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open access

The LRL Capture-Gamma Coincidence Spectrometer

Description: Abstract. A fast-slow coincidence scintillation spectrometer for gamma-gamma cascade measurements following thermal neutron absorption in nuclei is now in operation at the Livermore 1-megawatt pool-type reactor. Design features of the spectrometer and experimental techniques in its use are discussed with particular emphasis on the application of the recently introduced sum-coincidence method for analysis of capture-gamma double cascades. A new technique for the determination of added neutron bi… more
Date: April 22, 1960
Creator: Schwäger, Joseph Edward
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Germanium-Based Detectors for Gamma-Ray Imaging andSpectroscopy

Description: Germanium-based detectors are the standard technology usedfor gamma-ray spectroscopy when high efficiency and excellent energyresolution are desired. By dividing the electrical contacts on thesedetectors into segments, the locations of the gamma-ray interactionevents within the detectors can be determined as well as the depositedenergies. This enables simultaneous gamma-ray imaging and spectroscopyand leads to applications in the areas of astronomy, nuclear physics,environmental remediation, nu… more
Date: October 13, 2006
Creator: Amman, Mark; Luke, Paul N. & Boggs, Steven E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experiment summary for n/y attenuation through materials (Environments 1A).

Description: The Radiation Effects Sciences (RES) program is responsible for conducting Neutron Gamma Energy Transport (NuGET) code validation. In support of this task, a series of experiments were conducted in the annular core research reactor (ACRR) to investigate the modification of the incident neutron/gamma environment by aluminum (Al6061) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) spheres with 4-in and 7-in-diameter. The experiment series described in this report addresses several NuGET validation concerns.… more
Date: May 1, 2006
Creator: DePriest, Kendall Russell
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey: Glasgow National Topographic Map, Montana

Description: Final report documenting a high-sensitivity airborne gamma radiation and magnetic field survey of the Glasgow National Topographic Map segment (NM 13-10 quadrangle) including a description of the program and results with the flight line profile data and statistical analysis results.
Date: 1981
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Approaching the Island of Inversion: 34P

Description: Yrast states in 34P were investigated using the 18O(18O,pn) reaction at energies of 20, 24, 25, 30, and 44 MeV at Florida State University and at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The level scheme was expanded, ray angular distributions were measured, and lifetimes were inferred with the Doppler-shift attenuation method by detecting decay protons in coincidence with one or more rays. The results provide a clearer picture of the evolution of structure approaching the 'Island of Inversion', … more
Date: June 14, 2011
Creator: Bender, P. C.; Hoffman, C. R.; Wiedeking, M.; Allmond, J. M.; Bernstein, L. A.; Burke, J. T. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey: Cedar City National Topographic Map, Utah. Rocky Mountain - 1979

Description: From abstract: "The results of analyses of the airborne gamma radiation and total magnetic field survey flown for the region identified as the Cedar City National Topographic Maps, numbered NJ12-7 is presented in this report."
Date: 1980
Creator: Bendix Field Engineering Corporation
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The AGR-1 experiment is a multiple fueled-capsule irradiation experiment being conducted in the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) in support of the Advanced Gas Reactor (AGR) Fuel Development and Qualification Program. The experiment began irradiation in the ATR with a cycle that reached full power on December 26, 2006 and ended with shutdown of the reactor for a brief outage on February 10, 2007 at 0900. The AGR-1 experiment will continue cyclical irradiation for about 2.5 years. In order to allow e… more
Date: May 1, 2007
Creator: Hartwell, J. K.; Scates, D. M.; Walter, J. B. & Drigert, M. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey: Llano National Topographic Map, Texas

Description: Final report documenting a high-sensitivity airborne gamma radiation and magnetic field survey of the Llano National Topographic Map segment (NH 14-5 quadrangle) including a description of the program and results with the flight line profile data and statistical analysis results.
Date: unknown
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey: Lander National Topographic Map, Wyoming

Description: Final report documenting a high-sensitivity airborne gamma radiation and magnetic field survey of the Lander National Topographic Map segment (NK 12-6 quadrangle) including a description of the program and results with the flight line profile data and statistical analysis results.
Date: unknown
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey: Thermopolis National Topographic Map, Wyoming

Description: Final report documenting a high-sensitivity airborne gamma radiation and magnetic field survey of the Thermopolis National Topographic Map segment (NK 12-3 quadrangle) including a description of the program and results with the flight line profile data and statistical analysis results.
Date: unknown
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey: Arminto National Topographic Map, Wyoming

Description: Final report documenting a high-sensitivity airborne gamma radiation and magnetic field survey of the Arminto National Topographic Map segment (NK 13-1 quadrangle) including a description of the program and results with the flight line profile data and statistical analysis results.
Date: unknown
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey: Limon National Topographic Map, Colorado

Description: Final report documenting a high-sensitivity airborne gamma radiation and magnetic field survey of the Limon National Topographic Map segment (NJ 13-3 quadrangle) including a description of the program and results with the flight line profile data and statistical analysis results.
Date: unknown
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey: Kalispell National Topographic Map, Montana

Description: Final report documenting a high-sensitivity airborne gamma radiation and magnetic field survey of the Kalispell National Topographic Map segment (NM 11-12 quadrangle) including a description of the program and results with the flight line profile data and statistical analysis results.
Date: unknown
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey: Woodward National Topographic Map, Oklahoma

Description: Report documenting results of analysis for airborne gamma radiation and total magnetic field survey for the Woodward National Topographic Map Sheet (NJ 14-11). It includes data calculations and profiled data readings with a general description of the area and corresponding data readings.
Date: May 1980
Creator: Geodata International, Inc.
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey: Winchester National Topographic Map, Kentucky

Description: Report documenting results of analysis for airborne gamma radiation and total magnetic field survey for the Winchester National Topographic Map Sheet (NJ 16-9). It includes data calculations and profiled data readings with a general description of the area and corresponding data readings.
Date: 1980
Creator: Geodata International, Inc.
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey: Macon National Topographic Map, Georgia

Description: From abstract: "The results of analyses of the airborne gamma radiation and total magnetic field survey flown for the region identified as the Raleigh National Topographic Maps, numbered NI17-10 is presented in this report."
Date: 1980
Creator: Bendix Field Engineering Corporation
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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