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open access

TCT hybrid preconceptual blanket design studies

Description: The conceptual design of a tokamak fusion-fission (hybrid) reactor, which produces electric power and fissile material, has been performed in a cooperative effort between Princeton's Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and Battelle's Pacific Northwest Laboratories (PNL). PPPL, who had overall project lead responsibility, designed the fusion driver system. Its core consists of a tokamak plasma maintained in the two-component torus (TCT) mode by both D and T beams and having a single null poloidal d… more
Date: January 1, 1978
Creator: Aase, D. T.; Bampton, M. C. C.; Doherty, T. J.; Leonard, B. R.; McCann, R. A.; Newman, D. F. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Source-jerk analysis using a semi-explicit inverse kinetic technique

Description: A method is proposed for measuring the effective reproduction factor, k, in subcritical systems. The method uses the transient response of a subcritical system to the sudden removal of an extraneous neutron source (i.e., a source jerk). The response is analyzed using an inverse kinetic technique that least-squares fits the exact analytical solution corresponding to a source-jerk transient as derived from the point-reactor model. It has been found that the technique can provide an accurate means… more
Date: January 1, 1985
Creator: Spriggs, G.D. & Pederson, R.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Results of the radiological survey at 12 Long Valley Road, Lodi, New Jersey (LJ054)

Description: Maywood Chemical Works (MCW) of Maywood, New Jersey, generated process wastes and residues associated with the production and refining of thorium and thorium compounds from monazite ores from 1916 to 1956. MCW supplied rare earth metals and thorium compounds to the Atomic Energy Commission and various other government agencies from the late 1940s to the mid-1950s. Area residents used the sandlike waste from this thorium extracting process mixed with tea and cocoa leaves as mulch in their yards.… more
Date: November 1, 1989
Creator: Foley, R.D.; Floyd, L.M. & Carrier, R.F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Results of the radiological survey at 17 John Street, Lodi, New Jersey

Description: Maywood Chemical Works (MCW) of Maywood, New Jersey, generated process wastes and residues associated with the production and refining of thorium and thorium compounds from monazite ores from 1916 to 1956. MCW supplied rare earth metals and thorium compounds to the Atomic Energy Commission and various other government agencies from the late 1940s to the mid-1950s. Area residents used the sandlike waste from this thorium extraction process mixed with tea and cocoa leaves as mulch in their yards.… more
Date: December 1, 1989
Creator: Foley, R.D. & Floyd, L.M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Physics of antimatter-matter reactions for interstellar propulsion

Description: At the stage of the antiproton-nucleon annihilation chain of events relevant to propulsion the annihilation produces energetic charged pions and gamma rays. If annihilation occurs in a complex nucleus, protons, neutrons, and other nuclear fragments are also produced. The charge, number, and energy of the annihilation products are such that annihilation rocket engine concepts involving relatively low specific impulse (I/sub sp/ approx. = 1000 to 2000 s) and very high I/sub sp/ (3 x 10/sup 7/ s) … more
Date: August 22, 1986
Creator: Morgan, D.L. Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radiochemical analyses of samples from beneath a solid radioactive waste disposal pit at Los Alamos, New Mexico

Description: Solid radioactive wastes are disposed of by burial in pits excavated in rhyolite tuff at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL). Contaminants in the waste include fission products, uranium, and transuranic elements. In 1976, horizontal core holes were drilled beneath a waste disposal pit that was used from 1963 to 1966. Samples of the core were analyzed for gross alpha, gross beta, total uranium, /sup 90/Sr, /sup 137/Cs, /sup 238/Pu, /sup 239/ /sup 240/Pu, and /sup 241/Am. The measured gro… more
Date: June 1, 1980
Creator: Purtymun, W. D.; Rogers, M. A. & Wheeler, M. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Long-lived heavy mass elements half-lives (A > 125)

Description: Reported values of half-lives of intermediate mass and heavy elements are evaluated. The evaluation analysis estimates the systematic error the resulting standard deviation. Recommended values are then presented for /sup 128/Te, /sup 130/Te, /sup 129/I, /sup 138/La, /sup 144/Nd, /sup 145/Nd, /sup 146,147,148/Sm, /sup 152/Gd, /sup 154/Dy, /sup 176/Lu, /sup 174/Hf, /sup 180/Ta, /sup 187/Re, /sup 186/Os, /sup 190/Pt, /sup 204,205/Pb, and /sup 230,232/Th. 103 refs., 21 tabs. (WRF)
Date: January 1, 1985
Creator: Holden, Norman E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Measurements of /sup 234/U, /sup 238/U and /sup 230/Th in excreta of uranium-mill crushermen

Description: Uranium and thorium levels in excreta of uranium mill crushermen who are routinely exposed to airborne uranium ore dust were measured. The purpose was to determine whether /sup 230/Th was preferentially retained over either /sup 234/U or /sup 238/U in the body. Urine and fecal samples were obtained from fourteen active crushermen with long histories of exposure to uranium ore dust, plus four retired crushermen and three control individuals for comparison. Radiochemical procedures were used to s… more
Date: July 1, 1982
Creator: Fisher, D. R.; Jackson, P. O.; Brodacynski, G. G. & Scherpelz, R. I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Plutonium isotopic analysis of highly enriched mixed oxides

Description: We investigated the analysis method used by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to determine the plutonium isotopic composition of highly enriched mixed oxides (MOX). The IAEA currently uses the Cicero multichannel analyzer and the IAEAPU algorithm for its analysis. In our investigation the plutonium isotopic measurements were found to be good for PuO/sub 2/ powder or low-enriched MOX, but acceptable for highly enriched MOX in IAEA special nuclear material (SNM) accountability applica… more
Date: August 1, 1986
Creator: Clement, S. D. & Augustson, R. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

(The fate of nuclides in natural water systems)

Description: Our research at Yale on the fate of nuclides in natural water systems has three components to it: the study of the atmospheric precipitation of radionuclides and other chemical species; the study of the behavior of natural radionuclides in groundwater and hydrothermal systems; and understanding the controls on the distribution of radionuclides and stable nuclides in the marine realm. In this section a review of our progress in each of these areas is presented.
Date: January 1, 1989
Creator: Turekian, K.K. (Yale Univ., New Haven, CT (USA). Dept. of Geology and Geophysics)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Niagara Falls Storage Site, Lewiston, New York: Annual site environmental report, Calendar year 1987: Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP)

Description: The monitoring program at the Niagara Falls Storage Site (NFSS) measures radon gas concentrations in air; external gamma radiation levels; and uranium and radium concentrations in surface water, groundwater, and sediment. To verify that the site is in compliance with the DOE radiation protection standard and to assess its potential effect on public health, the radiation dose was calculated for the maximally exposed individual. Based on the conservative scenario described in the report, this ind… more
Date: April 1, 1988
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of ultrafiltration and inorganic adsorbents for reducing volumes of low-level and intermediate-level liquid waste: January--March 1978

Description: The exposure of noncellulosic ultrafiltration membranes to a radioactive environment simulating up to 24 months of exposure to a beta dose of 10 3/ and a gamma dose of 10/sup -5/ 3/ did not show any conclusive evidence of membrane degradation. Viscosity measurements for control membranes and irradiated membranes indicate no changes in polymer molecular weight were caused by the radiation exposure. This, in turn, suggests no physical or mechanical degradation took… more
Date: April 27, 1978
Creator: Koenst, J. W.; Herald, W. R. & Roberts, R. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Antiproton driven microfission-fusion on closer inspection

Description: A closer look at the energetics of antiproton annihilation in real systems, coupled to hydrodynamics, materials strength, particle transport, equations of state, and related interactions is necessary to assess ultimate viability. The systematics of antiproton microfission-fusion are the subject of this analysis, as well as technology constraints.
Date: January 1, 1992
Creator: Wienke, B.R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Input and decayed values of radioactive liquid wastes discharged to the ground in the 200 Areas through 1975

Description: Low and intermediate level liquid wastes from chemical separations processing of spent reactor fuel elements have been discharged to the ground in the 200-Areas since 1944. Large volumes of process cooling water, normally free of radioactive contaminants, are discharged to surface ditches or natural surface depressions (ponds). Lesser volumes of liquid waste such as steam condensates, process condensates, scavenged process waste supernatants, and plutonium processing wastes have been, or are be… more
Date: July 8, 1976
Creator: Anderson, J. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Computer-Controlled System for Rapid Soil Analysis of /sup 226/Ra

Description: A computer-controlled multichannel analysis system has been developed by the Radiological Survey Activities Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for the Department of Energy (DOE) in support of the DOE's remedial action programs. The purpose of this system is to provide a rapid estimate of the /sup 226/Ra concentration in soil samples using a 6 x 9-in. NaI(Tl) crystal containing a 3.25-in. deep by 3.5-in. diameter well. This gamma detection system is controlled by a mini-computer with … more
Date: January 1, 1984
Creator: Doane, R. W.; Berven, B. A. & Blair, M. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Stability of plutonium contaminated sediments in the Miami--Erie Canal. [Mound Facility, Ohio, radioactive effluents monitoring]

Description: This study was conducted to evaluate the stability of plutonium-contaminated sediment in the Miami-Erie Canal. Correlations were sought to relate concentrations at air sampling stations to plutonium-238 concentrations in air and stack emissions, wind direction, particulate loading, rainfall, and construction activities. There appears to be some impact on airborne concentrations at air sampling stations 122 and 123 from the contaminated sediment in the canal and ponds area. For purposes of this … more
Date: March 1, 1978
Creator: Farmer, Billy M. & Carfagno, Daniel G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radiological survey of the radioactive sands and residues at Lowman, Idaho

Description: No uranium ore milling was performed at the Lowman site, which is located approximately 0.8 km northeast of the town of Lowman, Idaho. Nevertheless, approximately 80,000 metric tons of radioactive sands and residues from upgrading of heavy minerals by physical processing methods remain on the site grounds. Measurements of external gamma radiation 1 m above the surface showed exposure rates up to 2.4 mR/hr on site, but the exposure rate off site quickly dropped to the background level in all dir… more
Date: August 1, 1980
Creator: Haywood, F. F.; Burden, J. E.; Ellis, B. S.; Loy, E. T. & Shinpaugh, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Estimated risk from exposure to radon decay products in US homes

Description: Recent analyses now permit direct estimation of the risks of lung cancer from radon decay products in US homes. Analysis of data from indoor monitoring in single-family homes yields a tentative frequency distribution of annual-average /sup 222/Rn concentrations averaging 55 Bq m/sup -3/ and having 2% of homes exceeding 300 Bq m/sup -3/. Application of the results of occupational epidemiological studies, either directly or using recent advances in lung dosimetry, to indoor exposures suggests tha… more
Date: May 1, 1986
Creator: Nero, A.V. Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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