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open access

Milliwatt Generator Project

Description: This report covers progress on the Milliwatt Generator Project from April 1986 through March 1988. Activities included fuel processing and characterization, production of heat sources, fabrication of pressure-burst test units, compatibility studies, impact testing, and examination of surveillance units. The major task of the Los Alamos Milliwatt Generator Project is to fabricate MC2893A heat sources (4.0 W) for MC2730A radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGS) and MC3599 heat sources (4.5 W… more
Date: May 1, 1992
Creator: Latimer, T.W. & Rinehart, G.H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Metals and Ceramics Division. Annual progress report, ending June 30, 1980

Description: Research is reported concerning: (1) engineering materials, including materials compatibility, mechanical properties, nondestructive testing, pressure vessel technology, and welding and brazing; (2) fuels and processes consisting of ceramic technology, fuel cycle technology, fuels evaluation, fuel fabrication and metals processing; and (3) materials science which includes, ceramic studies, physical metallurgy properties, radiation effects and microstructural analysis, metastable and superconduc… more
Date: September 1, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of a metallographic method for tungsten--rhenium. Final report

Description: A metallographic method was developed for chemical vapor deposited tungsten-rhenium alloys consisting of a two-phase structure of ..beta.. solid solution and a finely dispersed A-15 or federite phase. This method provides fast and reliable information on the structure and composition of the CVD deposit.
Date: March 1, 1978
Creator: Rahe, A.H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Los Alamos upgrade in metallographic capabilities

Description: The Los Alamos Wing 9 Hot Cell Facility is in the process of upgrading their metallographic sample preparation and examination capability. The present capability to grind, polish and etch samples from reactor fuels and materials has been in operation for 18 years. Macro photography and alpha and beta-gamma autoradiography are an important part of this capability. Some of the fast breeder reactor experiments have contained sodium as a coolant. Therefore, the capability to distill sodium from som… more
Date: January 1, 1985
Creator: Ledbetter, J. M.; Dowler, K. E. & Cook, J. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some recent observations on the radiation behavior of uranium silicide dispersion fuel

Description: Addition of B{sub 4}C burnable poison results in higher plate swelling in both U{sub 3}Si{sub 2} and U{sub 3}Si-Al dispersion fuel plates and also decreases the blister threshold temperature of these plates. Prolonged annealing of U{sub 3}Si{sub 2}-Al fuel plates produced no blister after 696 hours at 400{degrees}C. Blister formation started between 257 hours and 327 hours at 425{degrees}C and between 115 hours and 210 hours at 450{degrees}C. Operation with breached cladding resulted in pillowi… more
Date: January 1, 1988
Creator: Hofman, G.L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Coal Technology Program. Progress report for December 1977

Description: In the pressure vessel and piping materials work, the report, ''Assessment of Materials Technology for Gasifer and Reaction Pressure Vessels and Piping for Second Generation Commercial Coal Conversion Systems'' (ORNL-5238), has been submitted for publication and distribution. Impact and tensile teting is under way on 2/sup 1///sub 4/ cr-1 Mo steel which has received a simulated quench, temper, and postweld heat treatment. Two topical reports on coating inspection have gone to reproduction. CoCr… more
Date: February 1, 1978
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hot corrosivity of coal gasification products on gas turbine alloys. Summary report, 15 April 1978-15 November 1979

Description: The results of this investigation have produced mechanisms for the hot corrosion of a number of pure metals and alloys in the types of atmospheres likely to be obtained in turbines using coal conversion products as fuel. The results of these mechanistic studies suggest the following conclusions regarding application of alloys in these situations: (1) Simple Cr/sub 2/O/sub 3/-forming alloys of both Co and Ni have good hot corrosion resistance to most of the deposits likely to form in turbines bu… more
Date: January 1, 1979
Creator: Meier, G.H. & Gulbransen, E.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Metallographic examinations of Type 304 stainless steel (heat 9T2796) tested in high-temperature uniaxial and multiaxial experiments

Description: The results obtained from a number of metallographic examinations of Type 304 stainless steel specimens were compiled. Samples were obtained from uniaxial and multiaxial tests covering a very broad span of temperatures and times. Special emphasis was on the identification of failure modes, cracking patterns, grain distortion, and grain-boundary microstructures. Uniaxial specimens exhibited the following sequence of failure modes with increasing temperature and time: ductile plastic tearing, duc… more
Date: March 1, 1984
Creator: Swindeman, R.W. & Houck, C.W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of cracking in feedwater piping adjacent to the steam generators in Nine Pressurized Water Reactor Plants

Description: Cracking in ASTM A106-B and A106-C feedwater piping was detected near the inlet to the steam generators in a number of pressurized water reactor plants. We received sections with cracks from nine of the plants with the objective of identifying the cracking mechanism and assessing various factors that might contribute to this cracking. Variations were observed in piping surface irregularities, corrosion-product, pit, and crack morphology, surface elmental and crystal structure analyses, and stee… more
Date: June 25, 1980
Creator: Goldberg, A.; Streit, R. D. & Scott, R. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Strontium heat source development program. Advanced Nuclear Systems and Projects Division, quarterly report, January-March 1980

Description: Sectioning of the capsules from the 30,000-h tests with /sup 90/SrF/sub 2/ has been completed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and examination of the test specimens is under way. Metallographic examination of specimens taken from the WESF /sup 90/SrF/sub 2/ capsule that was held at about 800/sup 0/C for three years has been completed. Attack of the Hastelloy C-276 was not significantly greater than that observed in the WESF capsule held at 800/sup 0/C for 5000 hours. Hydrostatic pressure testi… more
Date: April 1, 1980
Creator: Fullam, H. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of alternate fuels. Report No. 1. Analysis of high-duty fireclay refractories exposed to coal combustion. [15 year exposure in coal-fired kiln]

Description: Analyses were performed on high-duty firebrick, fashioned from calcined fireclay and used for 15 years in the crown of a coal-fired periodic kiln that underwent a thermal cycle to 1260/sup 0/C (2300/sup 0/F) once a week. The refractory loss of these bricks was approximately 1 in., a rate of approximately 0.07 in./year. A slag formed over the service end or hot face of the brick. The portion of the brick that was not exposed to the slag contained a microstructure of large grog grains intersperse… more
Date: December 1, 1977
Creator: Wei, G. C.; Tennery, V. J. & Harris, L. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of valve springs from hydrogen compressor at Solvent Refined Coal Plant, Wilsonville, Alabama

Description: Failure of hydrogen compressor valve springs at the Wilsonville, Alabama, Solvent Refined Coal Plant caused a total plant shutdown. Type 304 stainless steel springs had been substituted for two of three alloy X750 springs. Mainly because of their geometry, the type 304 stainless steel springs operated at a higher stress than the proper springs, and it is not surprising that they failed. The only as-fractured surface was on the alloy X750 spring. Edge damage caused by rubbing of the springs agai… more
Date: March 1, 1978
Creator: King, R. T.; Crouse, R. S.; Leslie, B. C.; Rose, E. T. & Houck, C. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of Liquid-Phase Sintering Techniques for Molybdenum Alloys. Final Report

Description: An envelope-type microstructure produced by liquidphase sintering techniques was used to develop ductiIe molybdenum-base alloys for sodium-cooled fast reactor application. A total of 105 compositions was examined; 21 showed evidence of room-temperature ductility, and a number of other compositions appeared promising. The prerequisites for obtaining ductile liquid-phase sintered materials were demonstrated. The most ductile alloys produced are based on the Mo--Pd--Cu and Mo --W--Ni--Fe systems. … more
Date: November 10, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Materials research for the clean utilization of coal. Quarterly progress report, January-March 1980

Description: An interpretive report, summarizing erosive wear failures in coal conversion pilot plants was completed, reviewed by DOE and submitted for NBS editorial review. The Failure Information Center transmitted 198 abstracts and 8 hard-copy reports to industry. Compressive yield measurement of MHD refractories at 1400/sup 0/C, 1500/sup 0/C, and 1580/sup 0/C are presented for loading at 0.0002 in/min. The electrical conductivity of YCrO/sub 3/ doped with five percent Ca has been measured in a highly re… more
Date: January 1, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Results of Recent Microstructural Characterization of Irradiated U-Mo Dispersion Fuels with Al Alloy Matrices that Contain Si

Description: RERTR U-Mo dispersion fuel plates are being developed for application in research reactors throughout the world. Of particular interest is the irradiation performance of U-Mo dispersion fuels with Si added to the Al matrix. Si is added to improve the performance of U-Mo dispersion fuels. Microstructural examinations have been performed on fuel plates with either Al-0.2Si or 4043 Al (~4.8% Si) alloy matrix in the as-fabricated and/or as-irradiated condition using optical metallography and/or sca… more
Date: March 1, 2008
Creator: Keiser, D. D. Jr.; Robinson, A. B.; Janney, D. E. & Jue, J. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Investigation of Metallurgical Factors Which Affect the Fracture Toughness of Ultra High Strength Steels

Description: The relationship between microstructure, heat treatment and room temperature fracture toughness has been determined for the low alloy ultra-high strength steels 4130, 4330, 4340, 4140 and 300-M. Optical metallography, microprobe analysis, and scanning electron microscopy were used to characterize the structure and morphology, while both Charpy V-notch impact tests and plane strain fracture toughness tests were used to determine the fracture properties. The normal commercial heat treatment resul… more
Date: May 1, 1973
Creator: Wood, William E.; Parker, Earl R. & Zackay, Victor F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Corrosion of some pure metals in basaltic lava and simulated magmatic gas at 1150/sup 0/C

Description: The work summarized was designed to provide an understanding of the reaction mechanisms and modes of degradation of various metals so that the best generic types of alloys can be selected for structural components and instrumentation. Fifteen pure metals were studied. These included base metals such as iron, nickel, and cobalt; some precious metals: platinum, rhodium and palladium (possible thermocouple or lead wire materials); refractory metals: tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, niobium, vanadiu… more
Date: December 1, 1979
Creator: Douglass, D. L. & Healey, J. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Consumable arc-melting, extruding, and rolling process for iridium sheet

Description: An iridium alloy has been used as cladding for the /sup 238/PuO/sub 2/ fuel in radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) for recent interplanetary spacecraft such as Voyagers 1 and 2 and will be used for the Galileo and Ulysses spacecraft. The iridium alloy sheet for the fuel cladding used on these missions was fabricated by hot and cold rolling of arc-melted and drop-cast 0.5-kg ingots. Upon completion of production for these spacecraft, an opportunity was taken to conduct process improvem… more
Date: June 1, 1986
Creator: Heestand, R. L.; Copeland, G. L. & Martin, M. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Metallographic examination of surveillance coupons from the Wilsonville, Alabama, Solvent Refined Coal Pilot Plant, 1977-1978

Description: Commercialization of the solvent refined coal (SRC) process requires corrosion-resistant yet economical materials of construction. A corrosion surveillance program was initiated at the Wilsonville, Alabama, SRC pilot plant to expose racks of welded specimens of engineering alloys to the various process conditions in major plant vessels. To observe the long-term cumulative exposure effects, sections were taken from the specimens after six months. The coupons were replaced in the vessels for anot… more
Date: July 1, 1980
Creator: Baylor, V. B.; King, R. T.; Leslie, B. C.; Crouse, R. S.; Patko, A. J. & Taber, K. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Irradiation behavior of the CNEA's experimental uranium silicide dispersion fuel plates

Description: Since 1978 the CNEA ECBE project has been involved in the development of dispersion fuel plates with four types of fuel materials -- UAl{sub x}, U{sub 3}O{sub 8}, U{sub 3}Si, and U{sub 3}Si{sub 2} -- to be used in low enriched (LEU < 20% {sup 235}U) fuel elements for research reactors. Miniplates with these fuel materials were manufactured at CNEA and were irradiated in the ORR in three series of irradiations as part of the RERTR miniplate irradiation program. The first irradiation contained U{… more
Date: January 1, 1988
Creator: Hofman, G.L.; Marajofsky, A.; Kohut, C. (Argonne National Lab., IL (USA) & Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires (Argentina))
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Materials technology for coal-conversion processes. Eleventh quarterly report, April--June 1977

Description: Silicon-carbide refractories with various bond systems exposed to molten slag at 1500/sup 0/C for 500 h in Run 4 showed virtually no attack. The resistance of the silicon carbide to slag attack is attributed to large thermal fluxes induced by water-cooled chills applied to the cold faces. Magnesia-chromia refractories exposed to molten slag at 1500/sup 0/C for 500 h in Run 5 were somewhat less resistant to slag attack than the silicon-carbide refractories. In-situ erosive-wear measurements on t… more
Date: January 1, 1977
Creator: Ellingson, W A
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Survey of digital imaging technology and applications at the Savannah River Site

Description: An introduction to methods of digital image analysis is presented. Modern commercially available digital image analysis systems are described, along with applications that may be useful to programs at the Savannah River Site (SRS). Systems to aid inspection of tritium reservoir fill stems and a system to enhance inspection of radiographs of pinch weld closures of tritium reservoirs have already been developed at SRS. Modern digital analysis systems based on personal computers have been and are … more
Date: October 9, 1989
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced research and technology development fossil energy materials program. Quarterly progress report for the period ending September 30, 1981

Description: This is the fourth combined quarterly progress report for those projects that are part of the Advanced Research and Technology Development Fossil Energy Materials Program. The objective is to conduct a program of research and development on materials for fossil energy applications with a focus on the longer-term and generic needs of the various fossil fuel technologies. The program includes research aimed toward a better understanding of materials behavior in fossil energy environments and the … more
Date: December 1, 1981
Creator: Bradley, R.A. (comp.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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