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open access

Physical fitness training reference manual for security force personnel at fuel cycle facilities possessing formula quantities of special nuclear materials

Description: The recommendations contained throughout this NUREG are being provided to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) as a reference manual which can be used by licensee management as they develop a program plan for the safe participation of guards, Tactical Response Team members (TRTs), and all other armed response personnel in physical fitness training and in physical performance standards testing. The information provided in this NUREG will help licensees to determine if guards, TRTs, and other … more
Date: September 1, 1991
Creator: Arzino, P. A.; Caplan, C. S. & Goold, R. E. (California State Univ., Hayward, CA (United States). Foundation)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Creating a word list for technical and clerical personnel

Description: The Savannah River Plant and Laboratory employ more than 16,000 people. When the separate Publications Divisions of the Plant and Laboratory were combined it was determined that a single source of information for using terms was needed, and that the source would take the form of a word list. The Word List was issued to more than 5000 employees onsite. In addition, the Word List is being added to the site computer network as a reference document and as an online spelling checker where more than … more
Date: May 1, 1988
Creator: Hammond, J S
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Environmental assessment for the Satellite Power System (SPS) Concept Development and Evaluation Program (CDEP). [Microwave and non-microwave health and ecological assessment]

Description: In the satellite power system (SPS), satellites in geosynchronous earth orbit would collect solar energy in space, convert it to microwaves, and transmit the microwaves to receiving antennas (rectennas) on earth. At the rectennas, the microwave energy would be converted to electricity. This SPS environmental assessment considers the microwave and nonmicrowave effects on the terrestrial environment and human health, atmospheric effects, and effects on electromagnetic systems. No environmental pr… more
Date: August 1, 1980
Creator: Valentino, A.R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Field radiography using 100 Ci of Co-60 without interrupting adjacent manufacturing operations

Description: Radiography is the primary method of Nondestructive Examination recognized by the ASME B and PV Code as providing objective evidence of volumetric examination of the pressure boundary welds that are present in the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Program (CRBRP) Steam Generator. In order to support the steam generator production schedule, the radiographic examinations must be performed without interrupting any other manufacturing or inspection operations taking place within a 20-ft radius from the … more
Date: January 1, 1979
Creator: Donnelly, C.W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Staff rosters for 1979: environmental programs

Description: The roster of the scientific and professional staffs of the Environmental Programs of the Department of Energy and Environment has been compiled as of December 1979. Staff members have been listed according to their organizational units, i.e., the Atmospheric Sciences Division, the Environmental Chemistry Division, the Oceanographic Sciences Division, and the Land and Freshwater Environmental Sciences Group. Educational background, research interests, professional activities, summary of experie… more
Date: December 1, 1979
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Innovative approach to asbestos removal

Description: The most common asbestos materials used at the Savannah River site include: steam pipe insulation; powerhouse boiler insulation; wallboards; roofing materials; and cement products. Asbestos was also found in a number of other materials: aprons; gaskets; laboratory hot pads; and talcum powder used for gloves. Techniques for removal; personnel training; mechanical ventilation; and personnel isolation techniques are described for completing asbestos removal safely and without boiler downtime. (PSB) more
Date: January 1, 1984
Creator: Kahal, E J
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Off-Site Radiological Safety Report, Carlsbad, New Mexico

Description: A summary ls presented of the off-slte radiological safety actlvities of the U. S. Public Health Service during the Project Gnome operation. Topics dlscussed include: operational procedures; collection of data by aerial monltoring, mobile monitoring, potash mlne surveys, air sampling, milk sampllng, water sampling, soil and vegetation sampllng, and a film badge program; laboratory control, emergency measures; medlcal services; and veterinary activltles. It was concluded that no persons ln the v… more
Date: January 1, 1961
Creator: Placak, O. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An organizational survey of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. [Organizational survey in preparation for an upcoming Tiger Team Assessment]

Description: At the request of the management of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), an Organizational Survey (OS), identical to the one that has been used prior to Tiger Team Assessments at other Department Energy facilities, was administered at SPR independent of a Tiger Team Assessment. The OS measured employees' opinions on subjects such as organizational culture, communication, commitment, group cohesion, coordination, safety, environmental issues, and job satisfaction. The result of this work was a… more
Date: January 1, 1992
Creator: Shurberg, D.A. & Haber, S.B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Response of Dual-Purpose Reinforced-Concrete Mass Shelter

Description: BS>A reinforced-concrete dual-purpose underground parking garage and personnel sheiter designed for a long-duration incident pressure of 40 psi was tested. The sheiter was exposed to shot Priscilla, an approximately 37-kt 700-ft balloon burst (June 24, 1957), at a ground range of 1600 ft (predicted 35-psi peak incident-pressure level). The recorded peak incident pressure at the shelter was approximately 39 psi. Postshot soil borings were made to obtain undisturbed samples for determining soil c… more
Date: April 1, 1961
Creator: Cohen, E.; Laing, E. & Bottenhofer, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Control room habitability study: findings and recommendations

Description: The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) has raised a number of concerns related to control room habitability and has recommended actions which they believe could alleviate these concerns. As a result of the ACRS's concerns, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) in conjunction with the Offices of Research and Inspection and Enforcement, and the NRC regional offices, embarked upon a program to reevaluate Control Room Habitability. Argo… more
Date: January 1, 1986
Creator: Driscoll, J.W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Performance estimates for personnel access control systems

Description: Current performance estimates for personnel access control systems use estimates of Type I and Type II verification errors. A system performance equation which addresses normal operation, the insider, and outside adversary attack is developed. Examination of this equation reveals the inadequacy of classical Type I and II error evaluations which require detailed knowledge of the adversary threat scenario for each specific installation. Consequently, new performance measures which are consistent … more
Date: October 1, 1980
Creator: Bradley, R. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Measurements of /sup 234/U, /sup 238/U and /sup 230/Th in excreta of uranium-mill crushermen

Description: Uranium and thorium levels in excreta of uranium mill crushermen who are routinely exposed to airborne uranium ore dust were measured. The purpose was to determine whether /sup 230/Th was preferentially retained over either /sup 234/U or /sup 238/U in the body. Urine and fecal samples were obtained from fourteen active crushermen with long histories of exposure to uranium ore dust, plus four retired crushermen and three control individuals for comparison. Radiochemical procedures were used to s… more
Date: July 1, 1982
Creator: Fisher, D. R.; Jackson, P. O.; Brodacynski, G. G. & Scherpelz, R. I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Consumer Energy Atlas

Description: This first edition of the Atlas provides, in reference form, a central source of information to consumers on key contacts concerned with energy in the US. Energy consumers need information appropriate to local climates and characteristics - best provided by state and local governments. The Department of Energy recognizes the authority of state and local governments to manage energy programs on their own. Therefore, emphasis has been given to government organizations on both the national and sta… more
Date: June 1, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Technical Area 55 Entry Control System (ECS). [Plutonium facilities]

Description: The exchange badge system which was used at the Plutonium Facility located in Technical Area 55 was replaced on a trial basis with an automated Entry Control System. As a result of the success of the trial system, a new system incorporating expanded features and increased reliability is being implemented. The new Entry Control System incorporates several features not previously available in relatively inexpensive entry systems. The reliability of the system is enhanced by redundant microprocess… more
Date: January 1, 1984
Creator: Beaumont, A.; Brundige, E.; DesJardin, R. & Rivera, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Detectors for radiation dosimetry

Description: For our purposes in this review, we note the following points: (1) for charged particle detection, these counters can be filled with any noble gas-quenching gas mixture that produces satisfactory electrical signals; (2) neutron counters, in which the neutrons are detected by their interaction with the specific filling of the chamber to yield an ionizing particle, require special gas mixtures containing /sup 3/He or BF/sub 3/, an alternative approach is to coat the inner surface of the cathode w… more
Date: September 1, 1979
Creator: Perez-Mendez, V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Conduct of operations: The foundation of safety -- An overview

Description: This paper discusses issues and approaches dealing with conceptualizing, implementing, and maintaining configuration control commensurate with the conduct of operations approach defined by DOE ORDER 5480.19. Specific topics reviewed will include key elements of assessments to determine the status quo such as assessment criteria, assessment personnel, and assessment scope; administrative programs to maintain the status quo such as organizational definition, responsibilities, interfaces, and prio… more
Date: May 1, 1992
Creator: Willett, D.J. & Hertel, N.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental considerations for the calibration of personnel dosimeters with photons

Description: The criteria for irradiating radiation dosimeters for test purposes are defined quite clearly in Draft ANSI Standard N13.11. In this Draft the use of phantoms, constructed of a near tissue equivalent material, is prescribed for backing the dosimeters while being irradiated, thus simulating a dosimeter being irradiated while attached to a person. When the phantom is placed in the photon beam it becomes a major source of scattered radiation. The scatter component into the dosimeter is a function … more
Date: unknown
Creator: Hooker, C.D.; Yoder, R.C. & Courtney, J.W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

INEL waste cleanup

Description: Decommissioning and decontamination activities at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory are discussed. The projects planned and completed are presented. Problems encountered on these projects are discussed. A developmental program is recommended. Contaminated areas consist of test reactors, reactor support facilities, a fuel reprocessing facility and various soil areas. One D and D project in 1960 occurred as a result of an accident at a low-power reactor in which 3 persons were killed, the… more
Date: January 1, 1979
Creator: Chapin, J.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Access control system for ISABELLE

Description: An access system based on the one now in operation at the CERN ISR is recommended. Access doors would presumably be located at the entrances to the utility tunnels connecting the support buildings with the ring. Persons requesting access would insert an identity card into a scanner to activate the system. The request would be autologged, the keybank adjacent to the door would be unlocked and ISABELLE operations would be notified. The operator would then select the door, activating a TV-audio li… more
Date: August 17, 1977
Creator: Potter, K. & Littenberg, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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