Cattaraugus and Buttermilk Creeks, New York during April 1979 to investigate the transport of radionuclides in surface waters as part of a continuing program to provide data for application and verification of Pacific Northwest Laboratory's (PNL) sediment and radionuclide transport model, SERATRA. Bed sediment, suspended sediment and water samples were collected during unsteady flow conditions over a 45 mile reach of stream channel. Radiological an… more
Date: August 1, 1982
Creator: Ecker, R. M.; Walters, W. H. & Onishi, Y.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

/sup 238/Pu fuel-form processes. Quarterly report, October-December 1981

Description: Progress in the Savannah River /sup 238/Pu Fuel Form Program is summarized. Work during this period concentrated on the extensive cracking of the /sup 238/PuO/sub 2/ fuel form prior to encapsulation in the iridium containment shell for heat sources. This cracking results in increased recycle cost and decreased production efficiency. To better understand this cracking, Savannah River Laboratory (SRL) has made an extensive review of the development of /sup 238/PuO/sub 2/ fuel forms from small-sca… more
Date: May 1, 1982
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Milliwatt generator project: Progress report, April 1983--March 1984

Description: This report covers progress on the Milliwatt Generator Project during April 1983--March 1984. Activities included (plutonium 238 oxide) fuel processing and characterization, production of heat sources, fabrication of pressure-burst test units, compatibility studies, impact testing, examination of surveillance units, Inconel weld development, and qualilty assurance.
Date: May 1, 1988
Creator: Rinehart, G.H. & Latimer, T.W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Gamma densitometer for measuring Pu density in fuel tubes

Description: A fuel-gamma-densitometer (FGD) has been developed to examine nondestructively the uniformity of plutonium in aluminum-clad fuel tubes at the Savannah River Plant (SRP). The monitoring technique is ..gamma..-ray spectroscopy with a lead-collimated Ge(Li) detector. Plutonium density is correlated with the measured intensity of the 208 keV ..gamma..-ray from /sup 237/U (7d) of the /sup 241/Pu (15y) decay chain. The FGD measures the plutonium density within 0.125- or 0.25-inch-diameter areas of th… more
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Winn, Willard G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Estimating Adipose Tissue in the Chest Wall Using Ultrasonic and Alternate /sup 40/K and Biometric Measurements

Description: The percentage of adipose (fat) tissue in the chest wall must be known to accurately measure Pu in the human lung. Correction factors of 100% or more in x-ray detection efficiency are common. Methods using simple /sup 40/K and biometric measurement techniques were investigated to determine the adipose content in the human chest wall. These methods predict adipose content to within 15% of the absolute ultrasonic value. These new methods are discussed and compared with conventional ultrasonic mea… more
Date: January 22, 1982
Creator: Anderson, A. L. & Campbell, G. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High-sensitivity transuranic waste assay by simultaneous proton and thermal-neutron interrogation using an electron linear accelerator

Description: Simultaneous photon and neutron interrogation from electron linear accelerator pulses is used as the basis for a unique assay technique for transuranics. Both prompt and delayed neutrons from the induced fissions are counted on a single detection system, and the contributions from each interrogating flux are resolved. Detection limits (3 sigma) for /sup 239/Pu were estimated to be 3 mg for prompt fission neutrons and 6 mg for delayed neutrons. The technique also provides a clear distinction bet… more
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Franks, L. A.; Pigg, J. L.; Caldwell, J. T.; Cates, M. R.; Kunz, W. E. & Noel, B. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of ultrafiltration and inorganic adsorbents for reducing volumes of low-level and intermediate-level liquid waste: July--September 1977

Description: The ultrafiltration (UF) pilot system is being evaluated at Mound Facility. The effect of pressure drop, temperature, and pH of the feed on system performance has been studied. The system has been run through a number of cleaning cycles including tap water flush, enzyme soak, detergent wash, and citric acid/oxalic acid wash. A continuous run was started on waste from the Waste Processing Facility; about 11,500 gal has been processed. Studies to determine the effect of (..cap alpha.., ..beta.., … more
Date: February 9, 1978
Creator: Koenst, J. W.; Herald, W. R. & Roberts, R. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Voloxidation and dissolution of irradiated plutonium recycle fuels

Description: Voloxidation removed > 99.4% of the tritium in the fuels tested (LWR recycled fuels containing /sup 239/Pu). Voloxidation increased the amount of insoluble residue by roughly a factor of two. Voloxidation increased the amount of plutonium in the insoluble residue by factors of 4 to 5. Voloxidation made the insoluble plutonium much harder to dissolve.
Date: January 1, 1980
Creator: Cadieux, J.R. & Stone, J.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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