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open access

Recovery of deformed and hydrogen-charge palladium

Description: Positron lifetime and Doppler-broadening studies made at 300 K have been used to investigate the interaction between interstitial hydrogen and lattice defects in deformed Pd. Specimens were charged with hydrogen at 300 K to levels up to 0.1%. The presence of hydrogen was found to have no effect on the recovery curves of Pd upon annealing to 400/sup 0/C. By 400/sup 0/C the values for both lifetime and Doppler-broadening for both cold worked and cold worked plus hydrogen were below the values obt… more
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Snead, C. L. Jr.; Lynn, K. G. & Lynch, J. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Solar-thermal energy conversion and storage: cyclohexane dehydrogenation. Progress report, 30 September 1977-30 June 1978

Description: The objective of this project is to provide research support for the benzene/cyclohexane heat pipe development program at Sandia. The kinetics of the cyclohexane decomposition (energy collection) reaction over a commercially available naphtha reforming catalyst (RD-150, Englehard Industries) in the temperature range 400 to 800/sup 0/F and pressures of 1 to 40 atmospheres were measured. Significant amounts of side products such as toluene and butane were identified at temperatures above 550/sup … more
Date: July 1, 1978
Creator: Ritter, A.B.; DeLancey, G.B.; Schneider, J. & Silla, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Alignment and orientation in ion/endash/atom collisions

Description: Recent progress in the theoretical study of alignment and orientation in atom-atom and ion-atom collisions at intermediate energies is reviewed. Recent systematic studies of the alignment and orientation of electronic charge cloud distributions of excited states resulting from such collisions clearly have provided more detailed information about the underlying collision dynamics. However, since accurate determination of these parameters is quite difficult, both theoretically and experimentally,… more
Date: January 1, 1987
Creator: Kimura, M. & Lane, N.F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Stress corrosion cracking of uranium--niobium alloys

Description: The stress corrosion cracking behavior of U-2/sup 1///sub 4/, 4/sup 1///sub 2/, 6 and 8 wt % Nb alloys was evaluated in laboratory air and in aqueous Cl/sup -/ solutions. Thresholds for crack propagation were obtained in these environments. The data showed that Cl/sup -/ solutions are more deleterious than air environments. Tests were also conducted in pure gases to identify the species in the air responsible for cracking. These data showed the primary stress corrodent is water vapor for the mo… more
Date: March 1, 1978
Creator: Magnani, N.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Sonic enhanced ash agglomeration and sulfur capture

Description: The major objective of the Phase 1 test program is to confirm the feasibility of the Manufacturing and Technology Conversion International, Inc. bimodal particle size approach to enhance particulate control by acoustic ash agglomeration. An ancillary objective of the Phase 1 effort is to demonstrate and confirm the feasibility of an acoustic field to enhance sulfur capture by increasing sorbent reactivity. Phase 1 tests are designed to cover the frequency range between 50 and 1400 Hz, establish… more
Date: January 1, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Organic components of nuclear wastes and their potential for altering radionuclide distribution when released to soil

Description: Normal waste processing at the Hanford operations requires the use of many organic materials, chiefly in the form of complexing agents and diluents. These organic materials and their chemical and radiolytic degradation products, have potential for complexing fission products and transuranium elements, both in the waste streams and upon infiltration into soil, perhaps influencing future sorption or migration of the nuclides. Particular complexation characteristics of various nuclides which const… more
Date: August 1, 1980
Creator: McFadden, K.M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

TCT hybrid preconceptual blanket design studies

Description: The conceptual design of a tokamak fusion-fission (hybrid) reactor, which produces electric power and fissile material, has been performed in a cooperative effort between Princeton's Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and Battelle's Pacific Northwest Laboratories (PNL). PPPL, who had overall project lead responsibility, designed the fusion driver system. Its core consists of a tokamak plasma maintained in the two-component torus (TCT) mode by both D and T beams and having a single null poloidal d… more
Date: January 1, 1978
Creator: Aase, D. T.; Bampton, M. C. C.; Doherty, T. J.; Leonard, B. R.; McCann, R. A.; Newman, D. F. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Assessment of the risk of transporting liquid chlorine by rail

Description: This report presents the risk of shipping liquid chlorine by rail. While chlorine is not an energy material, there are several benefits to studying chlorine transportation risks. First, chlorine, like energy materials, is widely used as a feedstock to industry. Second, it is the major purification agent in municipal water treatment systems and therefore, provides direct benefits to the public. Finally, other risk assessments have been completed for liquid chlorine shipments in the US and Europe… more
Date: March 1, 1980
Creator: Andrews, W.B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advances in the Helium-Jet Coupled on-Line Mass Separator RAMA. [Recoil Atom Mass Analyzer]

Description: General improvements to the on-line mass separator RAMA (Recoil Atom Mass Analyzer) have yielded a greater reliability and efficiency for some elements. A new utilitarian helium-jet chamber has been installed to facilitate quick target and degrader foil changes in addition to a new ion source holder. A higher efficiency hollow-cathode, cathode-extraction ion source, for lower melting point elements (< 1200/sup 0/C) has also been designed. Tests with the beta-delayed proton emitter /sup 37/Ca… more
Date: January 1, 1980
Creator: Moltz, D. M.; Aysto, J.; Cable, M. D.; Parry, R. F.; Haustein, P. E.; Wouters, J. M. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Progress report on the development of the General Atomic thermochemical water-splitting process

Description: The major accomplishments of the DOE funded part of the GA thermochemical water-splitting program are reported. They include: completion of installation of all bench-scale equipment; operation and preliminary data acquisition for bench-scale subunits I and II; design, installation and operation of a system for iodine removal from the low phase; review and modification of Section III of the engineering flowsheet resulting in an increase in process efficiency and decrease in capital cost; and com… more
Date: August 1, 1980
Creator: Besenbruch, G.E.; Allen, C.L.; Brown, L.C.; McCorkle, K.; Rode, J.S.; Norman, J.H. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydrogen bonding in asphaltenes and coal. Progress report, March 1, 1977--August 31, 1977

Description: A calorimetric method is presented for the simultaneous evaluation of equilibrium constant, K, and molar enthalpy, 0/, for 1 : 1 adduct formation of quinoline (Qu) with asphaltene (A), together with its acid/neutral (AA) fraction and its base (BA) fraction, isolated from a centrifuged liquid product (CLP) sample prepared from Kentucky hvAb coal at 27.6 MPa hydrogen pressure and 723K, with reactor charged with glass pellets. The same procedure was used to determine K and… more
Date: August 1, 1977
Creator: Li, N. C. & Tewari, K. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Modeling studies on the precipitation of Kr after implantation into metals

Description: A rate-theory approach is applied to interpreting observations on the precipitation of Kr injected into Ni at temperatures between 25 and 560/degree/C. At temperatures of 400/degree/C or higher, the implanted Kr precipitates evolve into a bi-modal size distribution containing small solid precipitates and an additional population of larger, faceted bubbles. The calculations explore the dependence of the observed bi-modal distribution on the maximum size of the solid Kr precipitates and the effec… more
Date: February 1, 1988
Creator: Rest, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The bioenergetics of salt tolerance

Description: The aim of this project was to try to understand the adaptive mechanisms that organisms develop in order to respond to a sudden transformation in their environment to a salt shock.'' To study this problem we used a fresh water oxygenic photosynthetic cyanobacterium known as Synecoccus 6311. This organism suffers injury after this sudden exposure to high concentrations of sodium chloride equivalent to or even higher than that in sea water. Yet they are able to re-establish their photosynthetic a… more
Date: January 1, 1991
Creator: Packer, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Price 1/sup 0/ x 2/sup 0/ NTMS area, Utah. Data report (abbreviated)

Description: Surface sediment samples were collected at 1444 sites, at a target sampling density of one site per 13 square kilometers. Ground water samples were collected at 137 sites. Neutron activation analysis results are given for uranium and 16 other elements in sediments, and for uranium and 9 other elements in ground water. Mass spectrometry results are given for helium in ground water. Field measurements and observations are reported for each site. Analytical data and field measurements are presente… more
Date: July 1, 1980
Creator: Cook, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of fission product behavior in the Saclay Spitfire Loop Test SSL-1. [HTGR]

Description: The behavior of the fission metal cesium and the fission gases krypton and xenon in the Saclay Spitfire Loop SSL-1 test has been compared to that predicted using General Atomic reference data and computer code models. This is the first in a series of analyses planned in order to provide quantitative validation of HTGR fission product design methods. In this analysis, the first attempt to rigorously verify fission product design methods, the FIPERQ code was used to model the diffusion of cesium … more
Date: February 1, 1978
Creator: Jensen, D. D.; Haire, M. J. & Ballagny, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radiation-induced segregation in HT-9 martensitic steel

Description: Miniature notched-bar specimens of normalized and tempered HT-9 were neutron irradiated to approx.13 dpa and broken at liquid nitrogen temperatures in a UHV chamber. Fracture surfaces were analyzed using scanning Auger electron spectroscopy. Following irradiation at 410/sup 0/C, the fracture surface contained a small number of large relatively smooth facets, which are thought to be prior austenite grain boundaries. Strong segregation of Ni, Cr, Si, and P was detected at these surfaces, the rema… more
Date: January 1, 1986
Creator: Clausing, R.E.; Heatherly, L.; Faulkner, R.G.; Rowcliffe, A.F. & Farrell, K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Efficiencies of gas neutralizers for multi-MeV beams of light negative ions

Description: Measurements are reported of the neutral and charged particle fractions produced by running beams of Li/sup -/, C/sup -/, O/sup -/, and Si/sup -/ at energies up to 7 MeV through gas cells of N/sub 2/, Ar, or CO/sub 2/. We discuss the implications of these measurements for the design of neutralizers to produce high energy light atom beams for heating or current drive in tokamaks.
Date: November 1, 1981
Creator: Grisham, L. R.; Post, D. E.; Johnson, B. M.; Jones, K. W.; Barette, J.; Kruse, T. H. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Organic iodine removal from simulated dissolver off-gas streams using silver-exchanged mordenite

Description: The removal of methyl iodide by absorption onto silver mordenite was studied using a simulated off-gas from the fuel dissolution step of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. The methyl iodide absorption of silver mordenite was examined for the effects of NO/sub x/, humidity, iodine concentration, filter temperature, and filter pretreatment. The highest iodine loading achieved in these tests has been 34 mg CH/sub 3/I per g of substrate, approximately five times less than the elemental iodine loadi… more
Date: January 1, 1980
Creator: Jubin, R. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cross Sections for X-Ray Photoelectron-Induced Desorption of Hydrogen Ions From Metal Surfaces

Description: We have measured the cross sections for x-ray photoelectron-induced desorption of hydrogen ions from beryllium, carbon, aluminum, tantalum, and gold surfaces. This report describes the results of the cross-section measurements, and discusses a time-of-flight technique that allows the determination of ionic-desorption cross sections as small as 10/sup -25/ cm/sup 2/ per photoelectron. 19 refs., 7 figs.
Date: September 20, 1985
Creator: Kinney, J. H.; Siekhaus, W. J. & Anderson, R. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

General multi-configuration Hartree--Fock program: MCHF77. [In FORTRAN (double precision) for IBM 360 and 370]

Description: This technical report contains a listing of a general program for multi-configuration Hartree--Fock (MCHF) calculations, including its documentation. Several examples are given showing how the program may be used. Typical output for several cases is also presented. This program has been tested over an extended period of time for a large variety of cases. This program is written for the IBM 360 or 370 in double-precision arithmetic.
Date: November 1, 1977
Creator: Fischer, C F
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thermophysical properties of argon

Description: The entire report consists of tables of thermodynamic properties (including sound velocity, thermal conductivity and diffusivity, Prandtl number, density) of argon at 86 to 400/degree/K, in the form of isobars over 0.9 to 100 bars. (DLC)
Date: February 1, 1988
Creator: Jaques, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of impurities in the Tandem Mirror Experiment using extreme-ultraviolet spectroscopy

Description: Impurities in the Tandem Mirror Experiment (TMX) have been studied using extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy. Three time-resolving absolutely-calibrated normal-incidence monochromators, one on each section of TMX, were used to study the impurity emissions in the wavelength range of 300 A to 1600 A. The instruments on the east end cell and central cell were each capable of obtaining spatially-resolved profiles from 22 chords of the plasma simultaneously while the instrument on the west end cell mon… more
Date: May 12, 1982
Creator: Strand, O. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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