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[Standing dancer covers her eyes, 2003 World Dance Alliance General Assembly]

Description: Photograph of a female dancer performing during "En Danza," the Friday evening dance recital, at the World Dance Alliance V General Assembly of The Americas held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in April 2003. The woman is standing facing the audience in a white romper.
Date: April 25, 2003
Creator: World Dance Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Panelists at the 2003 World Dance Alliance General Assembly]

Description: Photograph of moderator George Dorris and some of the panelists from the "Investigation and Documentation: Contemporary Policies and Its Impact in Dance" panel at the World Dance Alliance V General Assembly of The Americas held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in April 2003.
Date: April 25, 2003
Creator: World Dance Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[2003 World Dance Alliance V General Assembly of The Americas attendees dance at closing ceremony dinner]

Description: Photograph of attendees of the 2003 World Dance Alliance V General Assembly of The Americas dancing at the closing ceremony dinner. The dinner venue was the Museum of the Royal Houses (Museo de las Casas Reales) in the Dominican Republic.
Date: April 26, 2003
Creator: World Dance Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Mica Willingham at the 2003 World Dance Alliance General Assembly]

Description: Photograph of Mica Willingham giving a talk entitled "Magic Realism as a Basis for Choreographic Work and Choreographic Studies" at the World Dance Alliance V General Assembly of The Americas held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in April 2003.
Date: April 24, 2003
Creator: World Dance Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

["Presentation Versus the Public's Expectations" panel at the 2003 World Dance Alliance General Assembly]

Description: Photograph of the "Presentation Versus the Public's Expectations" panel at the World Dance Alliance V General Assembly of The Americas held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in April 2003. Moderator Ruth K. Abrahams is pictured, along with panelists Jan Hanvik, Ilona Copen, and Monika Despradel.
Date: April 26, 2003
Creator: World Dance Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Ballet performance at the 2003 World Dance Alliance General Assembly]

Description: Photograph of a ballet performance during Friday evening performance "En Danza" at the World Dance Alliance V General Assembly of The Americas in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The dancers are young girls who are dancing en pointe in a circle.
Date: April 25, 2003
Creator: World Dance Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[2006 World Dance Alliance Global Assembly performance program, July 20, 2006 (lunch)]

Description: Program from the 2006 World Dance Alliance Global Assembly, which was hosted in the Recital Hall at the Accolade East Building at York University in Toronto, Canada. The program from July 20 includes descriptions from the dance performances by Little Pear Garden Collective (Within...), Elena Quah (Pastoral Prayer), Danza Abend (Las Madres), M. Zihao Li (Faith), Cash & Company Dance (Garden), and the Menaka Thakkar Dance Company (Ashtapadi Abhinaya). Also in the program is a note from Mary Jane … more
Date: July 20, 2006
Creator: World Dance Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[2006 World Dance Alliance Global Assembly performance program, July 19, 2006]

Description: Program from the 2006 World Dance Alliance Global Assembly, for performances that were held in the Sandra Faire and Ivan Fechan Theatre at York University in Toronto, Canada. The program from July 19 includes descriptions from the dance performances by Surdance Ensemble (Momentos), Holly Small and Sashar Zarif (in the letters of my name), Danza Concierto (Recycle (And So What?)), Tai Pei Dance Circle (OLYMPICS). Also in the program is a note from Mary Jane Warner the Chair of the WDA Global Ass… more
Date: July 19, 2006
Creator: World Dance Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Dance performance, 2003 World Dance Alliance General Assembly]

Description: Photograph of a dance performance during "En Danza," the Friday evening dance recital, at the World Dance Alliance V General Assembly of The Americas held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in April 2003. A young girl dressed in black stands tall while other dancers stand to her left, hunched over.
Date: April 25, 2003
Creator: World Dance Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

["Investigation and Documentation: Contemporary Policies and Its Impact in Dance" panel at the 2003 World Dance Alliance General Assembly]

Description: Photograph of moderator George Dorris and panelists Madeleine Nichols, Mary Jane Warner and Marili Gallardo during "Investigation and Documentation: Contemporary Policies and Its Impact in Dance" panel at the World Dance Alliance V General Assembly of The Americas held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in April 2003.
Date: April 25, 2003
Creator: World Dance Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[2006 World Dance Alliance Global Assembly performance program, July 20, 2006]

Description: Program from the 2006 World Dance Alliance Global Assembly, which was held at the Sandra Faire and Ivan Fecan Theatre at York University in Toronto, Canada. The program from July 20 includes descriptions from the dance performances by Debra Brown and Dancers (Summertime), DanceArt Hong Kong (Blind Dates), African Dance Ensemble (Adesa), Terrill Maguire (Resurgence), Dance Theatre Group Interact (An Angel at my Table), and Contempodanza (Of dreams... seas). Also in the program is a note from Mar… more
Date: July 20, 2006
Creator: World Dance Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Group dance performance at the 2003 World Dance Alliance General Assembly]

Description: Photograph of a group of girls in school uniforms performing during "En Danza," the Friday evening dance recital, at the World Dance Alliance V General Assembly of The Americas held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in April 2003. The girls, huddled in a group, are miming laughter and are moving energetically.
Date: April 25, 2003
Creator: World Dance Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Solo male dancer, 2003 World Dance Alliance General Assembly]

Description: Photograph of solo male dancer performing during "En Danza," the Friday evening dance recital, at the World Dance Alliance V General Assembly of The Americas held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in April 2003. The man wears glasses and holds a bouquet of flowers.
Date: April 25, 2003
Creator: World Dance Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Youth dance performance, 2003 World Dance Alliance General Assembly]

Description: Photograph of girls in contemporary clothing performing during "En Danza," the Friday evening dance recital, at the World Dance Alliance V General Assembly of The Americas held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in April 2003. The girls are in fifth position and are leaning toward the audience.
Date: April 25, 2003
Creator: World Dance Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Male dancer, 2003 World Dance Alliance General Assembly]

Description: Photograph of solo male dancer performing during "En Danza," the Friday evening dance recital, at the World Dance Alliance V General Assembly of The Americas held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in April 2003. The man wears glasses and is holding a bouquet of flowers and what appears to be a hatbox. He holds his hand above his eyes as if he is looking for something.
Date: April 25, 2003
Creator: World Dance Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Musicians at the closing ceremony dinner, 2003 World Dance Alliance V General Assembly of The Americas]

Description: Photograph of men in traditional costumes playing music at the closing ceremony for the World Dance Alliance V General Assembly of The Americas held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in April 2003. The venue was the Museum of the Royal Houses (Museo de las Casas Reales).
Date: April 26, 2003
Creator: World Dance Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

["The Male Dancer of Today's World" panel at the 2003 World Dance Alliance General Assembly]

Description: Photograph of moderator Grant Strate and panelists Peter Palacio, Patricia Carreras, and Illeana Perdomo during "The Male Dancer of Today's World" panel at the World Dance Alliance V General Assembly of The Americas held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in April 2003.
Date: April 25, 2003
Creator: World Dance Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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