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open access

Technical-economic assessment of the production of methanol from biomass. Executive summary. Final research report

Description: The results are presented of a comprehensive systems study which assessed the engineering and economic feasibilities of the production of methanol from biomass utilizing existing technology. The three major components of the biomass to methanol system assessed are the availability of biomass feedstocks, the thermochemical conversion of biomass to methanol fuels, and the distribution and markets for methanol fuels. The results of this study show that methanol fuel can be produced from biomass us… more
Date: July 12, 1979
Creator: Wan, E. I.; Simmons, J. A.; Price, J. D. & Nguyen, T. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comparative ranking of 0. 1-10 MW/sub e/ solar thermal electric power systems. Volume II. Supporting data. Final report

Description: This report is part of a two-volume set summarizing the results of a comparative ranking of generic solar thermal concepts designed specifically for electric power generation. The original objective of the study was to project the mid-1990 cost and performance of selected generic solar thermal electric power systems for utility applications and to rank these systems by criteria that reflect their future commercial acceptance. This study considered plants with rated capacities of 1-10 MW/sub e/,… more
Date: July 1, 1980
Creator: Thornton, J.P.; Brown, K.C.; Finegold, J.G.; Gresham, J.B.; Herlevich, F.A. & Kriz, T.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Power plant reject heat utilization: an assessment of the potential for wide-scale implementation

Description: An assessment of the relative economic and heat utilization merits of plant reject heat utilization systems was made in an effort to indicate those technologies that show the greatest potential for wide-scale implementation in the power generating industry. The heat utilization systems were designed to accommodate the yearly cooling needs of a 1000-MW(e) power plant. Thus, for the purposes of this study, it was assumed that these systems replaced the cooling tower as the primary condenser cooli… more
Date: December 1, 1977
Creator: Olszewski, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Petroleum marketing monthly, October 1991. [Contains glossary]

Description: This report is designed to give information and statistical data about a variety of crude oils and refined petroleum products. The publication provides statistics on crude oil costs and refined petroleum products sales for use by industry, government, private sector analysts, educational institutions, and consumers. Data on crude oil include the domestic first purchase price, the f.o.b. and landed cost of imported crude oil, and the refiner's acquisition cost of crude oil. Sales data for motor … more
Date: October 10, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary report. Preliminary findings and views concerning the exemption of aviation gasoline from the Mandatory Petroleum Allocation and Price Regulations

Description: Preliminary findings indicate that: the fuel is not in short supply; exemption will not have an adverse impact on supply of any other petroleum product subject to the Emergency Petroleum allocation Act of 1973; competition and market force are adequate; exemption will not result in inequitable prices; and exemption will not have adverse state or regional impacts or any other adverse impacts. Chapter II provides background information on the use, production, and distribution of aviation gasoline… more
Date: January 1, 1978
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of standards for energy-efficient motors

Description: This analysis does not lead to a clear conclusion regarding the effectiveness of standards for energy efficient motors if effectiveness is based on a benefit-cost ratio criteria. Two alternative assumptions were made regarding the appropriate measure of the costs to the private sector. In the first case it was assumed that private sector users have no biases and expect rates of return on investment that represent their true opportunity cost of capital. Under this assumption the benefit-cost rat… more
Date: March 1, 1981
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Business developments of nonthermal solar technologies

Description: Information on the developments of nonthermal solar technologies is presented. The focus is on the success of wind energy conversion systems (WECS) and photovoltaics. Detailed information on the installed generating capacity, market sectors, financing sources, systems costs and warranties of WECS and photovoltaic systems is summarized. (BCS)
Date: October 1, 1985
Creator: Smith, S.A.; Watts, R.L. & Williams, T.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary report. Preliminary findings and views concerning the exemption of kerojet fuels from the Mandatory Petroleum Allocation and Price Regulations

Description: Preliminary findings indicate the following: kerojet fuel is not in short supply; it will not adversely impact on the supply of other petroleum products subject to the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act; competition and market forces are adequate; and it will not result in inequitable prices for kerojet or other products. Chapter II provides background information on the use, production, and distribution of kerojet. Chapter III analyzes the historical interaction of supply, demand, and price, a… more
Date: January 1, 1978
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of the DOE proposals for new source performance standards for utility boilers firing anthracite coal

Description: Currently, the most important expansion market for anthracite is the electrical utilities/power generation area, where the major competitors are other forms of coal. However, anthracite is more expensive to mine than bituminous coal and requires more expensive boilers and other plant equipment. Advantages of anthracite include its geographic location and, most importantly, its low sulfur content and slightly higher heating value relative to bituminous coal. Because of these factors, anthracite … more
Date: October 1, 1978
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

US Department of Energy Solar Thermal Energy Systems Program. An overview presentation, August 1979

Description: Intended as both a position paper and a progress report to industry, this document provides a comprehensive overview of the US Department of Energy's Solar Thermal Program. Cost goals, systems design parameters, applications considerations, and the potential for industry involvement in solar thermal development and commercialization are described in detail. Decentralized management of R and D functions is linked to priorities and strategies of the evolving program.
Date: June 1, 1980
Creator: Braun, G W
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Identification and evaluation of data sources for the commercial buildings retrofit market

Description: The objectives of this study are to identify data sources that provide information on current and future levels of commercial buildings retrofit activity in the US, and to evaluate the coverage these data sources provide the commercial retrofit industry. Data sources evaluated include reports, magazines, computerized data bases, and surveys. Relevant data sources were identified through a literature review and by telephone and mail contacts with building industry experts and trade associations.… more
Date: October 1, 1986
Creator: Smith, S. A. & Johnson, D. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments and the Great Lakes Economy: Challenges and Opportunities

Description: This paper deals with the market for SO{sub 2} emission allowances over time and electric utility compliance choices. For currently high emitting plants ( > 2.5 lb SO{sub 2}/MMBtu), the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) provide for about twice as many SO{sub 2} allowances to be issued per year in Phase 1 (1995--1999) than in Phase 2. Also, considering the scrubber incentives in Phase 1, there is likely to be substantial emission banking for use in Phase 2. Allowance prices are expected to in… more
Date: January 1, 1991
Creator: Hanson, D.; Molburg, J.; Pandola, G.; Taxon, T.; Lurie, G.; Fisher, R. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development and testing of commercial-scale, coal-fired combustion systems: Phase 3

Description: The US Department of Energy's Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center (PETC) is actively pursuing the development and testing of coal-fired combustion systems for residential, commercial, and industrial market sectors. In response, MTCI initiated the development of a new combustor technology based on the principle of pulse combustion under the sponsorship of PETC (Contract No. AC22-83PC60419). The initial pulse combustor development program was conducted in three phases (MTCI, Development of a Puls… more
Date: January 1, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Solar/hydrogen systems for the 1985 to 2000 time frame. Volume I. Solar/hydrogen systems assessment. Final report

Description: The findings of a study of opportunities for commercialization of systems capable of producing hydrogen from solar energy are presented in two volumes. A compendium of monographs by specialists in the fields of solar energy conversion technologies, hydrogen production technologies and related technology descriptions from the general literature comprise Volume II. This data base was used to support an evaluation and selection process that identified four candidate solar/hydrogen systems best sui… more
Date: June 1, 1980
Creator: Foster, R. W.; Tison, R. R.; Escher, W. J.D. & Hanson, J. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development and testing of commercial-scale, coal-fired combustion systems: Phase 3

Description: The US Department of Energy's Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center (PETC) is actively pursuing the development and testing of coal-fired combustion systems for residential, commercial, and industrial market sectors. In response, MTCI initiated the development of a new combustor technology based on the principle of pulse combustion under the sponsorship of PETC (Contract No. AC22-83PC60419). The initial pulse combustor development program was conducted in three phases (MTCI, Development of a Puls… more
Date: January 1, 1992
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geothermal direct heat use: market potential/penetration analysis for Federal Region IX (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada)

Description: A preliminary study was made of the potential for geothermal direct heat use in Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada (Federal Region IX). The analysis for each state was performed by a different team, located in that state. For each state, the study team was asked to: (1) define the resource, based on the latest available data; (2) assess the potential market growth for geothermal energy; and (3) estimate the market penetration, projected to 2020. Each of the four states of interest in this … more
Date: May 1, 1980
Creator: Powell, W. & Tang, K. (eds.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear proliferation and civilian nuclear power. Report of the Nonproliferation Alternative Systems Assessment Program. Volume IV. Commercial potential

Description: This volume of the Nonproliferation Alternative Systems Assessment Program (NASAP) report provides time and cost estimates for positioning new nuclear power systems for commercial deployment. The assessment also estimates the rates at which the new systems might penetrate the domestic market, assuming the continuing viability of the massive light-water reactor network that now exists worldwide. This assessment does not recommend specific, detailed program plans and budgets for individual system… more
Date: June 1, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Microcomputers for energy conservation in homes and other small buildings

Description: Low cost microcomputers and related microelectric devices now make it practical to apply additional energy conserving control strategies in single-family homes and other small buildings. These conservation measures can make significant contributions toward attainment of national energy conservation objectives. Applications in space conditioning (heating, cooling, ventilation), lighting, electric demand limiting, metering of energy in various forms and for status displays are outlined. Examples … more
Date: January 1, 1980
Creator: Hendrick, A S
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

List of DOE radioisotope customers with summary of radioisotope shipments, FY 1979

Description: The fifteenth edition of the radioisotope customer list was prepared at the request of the Division of Financial Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Environment, Department of Energy (DOE). This document lists DOE's radioisotope production and distribution activities by its facilities at Argonne National Laboratory; Pacific Northwest Laboratory; Brookhaven National Laboratory; Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory; Idaho Operations Office; Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory; Moun… more
Date: June 1, 1980
Creator: Burlison, J.S. (comp.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Solar heating and cooling of buildings: Phase I (non-residential). InterTechnology/Solar Corporation cost/benefit analysis report and supporting opinion survey, commercial buildings. National Solar Demonstration Program, executive summary

Description: A parametric study was performed to provide an estimate of the number of non-residential solar demonstration projects that will be required to start a commercial industry in solar equipment manufacturing, marketing, financing, and installation. An opinion survey was conducted among several experts in the field and results are shown. A techno-economic computer simulation of the solar industry was constructed. This simulation predicts the response of the marketplace to the ERDA program. The compu… more
Date: October 28, 1976
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Residential energy use to the year 2000: conservation and economics

Description: This report evaluates the energy and direct economic effects of implementing various residential energy conservation programs. These evaluations are conducted using a detailed engineering-economic model that simulates residential energy use on an annual basis for 1970 through 2000. These programs include several authorized by the 94th Congress and expanded upon by the present administration: appliance-efficiency standards, thermal standards for construction of new residences and weatherization … more
Date: September 1, 1977
Creator: Hirst, E. & Carney, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Transporting US oil imports: The impact of oil spill legislation on the tanker market

Description: The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 ( OPA'') and an even more problematic array of State pollution laws have raised the cost, and risk, of carrying oil into and out of the US. This report, prepared under contract to the US Department of energy's Office of Domestic and International Policy, examines the impact of Federal and State oil spill legislation on the tanker market. It reviews the role of marine transportation in US oil supply, explores the OPA and State oil spill laws, studies reactions to OP… more
Date: May 1, 1992
Creator: Rowland, P.J. (Rowland (P.) Associates (United States))
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geothermal energy in the western United States and Hawaii: Resources and projected electricity generation supplies. [Contains glossary and address list of geothermal project developers and owners]

Description: Geothermal energy comes from the internal heat of the Earth, and has been continuously exploited for the production of electricity in the United States since 1960. Currently, geothermal power is one of the ready-to-use baseload electricity generating technologies that is competing in the western United States with fossil fuel, nuclear and hydroelectric generation technologies to provide utilities and their customers with a reliable and economic source of electric power. Furthermore, the develop… more
Date: September 1, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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