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open access

Low-Cost Solar Array Project. Progress report 14, August 1979-December 1979 and proceedings of the 14th Project Integration Meeting

Description: Progress made by the Low-Cost Solar Array Project during the period August through November 1979, is described. Progress on project analysis and integration; technology development in silicon material, large-area sheet silicon, and encapsulation; production process and equipment development; engineering, and operations, and the steps taken to integrate these efforts are detailed. A report on the Project Integration Meeting held December 5-6, 1979, including copies of the visual materials used, … more
Date: January 1, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geothermal Materials Development, Annual Report FY 1991

Description: Advances in the development of new materials, the commercial availabilities of which are essential for the attainment of Hydrothermal Category Level I and II Objectives, continue to be made in the Geothermal Materials Development Project. Many successes have already been accrued and the results used commercially. In FY 1991, utility company sponsored full cost'' recovery programs based upon materials technology developed in this project were initiated on topics such as condensing heat exchanger… more
Date: December 1, 1991
Creator: Kukacka, L. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Video monitoring system for enriched uranium casting furnaces

Description: A closed-circuit television (CCTV) system was developed to upgrade the remote-viewing capability on two oralloy (highly enriched uranium) casting furnaces in the Y-12 Plant. A silicon vidicon CCTV camera with a remotely controlled lens and infrared filtering was provided to yield a good-quality video presentation of the furnace crucible as the oralloy material is heated from 25 to 1300/sup 0/C. Existing tube-type CCTV monochrome monitors were replaced with solid-state monitors to increase the s… more
Date: March 1, 1978
Creator: Turner, P. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Joining of ceramics for high performance energy systems. Mid-term progress report, August 1, 1979-March 31, 1980

Description: The subject program is primarily an exploratory and demonstration study of the use of silicate glass-based adhesives for bonding silicon-base refractory ceramics (SiC, Si/sub 3/N/sub 4/). The projected application is 1250 to 2050/sup 0/F relaxing joint service in high-performance energy conversion systems. The five program tasks and their current status are as follows. Task 1 - Long-Term Joint Stability. Time-temperature-transformation studies of candidate glass adhesives, out to 2000 hours sim… more
Date: October 6, 1980
Creator: Smeltzer, C E & Metcalfe, A G
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cause of pitting in beryllium

Description: Light microscopy, bare-film radiography, secondary ion mass spectroscopy, electron microprobe and physical testing were used to examine beryllium specimens exhibiting a stratified, pitted, pattern after chemical milling. The objective was to find the cause of this pattern. Specimens were found to have voids in excess of density specification allowances. These voids are attributed, at least in part, to the sublimation of beryllium fluoride during the vacuum hot pressing operation. The origin of … more
Date: April 16, 1982
Creator: Kershaw, R. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cadmium sulfide/copper sulfide heterojunction cell research. Final report, February 26, 1979-July 15, 1980

Description: Extensive modifications were made to the multi-source deposition apparatus. These include the installation of a larger vacuum chamber on the existing system. The new chamber provides improved inter-source shielding, an improved substrate mounting and heating system, and a vacuum interlock for introducing substrates. CdS resistivity control by both In doping and off-stoichiometric deposition has been investigated. Indium doping has been achieved both by diffusion from a pre-deposited In layer an… more
Date: June 30, 1980
Creator: Thornton, J. A. & Cornog, D. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Phosphate-bonded glass cements for geothermal wells. Final report

Description: Calcium aluminosilicate glasses were found to react with phosphoric acid in three ways depending upon silica content. Above 55% SiO/sub 2/ they are insoluble while below 50% they dissolve readily. The transition compositions release calcium and aluminum ions and a silica gel phase replaces the glass. Activation energies in the order of 10 kcal/mole are associated with the dissolution. Equilibrium studies in the systems CaO-P/sub 2/O/sub 5/-H/sub 2/O, Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/-P/sub 2/O/sub 5/-H/sub 2/O… more
Date: September 1, 1979
Creator: Rockett, T.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

X-ray measurements of stresses and defects in EFG and large grained polycrystalline silicon ribbons. First quarterly report

Description: The first model of a modified Bond goniometer has been built and tested for the precision measurement of interplanar spacings in Si-single crystals. A change in interplanar spacing approximately = to +- 10/sup -5/ can be detected which corresponds to surface stresses of the order of +- 1000 psi. A second version of the goniometer is being assembled incorporating a removable microscope for precision alignment of the Si-strip into the primary X-ray beam.
Date: January 1, 1978
Creator: Wagner, C.N.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Repair Welding of Fusion Reactor Components

Description: Recent experimental investigations indicate that the repair welding of irradiated materials containing greater than 1 to 2.5 appm helium leads to catastrophic cracking in the heat affected zone of the weld. The high temperatures and cooling tensile stresses which occur during the welding process lead to enhanced helium bubble growth in the heat affected zone region, resulting in catastrophic cracking upon cooling. An investigation is proposed which seeks to determine the effect of stress state … more
Date: May 20, 1992
Creator: Chin, Bryan A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of methods and procedures for high rate low energy expenditure fabrication of solar cells. Quarterly progress report No. 1, September 27--December 31, 1975

Description: The objective of this program is to develop high rate, energy efficient solar cell processing techniques based around ion implantation and elimination of all conventional thermal operations. Cells have been fabricated using an abbreviated series of vacuum process operations performed at room temperature. (auth)
Date: January 1, 1976
Creator: Kirkpatrick, A. R. & Minnucci, J. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The collaborative program of research in engineering sciences

Description: Research programs in the following areas are briefly described: High-Temperature Gas-Particle Reactions; Mathematical Modelling of Plasma Systems; Metal Transfer in Gas Metal-Arc Welding; Multivariable Control of Gas Metal-Arc Welding; Synthesis of Heat and Work Integration Systems for Chemical Process Plants; Parity Simulation of Dynamic Processes; Fundamentals of Elastic-Plastic Fracture: Three-Dimensional and Mechanistic Modelling; and Comminution of Energy Materials. Publications from each … more
Date: August 1, 1989
Creator: White, D.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Coal Technology Program. Progress report for November 1977

Description: A block of Pittsburgh seam bituminous coal and a block of Wyodak subbituminous coal were pyrolyzed under reducing gas in support of in situ gasification. Information from previously completed block pyrolysis of bituminous coal under an argon atmosphere show that differences in evolved gas result from differences in heating rates. Compared to block pyrolysis at 0.3 C/sup 0//min, block pyrolysis at 3 C/sup 0//min produces less gas but gas with a higher heating value, yielding a higher overall pyr… more
Date: January 1, 1978
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Indium phosphide/cadmium sulfide thin-film solar cells. Quarterly technical progress report No. 3, December 1979-April 1980

Description: Thin films (approx. 1 thick) and large grains (approx. 40 x 40 of InP were epitaxially deposited on low-cost recrystallized CdS (RXCdS) substrates at 280/sup 0/C by planar reactive deposition. At 380/sup 0/C, a 0.4- to In-Cd-S transition layer between the InP and the RXCdS degrades the quality of the InP epitaxy. However, p-type InP films were prepared at this temperature by Be-doping and capping the entire RXCdS substrate with InP. Large grains of CdTe (appro… more
Date: June 1, 1980
Creator: Zanio, K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Application of microfabrication technology to thermionic energy conversion. Progress report 4, 1 May 1980 to 31 July 1980

Description: Two applications of microfabrication technology to thermionic converters have been investigated theoretically. The first is a novel method of maintaining micron or submicron spacings over large areas (>1 cm/sup 2/), using metals of different expansion coefficients to eliminate the shear stresses on the insulating pillars separating the electrodes. The second uses low-voltage field-emission sources to create ions in a large (approx. 1 mm) interelectrode gap for space charge neutralization. The t… more
Date: September 5, 1980
Creator: Brodie, I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Transient Temperature Distributions in a Thermally Orthotropic Plate With Non-Uniform Surface Heating

Description: ent temperature variation in a thermally orthotropic plate which is subjected to an arbitrary heating rate distribution along one face with all other surfaces being insulated. Dimensionless temperature histories and distributions determined from this solution are presented for the special, but representative, case of a linearly varying heating rate distribution on plates with varying degrees of thermal orthotropy. These results establish quantitatively the value of a material with high planar a… more
Date: June 1, 1961
Creator: Hornbaker, David Ross
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Metals and Ceramics Division. Annual progress report, ending June 30, 1980

Description: Research is reported concerning: (1) engineering materials, including materials compatibility, mechanical properties, nondestructive testing, pressure vessel technology, and welding and brazing; (2) fuels and processes consisting of ceramic technology, fuel cycle technology, fuels evaluation, fuel fabrication and metals processing; and (3) materials science which includes, ceramic studies, physical metallurgy properties, radiation effects and microstructural analysis, metastable and superconduc… more
Date: September 1, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ceramic technology for Advanced Heat Engines Project

Description: Significant accomplishments in fabricating ceramic components for advanced heat engine programs have provided evidence that the operation of ceramic parts in high-temperature engine environments is feasible. However, these programs have also demonstrated that additional research is needed in materials and processing development, design methodology, and database and life prediction before industry will have a sufficient technology base from which to produce reliable cost-effective ceramic engine… more
Date: July 1, 1991
Creator: Johnson, D. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recycled used fluorescent light tube solar water heater. Final technical report

Description: A project to investigate methods that might be used to utilize old fluorescent light tubes as solar water heater components then to produce a booklet of instructions for others to use to construct their own water heaters is described. Various methods of opening, cleaning and shaping the ends of the tubes were attempted. The reflective material needed inside some of the heaters was mylar and worked quite well but the Btu gain was disappointing. There were problems with the cement used and epoxy … more
Date: January 1, 1979
Creator: Jaquette, F M
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cesium-137 source material for an irradiator

Description: The feasibility of using /sup 137/Cs for the gamma source in sludge irradiators is discussed. It was concluded that /sup 137/Cs, because of its availability in large quantities as a by-product of fission in nuclear reactors, is an excellent candidate source for use in sewage sludge irradiators. The capsules used to store /sup 137/CsCl in the Waste Encapsulation and Storage Facility embody the technology gained by extensive development and experience during the past 25 years. The WESF capsule pr… more
Date: January 1, 1980
Creator: Lamb, E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tilt-pour melt-caster for encapsulation of radioactive cesium

Description: Use of the tilt-pour melt-caster makes distinct improvements in the cesium encapsulation process. Compared to the vacuum castings system now in use, the tilt-pour equipment requires no reliance on heat-traced transfer lines, less sealing pressure for capsule filling, is less corrosive to capsules and is easier to repair. From the results of the extensive development program, it is concluded that the tilt-pour melt-caster can be operated to meet the cesium encapsulation production and maintenanc… more
Date: January 1, 1977
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

MHD Coal-Fired Flow Facility. Quarterly technical progress report, January-March 1980

Description: The University of Tennessee Space Institute (UTSI) reports on significant activity, task status, planned research, testing, development, and conclusions for the Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Coal-Fired Flow Facility (CFFF) and the Research and Development Laboratory. Although slowed by incessant rain during several days, work on the CFFF Bid Packages progressed to nearly 100 percent completion, excluding later punchlist items. On the quench system, the cyclone separator was delivered to UTSI, and … more
Date: May 30, 1980
Creator: Altstatt, M. C. & Attig, R.C. Baucum, W.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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