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open access

Physics of Reactor Safety, Quarterly Report: January-March 1976

Description: Quarterly progress report summarizing work done in Argonne National Laboratory's Applied Physics Division on reactor safety research and technical coordination of the RSR safety analysis program by members of the Reactor Safety Appraisals Group, Monte Carlo analysis of safety-related critical assembly experiments by members of the Theoretical Fast Reactor Physics Group, and planning of DEMO safety-related critical experiments by members of the Zero Power Reactor (ZPR) Planning and Experiments G… more
Date: 197X
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory. Applied Physics Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Physics of Reactor Safety, Quarterly Report: October-December 1975

Description: Quarterly progress report summarizing work done in Argonne National Laboratory's Applied Physics Division including: reactor safety research and technical coordination of the RSR safety analysis program by members of the Reactor Safety Appraisals Group, Monte Carlo analysis of safety-related critical assembly experiments by members of the Theoretical Fast Reactor Physics Group, and planning of DEMO safety-related critical experiments by members of the Zero Power Reactor (ZPR) Planning and Exper… more
Date: 197X
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory. Applied Physics Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Safety Analysis Addenda to Hazards Summary Report, Experimental Breeder Reactor II (EBR-II) : Upgrading of Plant Protection System, Volume 1

Description: This report is a compilation of the formal Final Safety Analysis Addenda (FSAA's) to the EBR-II Hazard Summary Report and Addendum that have been prepared in support of certain modifications to the reactor-shutdown-system portion of the EBR-II plant protection system. Each major section is an edited version of the original FSAA for a particular modification and provides a description of the pre - and post -modification system, the rationale for the modification, and required supporting safety a… more
Date: March 1976
Creator: Sackett, J. I. & Gale, N. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Physics of Reactor Safety Quarterly Report: July-September 1975

Description: Quarterly progress report discussing work done in Argonne National Laboratory's Applied Physics Division for the Division of Reactor Safety Research. It includes reports on reactor safety research and technical coordination of the RSR safety analysis program by members of the Reactor Safety Appraisals Group, Monte Carlo analysis of safety-related critical assembly experiments by members of the Theoretical Fast Reactor Phys!cs Group, and planning of DEMO safety-related critical experiments by me… more
Date: 197X
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory. Applied Physics Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Finite-Element Method for Above-Core Structures

Description: Three-dimensional finite-element models for the treatment of the nonlinear, transient response of a fast breeder reactor's above-core structures are described. For purposes of treating arbitrarily large rotations, node orientations are described by unit vectors and the deformable elements are treated by a corotational formulation in which the coordinate system is embedded in the elements. Deformable elements may be connected either to nodes directly or through rigid bodies. The time integration… more
Date: December 1979
Creator: Kennedy, J. M. & Belytschko, Ted B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fuel-Motion Diagnostics and Cineradiography

Description: Nuclear and non-nuclear applications of cineradiography are reviewed, with emphasis on diagnostic instrumentation for in-pile transient-reactor safety testing of nuclear fuel motion. The primary instrument for this purpose has been the fast-neutron hodoscope, which has achieved quantitative monitoring of time, location, mass, and velocity of fuel movement under the difficult conditions associated with transient-reactor experiments. Alternative diagnostic devices that have been developed have no… more
Date: September 1982
Creator: DeVolpi, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Physics of Reactor Safety, Quarterly Report: October-December 1977

Description: Quarterly progress report summarizing work done in Argonne National Laboratory's Applied Physics Division and Components Technology Division. The work in the Applied Physics Division includes reports on reactor safety program by members of the Reactor Safety Appraisals Group, Monte Carlo analysis of safety-related critical assembly experiments by members of the Theoretical Fast Reactor Physics Group, and Planning of Safety-Related (ZPR) Planning and Experiments Group. Work on reactor core therm… more
Date: March 1978
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory. Applied Physics Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Physics of Reactor Safety, Quarterly Report: July-September 1976

Description: Quarterly progress report summarizing work done in Argonne National Laboratory's Applied Physics Division including: reactor safety research and technical coordination of the RSR safety analysis program, analysis of critical assembly experiments, and work on reactor core thermal-hydraulic.
Date: December 1976
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory. Applied Physics Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Considerations on Developing IAEA Technical Safeguards for LMFBR Power Systems

Description: Nuclear fuel cycles safeguards should be considered in the dynamic context of a world deployment of various reactor types and varying availability of fuel-cycle services. There will be a close interaction between thermal-reactor cycles and the future deployment of fast breeders. The quantities of plutonium and the reprocessing, conversion, fabrication, and storage methods of the fuel for the fast breeders will have a significant impact on safeguards techniques. The approach to the fast breeder … more
Date: September 1980
Creator: Persiani, P. J.; Holmes, J. P.; Todd, J. L.; de Montmollin, J. M.; Higinbotham, W. A.; Weinstock, E. W. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Light-Water-Reactor Fission-Product Data Assessment

Description: This assessment seeks (1) to determine the most probable chemical compounds formed between fission products and actinides in urania fuels under normal and accident conditions and (2) to identify gaps in knowledge of these fission-product compounds. The ultimate goal of this effort is to develop predictive capability about the behavior of fission products under normal and accident conditions. The relevant thermochemical data have been organized by compound type, the chemical stability of resulta… more
Date: September 1982
Creator: Blackburn, P. E. & Johnson, C. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fast Breeder Reactor Studies

Description: This report is a compilation of Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) resource documents prepared to provide the technical basis for the US contribution to the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation. The eight separate parts deal with the alternative fast breeder reactor fuel cycles in terms of energy demand, resource base, technical potential and current status, safety, proliferation resistance, deployment, and nuclear safeguards. An Annex compares the cost of decommissioning light-water and fast br… more
Date: July 1980
Creator: Till, C. E.; Chang, Y. I.; Kittel, J. H.; Fauske, H. K.; Lineberry, M. J.; Stevenson, M. G. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Physics of Reactor Safety, Quarterly Report: April-June 1976

Description: Quarterly progress report summarizing work done in Argonne National Laboratory's Applied Physics Division including: reactor safety research and technical coordination of the RSR safety analysis program by members of the Reactor Safety Appraisals Group, Monte Carlo analysis of safety-related critical assembly experiments by members of the Theoretical Fast Reactor Physics Group, and planning of DEMO safety-related critical experiments by members of the Zero Power Reactor (ZPP) Planning and Exper… more
Date: 1976?
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory. Applied Physics Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Survey of Considerations Involved in Introducing CANDU Reactors into the United States

Description: The important issues that must be considered in a decision to utilize CANDU reactors in the U.S. are identified in this report. Economic considerations, including both power costs and fuel utilization, are discussed for the near and longer term. Safety and licensing considerations are reviewed for CANDU-PHW reactors in general. The important issues, now and in the future, associated with power generation costs are the capital costs of CANDUs and the factors that impact capital cost comparisons.… more
Date: January 1977
Creator: Till, C. E.; Bohn, E. M.; Chang, Y. I. & Van Erp, J. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Critical Mass of a Spherical Reactor with Variable Intrinsic Buckling

Description: Abstract: "The critical mass both of an untamped and water-tamped sphere with parabolic radial variation of the intrinsic buckling is calculated by a perturbation method. The result is applied to finding the minimum critical mass of plutonium in water suspension with infinite water temper; the calculations show that the minimum critical mass at constant concentration may be reduced by an amount of the order of 7.6% when the concentration of plutonium is permitted to vary throughout the suspensi… more
Date: April 28, 1949
Creator: Muller, G. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Safety Analysis Addendum to Hazard Summary Report, Experimental Breeder Reactor No. II (EBR-II): the EBR-II Cover-Gas Cleanup System

Description: This report evaluates abnormal and accident conditions postulated for the EBR-II cover-gas cleanup system (CGCS). Major considerations include loss of CGCS function with a high level of cover-gas activity, loss of the liquid-nitrogen coolant required for removing fission products from the cover gas, contamination of the cover gas from sources other than the reactor, and loss of system pressure boundary. Calculated exposures resulting from the maximum hypothetical accident (MHA) are less than 2%… more
Date: April 1979
Creator: Fryer, R. M.; Monson, L. R.; Price, C. C. & Hooker, D. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Safety Study: An Assessment of Accident Risks in U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Plants, Appendix 1

Description: From introduction: In conventional safety analyses, a suitable design basis, including redundancy, is specified to assure a minimum level of operability of ESFs, and the likelihood or consequences of total failure of ESFs are not considered further. In this study all failures are considered possible, but appropriate probabilities are assigned to them. Thus, many potential accident sequences are described in the following discussions as if they will surely occur, with no reservations expressed a… more
Date: October 1975
Creator: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Safety Study: An Assessment of Accident Risks in U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Plants, Appendices 3 and 4

Description: From section 1: In the quantitative system probability estimates performed in this study, component behavior data in the form of failure rates and repair times are required as inputs to the system models. Since the goal of this study is risk assessment, as opposed to reliability analysis, larger errors (e.g. order of magnitude type accuracy) can be tolerated in the quantified results. This has important implications on the treatment of available data. In standard reliability analysis, point val… more
Date: October 1975
Creator: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Safety Evaluation Report: Related to the Preliminary Design of the Standard Reference System RESAR-414

Description: From introduction: This Safety Evaluation Report summarizes the results of the technical evaluation of the proposed RESAR-414 design performed by the NRC staff, and delineates the scope of the technical matters considered in evaluating the radiological safety aspects of the RESAR-414 design. Environmental aspects were not considered in our review of RESAR-414, but will be addressed in each utility application for a construction permit which references RESAR-414.
Date: 1978
Creator: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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