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open access

Investigations of Materials Compatibility Relevant to the EBR-II system : FY 1977 and the Transition Period

Description: Report on yearly investigations of components of the EBR-II reactor plant and on out-of-reactor experiments in which materials or techniques are tested before they are used in the EBR-II reactor system.
Date: February 1978
Creator: Longua, K. J.; Ruther, W. E.; Shields, J. A. & Clark, A. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Materials Testing Reactor-Engineering Test Reactor Technical Branches Quarterly Report: October 1 - December 31, 1963

Description: From summary: "Reactor fuel material consisting of U3Si particles embedded in an aluminum matrix have been examined with an electron microprobe to determine reaction between fuel particles and matrix. Partial reaction was observed with no observable tendency for the uranium or silicon to diffuse outward into the matrix.
Date: May 1964
Creator: Phillips Petroleum Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Investigations of Materials Compatibility Relevant to the EBR-II System: Fiscal Year 1976

Description: Annual report on investigations of components of the EBR-II reactor plant and on out-of-reactor experiments in which materials or techniques are tested before they are used in the EBR-II reactor system. It includes a discussion of wide ranges of materials, circumstances, and evaluation techniques.
Date: January 1977
Creator: Longua, K. J.; Ruther, W. E.; Shields, J. A. & Clark, A. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Materials Testing Reactor Project Handbook

Description: The following handbook was made for the purpose of: (1) to give a semidetailed description of the testing reactor, and (2) to explain, in so far as possible, the reasons for the design.
Date: May 7, 1951
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Materials Testing Reactor

Description: The following report describes a reactor that was designed to provide a research facility for testing various materials in a high intensity radiation field.
Date: September 24, 1953
Creator: Weber, L. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Flux Distributions and Critical k [infinity] Values for Cylindrical Reactors Simulation the MTR

Description: From summary: "In order to estimate the effect of placing bismuth and thorium layers near the MTR core, radial flux distributions and k[infinity] values were calculated for cylindrical reactors having cylindrical layers of these materials of the same height as the core and beryllium reflector and placed either next to the core or embedded in the beryllium reflector."
Date: June 25, 1952
Creator: Bray, D. T. & McMurry, Henry Lewis, {}
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Operating Manual for the MTR, Section Two -- Exclusion Area, Materials Testing Reactor

Description: From summary: "This manual is designed for the purpose of clarifying operating procedures of the Materials Testing Reactor and its associated equipment. In assembling this manual a description of each item of equipment and its function is presented. In addition, the generally accepted method of operating the equipment and the best corrective measures concerning all emergencies that might be encountered are set forth herein. Descriptive drawings and written instructions pertaining to the equipme… more
Date: 1955
Creator: Phillips Petroleum Company. Atomic Energy Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Materials Testing Reactor Project: Coffins and Coffin Handling, Design Report No. 21

Description: The following report discusses special shielded containers, called coffins, that are used for removing beam hole plugs from the reactor, transporting them to plug storage and inserting them therein. This report focuses on the handling of dummy and experimental beam hole plugs.
Date: December 5, 1949
Creator: Paleczny, M. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Corrosion of Aluminum and Beryllium by MTR Canal Water

Description: Introduction: "In the early operation of the WTR severe canal corrosion of dummy fuel assemblies and a beryllium A-piece caused a great deal of concern as to the possible effects of long-time canal storage on such elements. A short-term experimental program was started to determine the causes of this corrosion and to correct them before any irradiated fuel elements had to be stored in the canal. The results of this program are presented here."
Date: January 14, 1953
Creator: Burnham, J. B., Jr. & Bartz, M. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Production of Xe¹³¹, Xe¹³⁵, Kr⁸⁵m and Kr⁸⁵ From Plated-Out U²³⁵ in the MTR Core

Description: This report discusses details of the release of Xe¹³¹, Xe¹³⁵, Kr⁸⁵m and Kr⁸⁵ into the process water system of the MTR along with the development of high process water radioactivity. It is suggested that this release followed the fissioning of U²³⁵. Equations that produce the rate of release of fission products is given and approximate rate of release is represented in a graph.
Date: January 14, 1955
Creator: Grimaud, Adrian V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

MTR Test Equipment

Description: From abstract: "Sample holders and monitoring equipment were designed and fabricated for use in the irradiation of experimental shapes of fuel and target materials in the beryllium reflector of the Materials Testing Reactor. The samples were held in aluminum cases designed to replace certain beryllium blocks of the reflector. Sample holders of alternate designs were made to permit irradiation of samples in the reflector at locations where the shape or position of the reflector blocks would not … more
Date: January 1956
Creator: Bell, W. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Irradiation of Wrought Uranium Plate

Description: From abstract: "Wrought uranium plate, clad in 1100 aluminum with a nickel bonding layer, was irradiated to a maximum exposure of 1600 MWD/T in the MTR and was demonstrated to be suitable as a fuel element material. Beta-transformed plate, or beta-transformed plate that was cold stretched 2-1/4 per cent, did not change appreciably in dimensions but roughened on the surface. As-rolled plate increased in length, but did not roughen. Irradiation reduced the strength and virtually eliminated the du… more
Date: July 1957
Creator: McDonell, William R. & Marshall, Robert P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Proposal for an Advanced Engineering Test Reactor : ETR II

Description: Report containing "the results of a study which was directed at providing additional experimental loop irradiation space for the AEC-DRD testing program. It was a premise that the experiments allocated to this reactor were those that could not be accommodated in the MTR, ETR or in existing commercial test reactors" (p. 5).
Date: March 17, 1960
Creator: deBoisblanc, D. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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