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open access

Impacts of the national energy programme on solar economics

Description: The National Energy Plan (NEP) sets as a goal the use of solar energy in two and a half million homes in 1985. A key provision of the NEP (as well as congressional alternatives) provides for the subsidization of solar equipment. The extent to which these subsidies (income tax credits) might offset the impact of continued energy-price control is examined. Regional prices and availability of conventional energy sources (oil, gas, and electricity) were compiled to obtain a current and consistent s… more
Date: January 1, 1978
Creator: Ben-David, S.; Noll, S.; Roach, F. & Schulze, W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

State of Maine Office of Energy Resources Weekly Price Monitoring System end of survey of report. 2nd annual report to Region I DOE

Description: The OPEC oil embargo of 1973-1974 brought the nation to a realization of the importance and necessity for collection and analysis of energy data. The Maine Office of Energy Resources, (OER), has the responsibility to establish and implement energy policies in Maine. The Weekly Price Monitoring System, (PMS), has been developed and implemented to assist energy planners in Maine. This survey is used to analyze home heating oil price trends and as a public relations tool in response to inquiries f… more
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Catalyst and process development for hydrogen preparation from future fuel cell feedstocks. Quarterly progress report, January 1, 1980-March 31, 1980. [Pt/Rh, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ni/Rh, Rh/Re, Ni]

Description: Catalysts are being screened to steam reform hydrocarbons in an autothermal reformer (STR). Twenty-one samples have been screened in a 1-in.-diam (ATR) reactor using No. 2 oil as the hydrocarbon feed. A series of platinum-rhodium catalysts were evaluated to study the effect of varying compositions. A sample containing 1.7% Pt/0.3% Rh was most active but the difference among the samples was within the range of test variability. Development of a more realistic test has been started. The effect of… more
Date: April 1, 1980
Creator: Yarrington, R M; Feins, I R & Hwang, H S
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Catalyst and process development for the H/sub 2/ preparation from future fuel cell feedstocks. Quarterly progress report, October 1, 1978-December 31, 1978

Description: The work done under this contract in the last quarter of 1978 was concerned with Phase I, which involved preliminary catalyst and process evaluation. The processes under study are hydrogen assisted steam reforming (HASR), catalytic partial oxidation (CPO), and autothermal steam reforming (ATR). Existing Engelhard test units were modified to carry out preliminary runs using the first two processes. Technical analysis to support work in this area consisted of heat and material balances constraine… more
Date: January 1, 1979
Creator: Yarrington, R M; Feins, I R; Hwang, H S & Mayer, C P
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Emergency fuels utilization guidebook. Alternative Fuels Utilization Program

Description: The basic concept of an emergency fuel is to safely and effectively use blends of specification fuels and hydrocarbon liquids which are free in the sense that they have been commandeered or volunteered from lower priority uses to provide critical transportation services for short-duration emergencies on the order of weeks, or perhaps months. A wide variety of liquid hydrocarbons not normally used as fuels for internal combustion engines have been categorized generically, including limited infor… more
Date: August 1, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Direct efficiency measurement and analysis of residential oil-fired boiler systems: burner-boiler/furnace efficiency test project. Annual report FY 1978

Description: A laboratory study is made to measure the efficiencies of residential heating equipment. A direct measurement technique provides an accurate evaluation of the efficiency of residential heating units during full-load and part-load operation. The laboratory data is then used to determine annual fuel consumption and fuel-weighted seasonal efficiency for each heating unit based on typical operating parameters (size of residence, geographic location, and usage). The results of the study include both… more
Date: November 1, 1979
Creator: McDonald, R. J.; Batey, J. E.; Allen, T. W. & Hoppe, R. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Impact of the national energy plan on solar economics. [Economic analysis of solar space heating and solar water heating by state]

Description: The National Energy Plan (NEP) sets as a goal the use of solar energy in two and a half million homes in 1985. A key provision of the NEP (as well as congressional alternatives) provides for the subsidization of solar equipment. The extent to which these subsidies (income tax credits) might offset the impact of continued energy price control is examined. Regional prices and availability of conventional energy sources (oil, gas, and electricity) were compiled to obtain a current and consistent s… more
Date: January 1, 1977
Creator: Ben-David, S.; Noll, S.; Roach, F. & Schulze, W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cooperative agreement for No. 2 heating oil pilot price data collection: Vermont State Energy Office end of survey report

Description: The State, through the Vermont State Energy Office in Cooperative Agreement with DOE implemented a weekly Pilot Survey Program for residential No. 2 heating fuel prices. The purpose of this survey program was to collect weekly price data, calculate the statewide average, submit the results weekly to S. J. Seymour, Chief of Energy Data DOE Region I, Boston and publish the average prices to the public and the news media. The methodology used in collecting data was a spinoff of our monthly price s… more
Date: January 1, 1978
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of the competitive viability of minority fuel oil marketers. Final report

Description: Previous studies on the competitive viability of the fuel oil heating market had addressed some of the unique problems facing minority fuel oil marketers (MFMs) within the total market sector (TMS). This study focused on identifying and developing quantitative information on MFMs in the TMS. The specific objective was to determine whether the business problems experienced by MFMs were directly related to their minority status or were characterstic of any firm in the TMS operating under comparab… more
Date: September 30, 1981
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Stack contamination effects during small-scale combustion testing of synthetic fuels

Description: The Analytical Chemistry Branch at the Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center has undertaken the assessment of the possible environmental impact of substituting synfuels for petroleum-based fuels in utility and industrial boilers. The assessment is based on a study of results obtained from the analysis of trace organic compounds present in the exaust gases of a fully instrumented 20-hp firetube boiler. The stack gases from petroleum-based fuels, synfuels, and methanol combustion tests have been sa… more
Date: January 1, 1984
Creator: Douglas, L.J.; Gibbon, G.A. & White, C.M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energy availabilities for state and local development: 1974 data volume

Description: This report is one of a continuing series developed by ORNL with financial support from the Economic Development Administration to present the supply, demand, and net imports of seven fuel types for four final consuming sectors of BEAs, states, census regions, and the nation in 1973. The data are formatted to present regional energy availability from primary extraction as well as from regional transformation processes. As constructed, the tables depict energy balances between availability and u… more
Date: November 1, 1977
Creator: Vogt, D. P.; Rice, P. L. & Pai, V. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Savings from new oil furnaces: A study conducted as part of Washington State's Oil Help Program

Description: The Washington State Energy Office (WSEO) has been running the Oil Help program for three years. Originally operated as a loan program, Oil Help switched to rebates during the 1987 and 1988. Rebates for oil furnace replacements made up over 70 percent of rebate funds, which totaled about $1.3 million. WSEO Evaluation started research in summer of 1988, with the goal of including 100 new furnace households (with a control group of similar size) in the study. Our intention was to look at long-ter… more
Date: December 1, 1989
Creator: Davis, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Oil-fueled equipment research: program plan

Description: The purpose of this document is to define the basis for a US Department of Energy (DOE) program for oil-fueled equipment research. The needs for an benefits of the technical research are explained, and a research plan is presented. This program was developed by Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) with assistance from Steven Winters Associates and input from Brookhaven National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and many representatives of the heating-oil and oil-fueled equipment industri… more
Date: September 1, 1986
Creator: Hutchinson, R.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energy availabilities for state and local development: 1973 data volume

Description: This report is one of a continuing series developed by ORNL with financial support from the Economic Development Administration to present the supply, demand, and net imports of seven fuel types for four final consuming sectors of BEAs, states, census regions, and the nation in 1974. The data are formatted to present regional energy availability from primary extraction as well as from regional transformation processes. As constructed, the tables depict energy balances between availability and u… more
Date: November 1, 1977
Creator: Vogt, D. P.; Rice, P. L. & Pai, V. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Availability of alternate petroleum fuels to offset natural gas curtailments for the 1978--1979 heating season (November 1--March 31)

Description: Data on the availability of propane, middle distillates, and residual fuel oils, covering the role of these petroleum products both as primary and alternate fuels, indicate that the national supply/demand situation is favorable for the 1978--79 winter. Propane inventories, 89.9 million barrels on November 1, plus production and imports should be adequate to satisfy demand even if the 1978--79 winter is as severe as the 1976--77 winter. The inventory level of middle distillate (heating oil) at t… more
Date: December 1, 1978
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Survey for the Federal Energy Administration, July 1977. [Survey on electricity, gasoline, heating fuel price increases]

Description: This volume provides detailed computer tabulations of a survey conducted by The Gallup Organization for the Federal Energy Administration to determine the general public's attitude toward a proposed price rise for electricity, heating fuels, and gasoline as a means for increasing conservation efforts. The survey was also designed to obtain information about actions taken by the public to save energy, including the temperature in the home in relation to the outside temperature at the time the st… more
Date: August 1, 1977
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Residential fuel choice in the Pacific Northwest

Description: In 1983, the Northwest Power Planning Council (Council) issued Model Conservation Standards (MCS) designed to improve the efficiency of electrically heated buildings. Since then, the standards have been adopted by numerous local governments and utilities. The Bonneville Power Administration (Bonneville) has played an active role in marketing residential energy efficiency improvements through the Super Good Cents Program (SGCP) and encouraging the adoption and implementation of the MCS as local … more
Date: February 1, 1989
Creator: Lee, A. D.; Englin, J. E. & Harkreader, S. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An analysis of heating fuel market behavior, 1989--1990

Description: The purpose of this report is to fully assess the heating fuel crisis from a broader and longer-term perspective. Using EIA final, monthly data, in conjunction with credible information from non-government sources, the pricing phenomena exhibited by heating fuels in late December 1989 and early January 1990 are described and evaluated in more detail and more accurately than in the interim report. Additionally, data through February 1990 (and, in some cases, preliminary figures for March) make i… more
Date: June 1, 1990
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

State Heating Oil and Propane Program, 1990--1991 heating season

Description: The following discussion summarizes the survey approach and results of the Department of Public Service's survey of retail fuel oil and propane prices during the 1990--91 heating season. The semi-monthly phone surveys were conducted in cooperation with the US Department of Energy's State Fuel Oil and Propane Program, which coordinated surveys of heating fuel prices by 25 eastern and midwest states. This federal/state program serves as a method for fast collection, analysis, and dissemination of… more
Date: June 6, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

State Heating Oil and Propane Program

Description: This report provides an informational summary on home heating and propane prices and inventories during the October 1990--May 1991 period. The New York State Energy Office monitored retail and wholesale prices of home heating oil and propane during the heating season in fulfillment of its contractural obligation with DOE. This Office has participated in the cooperative program since the 1978--79 heating season.
Date: June 30, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

State Heating Oil and Propane Price (SHOPP) survey

Description: The State Heating Oil and Propane Price (SHOPP) survey for the 1990--1991 heating season was conducted by the Pennsylvania Energy Office (PEO) in conjunction with the US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration (DOE/EIA). The objective of the program was to collect price information for No. 2 heating oil and propane. Prices were to be collected on the first and third Mondays of each month, starting on October 1, 1990 and extending through March 18, 1991.
Date: July 1, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

State Heating Oil and Propane Price (SHOPP) survey: 1990--1991 heating season

Description: The State Heating Oil and Propane Price (SHOPP) survey for the 1990--1991 heating season was conducted by the Pennsylvania Energy Office (PEO) in conjunction with the US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration (DOE/EIA). The objective of the program was to collect price information for No. 2 heating oil and propane. Prices were to be collected on the first and third Mondays of each month, starting on October 1, 1990 and extending through March 18, 1991.
Date: July 1, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

State heating oil and propane program

Description: The following is a report of New Hampshire's participation in the State Heating Oil and Propane Program (SHOPS) for the 1990--91 heating season. The program is a joint effort between participating states and the Department of Energy (DOE), Energy Information Administration (EYE) to collect retail price data for heating oil and propane through phone surveys of 25 oil and 20 propane retailers in New Hampshire. SHOPS is funded through matching grants from DOE and the participating state. (VC)
Date: January 1, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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