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open access

Body composition to climate change studies - the many facets of neutron induced prompt gamma-ray analysis

Description: In-vivo body composition analysis of humans and animals and in-situ analysis of soil using fast neutron inelastic scattering and thermal neutron capture induced prompt-gamma rays have been described. By measuring carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O), protein, fat and water are determined. C determination in soil has become important for understanding below ground carbon sequestration process in the light of climate change studies. Various neutron sources ranging from radio isotopic to compac… more
Date: November 17, 2008
Creator: Mitra, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

West Coast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership - Report on Geophysical Techniques for Monitoring CO2 Movement During Sequestration

Description: The relative merits of the seismic, gravity, and electromagnetic (EM) geophysical techniques are examined as monitoring tools for geologic sequestration of CO{sub 2}. This work does not represent an exhaustive study, but rather demonstrates the capabilities of a number of geophysical techniques on two synthetic modeling scenarios. The first scenario represents combined CO{sub 2} enhance oil recovery (EOR) and sequestration in a producing oil field, the Schrader Bluff field on the north slope of… more
Date: October 1, 2005
Creator: Gasperikova, Erika & Hoversten, G. Michael
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

TOUGH Short Course for Scientists and Engineers

Description: The TOUGH family of codes is a suite of computer programs for the simulation of multiphase fluid and heat flows in porous and fractured media with applications to geothermal reservoir engineering, nuclear waste disposal in geologic formations, geologic carbon sequestration, gas hydrate research, vadose zone hydrology, environmental remediation, oil and gas reservoir engineering, and other mass transport and energy transfer problems in complex geologic settings. TOUGH has been developed in the E… more
Date: August 1, 2006
Creator: Kowalsky, Michael B. & Finsterle, Stefan
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of CO2 Separation from Flue Gas, Pipeline Transportation, and Sequestration in Coal

Description: This report was written to satisfy a milestone of the Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Recovery and CO2 Sequestration task of the Big Sky Carbon Sequestration project. The report begins to assess the costs associated with separating the CO2 from flue gas and then injecting it into an unminable coal seam. The technical challenges and costs associated with CO2 separation from flue gas and transportation of the separated CO2 from the point source to an appropriate sequestration target was analyzed. The r… more
Date: September 1, 2007
Creator: Robertson, Eric P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

FINAL REPORT: An Integrated Inter-temporal Analysis of Land Use Change in Forestry and Agriculture: An Assessment of the Influence of Technological Change on Carbon Sequestration and Land Use.

Description: This project built a global land use model to examine the implications of land based carbon sequestration on land uses. The model also can be used to assess the costs of different land-based actions to reduce carbon emissions.
Date: October 30, 2008
Creator: Sohngen, Brent
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Carbon dioxide capture and separation techniques for advanced power generation point sources

Description: The capture/separation step for carbon dioxide (CO2) from large-point sources is a critical one with respect to the technical feasibility and cost of the overall carbon sequestration scenario. For large-point sources, such as those found in power generation, the carbon dioxide capture techniques being investigated by the in-house research area of the National Energy Technology Laboratory possess the potential for improved efficiency and costs as compared to more conventional technologies. The i… more
Date: September 1, 2006
Creator: Pennline, Henry W.; Luebke, David R.; Morsi, Badie I.; Heintz, Yannick J.; Jones, Kenneth L. & Ilconich, Jeffery B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Wellbore flow model for carbon dioxide and brine

Description: Wellbores have been identified as the most likely conduit for CO{sub 2} and brine leakage from geologic carbon sequestration (GCS) sites, especially those in sedimentary basins with historical hydrocarbon production. In order to quantify the impacts of leakage of CO{sub 2} and brine through wellbores, we have developed a wellbore simulator capable of describing non-isothermal open well flow dynamics of CO{sub 2}-brine mixtures. The mass and thermal energy balance equations are solved numericall… more
Date: November 1, 2008
Creator: Pan, L.; Oldenburg, C.M.; Wu, Y.-S. & Pruess, K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The role of optimality in characterizing CO2 seepage from geological carbon sequestration sites

Description: Storage of large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO{sub 2}) in deep geological formations for greenhouse gas mitigation is gaining momentum and moving from its conceptual and testing stages towards widespread application. In this work we explore various optimization strategies for characterizing surface leakage (seepage) using near-surface measurement approaches such as accumulation chambers and eddy covariance towers. Seepage characterization objectives and limitations need to be defined carefully … more
Date: September 15, 2008
Creator: Cortis, Andrea; Oldenburg, Curtis M. & Benson, Sally M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Carbon Capture and Storage

Description: Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) is the long-term isolation of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through physical, chemical, biological, or engineered processes. This includes a range of approaches including soil carbon sequestration (e.g., through no-till farming), terrestrial biomass sequestration (e.g., through planting forests), direct ocean injection of CO{sub 2} either onto the deep seafloor or into the intermediate depths, injection into deep geological formations, or even direct … more
Date: October 3, 2007
Creator: Friedmann, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Integrated Functional Genomics Consortium to Increase Carbon Sequestration in Poplars: Optimizing Aboveground Carbon Gain

Description: This project used gene expression patterns from two forest Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiments (Aspen FACE in northern Wisconsin and POPFACE in Italy) to examine ways to increase the aboveground carbon sequestration potential of poplars (Populus). The aim was to use patterns of global gene expression to identify candidate genes for increased carbon sequestration. Gene expression studies were linked to physiological measurements in order to elucidate bottlenecks in carbon acquisition in t… more
Date: February 17, 2009
Creator: Karnosky, David F (deceased); Podila, G Krishna & Burton, Andrew J (for DF Karnosky)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mechanisms controlling soil carbon sequestration under atmospheric nitrogen deposition

Description: Increased atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition can alter the processing and storage of organic carbon in soils. In 2000, we began studying the effects of simulated atmospheric N deposition on soil carbon dynamics in three types of northern temperate forest that occur across a wide geographic range in the Upper Great Lakes region. These ecosystems range from 100% oak in the overstory (black oak-white oak ecosystem; BOWO) to 0% overstory oak (sugar maple-basswood; SMBW) and include the sugar maple… more
Date: February 19, 2008
Creator: Sinsabaugh, Robert L.; Zak, Donald R. & Moorhead, Daryl L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Application of Low-Cost Digital Elevation Models to Detect Change in Forest Carbon Sequestration Projects

Description: This two-year study evaluated advanced multispectral digital imagery applications for assessment of forest carbon stock change. A series of bench and field studies in North Carolina and Ohio tested aerial assessments of forest change between two time periods using two software packages (ERDAS and TERREST) for Digital Elevation Model (DEM) creation, automated classification software (eCognition) for canopy segmentation and a multiple ranging laser designed to improve quality of elevation data. R… more
Date: July 31, 2007
Creator: MacDicken, Kenneth Glenn
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

GHG Mitigation Potential, Costs and Benefits in Global Forests: ADynamic Partial Equilibrium Approach

Description: This paper reports on the global potential for carbonsequestration in forest plantations, and the reduction of carbonemissions from deforestation, in response to six carbon price scenariosfrom 2000 to 2100. These carbon price scenarios cover a range typicallyseen in global integrated assessment models. The world forest sector wasdisaggregated into tenregions, four largely temperate, developedregions: the European Union, Oceania, Russia, and the United States; andsix developing, mostly tropical,… more
Date: March 22, 2005
Creator: Sathaye, Jayant; Makundi, Willy; Dale, Larry; Chan, Peter & Andrasko, Kenneth
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Photoacoustically Measured Speeds of Sound and the Equation of State of HBO2: On Understanding Detonation with Boron Fuel

Description: Elucidation of geodynamic, geochemical, and shock induced processes is limited by challenges to accurately determine molecular fluid equations of state (EOS). High pressure liquid state reactions of carbon species underlie physiochemical mechanisms such as differentiation of planetary interiors, deep carbon sequestration, propellant deflagration, and shock chemistry. In this proceedings paper we introduce a versatile photoacoustic technique developed to measure accurate and precise speeds of so… more
Date: March 9, 2010
Creator: Zaug, J M; Bastea, S; Crowhurst, J; Armstrong, M; Fried, L & Teslich, N
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Novel Approach to Experimental Studies of Mineral Dissolution Kinetics

Description: Currently, DOE is conducting pilot CO{sub 2} injection tests to evaluate the concept of geological sequestration. The injected CO{sub 2} is expected to react with the host rocks and these reactions can potentially alter the porosity, permeability, and mechanical properties of the host or cap rocks. Reactions can also result in precipitation of carbonate-containing minerals that favorably and permanently trap CO{sub 2} underground. Many numerical models have been used to predict these reactions … more
Date: August 31, 2008
Creator: Zhu, Chen
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Modeling Coal Matrix Shrinkage and Differential Swelling with CO2 Injection for Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery and Carbon Sequestration Applications

Description: Matrix shrinkage and swelling can cause profound changes in porosity and permeability of coalbed methane reservoirs during depletion or when under CO{sub 2} injection processes, with significant implication for primary or enhanced methane recovery. Two models that are used to describe these effects are discussed. The first was developed by Advanced Resources International (ARI) and published in 1990 by Sawyer, et al. The second model was published by Palmer and Mansoori in 1996. This paper show… more
Date: March 31, 2002
Creator: Pekot, L. J. & Reeves, S. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Numerical Modeling of CO2 Sequestration in Geologic Formations - Recent Results and Open Challenges

Description: Rising atmospheric concentrations of CO2, and their role inglobal warming, have prompted efforts to reduce emissions of CO2 fromburning of fossil fuels. An attractive mitigation option underconsideration in many countries is the injection of CO2 from stationarysources, such as fossil-fueled power plants, into deep, stable geologicformations, where it would be stored and kept out of the atmosphere fortime periods of hundreds to thousands of years or more. Potentialgeologic storage reservoirs inc… more
Date: March 8, 2006
Creator: Pruess, Karsten
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The ecology and genomics of C02 fixation in oceanic river plumes

Description: The ocean/atmosphere interface is the major conduit for the entry of atmospheric CO2 into oceanic carbon pools that can lead to sequestration or recycled release. The surface layers of the temperate and tropical oceans are often too oligotrophic to result in significant primary production that might lead to carbon sequestration. However, nutrient-rich river plumes can alter the primary production schemes of oligotrophic ocean basins, resulting in increased phytoplankton biomass and carbon fixat… more
Date: September 12, 2008
Creator: Tabita, F. Robert
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Modeling the effects of topography and wind on atmospheric dispersion of CO2 surface leakage at geologic carbon sequestration sites

Description: Understanding the potential impacts of unexpected surface releases of CO{sub 2} is an essential part of risk assessment for geologic carbon sequestration sites. We have extended a mesoscale atmospheric model to model dense gas dispersion of CO{sub 2} leakage. The hazard from CO{sub 2} leakage is greatest in regions with topographic depressions where the dense gas can pool. Simulation of dispersion in idealized topographies shows that CO{sub 2} can persist even under high winds. Simulation of a … more
Date: November 1, 2008
Creator: Chow, Fotini K.; Granvold, Patrick W. & Oldenburg, Curtis M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Case studies of the application of the Certification Framework to two geologic carbon sequestration sites

Description: We have developed a certification framework (CF) for certifying that the risks of geologic carbon sequestration (GCS) sites are below agreed-upon thresholds. The CF is based on effective trapping of CO2, the proposed concept that takes into account both the probability and impact of CO2 leakage. The CF uses probability estimates of the intersection of conductive faults and wells with the CO2 plume along with modeled fluxes or concentrations of CO2 as proxies for impacts to compartments (such as… more
Date: November 1, 2008
Creator: Oldenburg, Curtis M.; Nicot, J.-P. & Bryant, S.L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Technical Report on Application and Development of Appropriate Tools and Technologies for Cost-Effective Carbon Sequestration

Description: The Nature Conservancy participated in a Cooperative Agreement with the Department of Energy (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) to explore the compatibility of carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems and the conservation of biodiversity. The title of the research project was 'Application and Development of Appropriate Tools and Technologies for Cost-Effective Carbon Sequestration'. The objectives of the project were to: (1) improve carbon offset estimates produced in both… more
Date: January 7, 2009
Creator: Stanley, Bill; Brown, Sandra; Kant, Zoe & Gonzalez, Patrick
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Oxyfuel Boilers and Process Heaters for Cost Effective CO2 Capture and Sequestration

Description: The purpose of the advanced boilers and process heaters program is to assess the feasibility of integrating Oxygen Transport Membranes (OTM) into combustion processes for cost effective CO{sub 2} capture and sequestration. Introducing CO{sub 2} capture into traditional combustion processes can be expensive, and the pursuit of alternative methods, like the advanced boiler/process heater system, may yield a simple and cost effective solution. In order to assess the integration of an advanced boil… more
Date: March 31, 2007
Creator: Christie, Max; Victor, Rick; Hassel, Bart van; Nagabushana, Nagendra; Li, Juan; Corpus, Joseph et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Carbon Sequestration in Reclaimed Mined Soils of Ohio

Description: This research project was aimed at assessing the soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration potential of reclaimed minesoils (RMS). The experimental sites were characterized by distinct age chronosequences of RMS and were located in Guernsey, Morgan, Noble, and Muskingum Counties of Ohio. Restoration of disturbed land is followed by the application of nutrients to the soil to promote the vegetation development. Reclamation is important both for preserving the environmental quality and increasing a… more
Date: December 31, 2007
Creator: Lorenz, K. & Lal, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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