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open access

SYNBURN : a Fast-Reactor Fuel-Cycle Program

Description: The SYNBURN computer program for fast reactors will calculate all the neutronics necessary to completely characterize the equilibrium cycle as well as the startup to equilibrium cycles. The program's run time is very short and this makes the program suitable for survey of parametric studies. It can search on the cycle time for a specified burnup, for the shim control necessary for criticality as well as feed enrichments and the enrichment ratio among core zones. SYNBURN synthesizes in a very si… more
Date: 1976
Creator: Pizzica, P. A. & Meneley, D. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analytical Investigation of Certain Aspects of LMFBR Subassembly-Failure Propagation

Description: An analytical investigation of certain problems in the area of subassembly-to-subassembly failure propagation in LMFBR's is described. Existing analyses of the response of the adjacent subassembly duct to mechanical loads are reviewed and summarized, and major uncertainties are identified. Additional analyses of the response of the adjacent subassembly to certain thermal loads are presented in two parts. In the first part, the effect of an external heat flux on duct melting and thermal stresses… more
Date: February 1976
Creator: Marr, William W.; Wang, P. Y.; Misra, B.; Padilla, A. & Crawford, R. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Avoiding Leakage Flow-Induced Vibration by a Tube-in-Tube Slip Joint

Description: Parameters and operating conditions (a stability map) were determined for which a specific slip-joint design did not cause self-excited lateral vibration of the two cantilevered, telescoping tubes forming the joint. The joint design featured a localized annular constriction. Flowrate, modal damping, tube engagement length, and eccentric positioning were among the parameters tested. Interestingly, all self-excited vibrations could be avoided by following a simple design rule: place constrictions… more
Date: October 1984
Creator: Mulcahy, T. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Unavailability Modeling and Analysis of Redundant Safety Systems

Description: Analytical expressions have been developed to estimate the average unavailability of an m-out-of-n (m/n, 1 less than or equal to m less than or equal to n less than or equal to 4) standby safety system of a nuclear power plant. The expressions take into account contributions made by testing, repair, equipment failure, human error, and different testing schemes. A computer code, ICARUS, has been written to incorporate these analytical equations. The code is capable of calculating the average una… more
Date: October 1979
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory. Reactor Analysis and Safety Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Proceedings of the NEANDC/NEACRP Specialists Meeting on Fast-Neutron Capture Cross Sections

Description: This proceedings contains the summaries and contents of a number of papers presented at the 1982 NEANDC/NEACRP specialists meeting on fast-neutron capture cross sections. The table of contents has been summarized to provide a sketch of the topical matter.
Date: April 1982
Creator: Smith, A. B. & Poenitz, W. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Leakage-Flow-Induced Vibration of a Tube-in-Tube Slip Joint

Description: The susceptibility of a cantilevered tube conveying water to self-excitation by leakage flow through a slip joint is assessed experimentally. The slip joint is formed by inserting a smaller, rigid tube into the free end of the cantilevered tube. Variations of the slip joint annular gaps and engagement lengths are tested, and several mechanisms for self-excitation are described.
Date: June 1983
Creator: Mulcahy, T. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Theory and Use of GIRAFFE for Analysis of Decay Characteristics of Delayed-Neutron Precursors in an LMFBR

Description: The application of the computer code GIRAFFE (General Isotope Release Analysis For Failed Elements) written in FORTRAN IV is described. GIRAFFE was designed to provide parameter estimates of the nonlinear discrete-measurement models that govern the transport and decay of delayed-neutron precursors in a liquid-metal fast breeder reactor (LMFBR). The code has been organized into a set of small, relatively independent and well-defined modules to facilitate modification and maintenance. The program… more
Date: July 1980
Creator: Gross, Kenny C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Transient-Overpower Test E8 on FFTF-Type Low-Power-Irradiated Fuel

Description: Test E8 simulated a hypothetical $3/s transient overpower accident in an LMFBR using seven (plutonium, uranium) oxide fuel elements of the FTR type. The test elements were pre-irradiated in the PNL-10 assembly in EBR-II to 5 at.% burnup at 30 kW/m. The pre-irradiation in EBR-II caused a fuel-restructuring range characteristic of a low-to-moderate power microstructure for FTR. Failure predictions indicated that fuel with this microstructural characteristic would fail at a lower energy deposition… more
Date: 1977?
Creator: Simms, R.; Murphy, W. F.; Stanford, G. S. & Rothman, Alan B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cladding Failure by Local Plastic Instability

Description: Cladding failure is one of the major considerations in analysis of fuel-pin behavior during hypothetical accident transients since time, location, and nature of failure govern the early post-failure material motion and reactivity feedback. Out-of-pile thermal transient tests of both irradiated and unirradiated fast-reactor cladding show that local plastic instability, or bulging, often precedes rupture and that the extent of local instability limits the initial rip length. To investigate the de… more
Date: December 1977
Creator: Kramer, J. M. & Deitrich, L. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Progress Relating to Civilian Applications During September, 1958

Description: A report about thermal-conductivity and electrical-resistivity measurements made on a uranium-1.5 w/o zirconium alloy surrounded by NaK enclosed in a Zircaloy-2 capsule which were in poor agreement with measurements made directly on a uranium-1.5 w/o zirconium specimen.
Date: October 1, 1958
Creator: Dayton, Russell W. & Tipton, Clyde R., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Program Relating to Civilian Applications During October, 1958

Description: A report pertaining to the thermal-conductivity and electrical-resistivity measurements of uranium encapsulated in zircaloy-2 and surrounded with NaK as a heat-transfer material which is not in agreement with results obtained from unclad uranium.
Date: November 1, 1958
Creator: Dayton, Russell W. & Tipton, Clyde R., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Progress Relating to Civilian Applications During July, 1957

Description: A report about equipment which is assembled and tested to determine the feasibility of measuring the thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity of irradiated uranium rods clad with Zircaloy 2 with NaK as the heat-transfer medium.
Date: August 1, 1957
Creator: Dayton, Russell W. & Tipton, Clyde R., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Failure of a High-Power Pin in a Simulated $3 /s Top Accident: Test E6 Final Report

Description: This report describes the Fuel Dynamics Test E6 and analyzes the test data. A cluster of six fresh FTR-type fuel pins surrounding a previously irradiated pin was tested to failure in a simulated $3/s FFTF accident.
Date: August 1978
Creator: Doerner, R. C.; Stahl, D.; Murphy, W. F. & Stanford, G. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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