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open access

Diffusion of Slow Electrons in Gases

Description: The properties of electrons in a gas and an external electric field, e.g., agitation velocity, free path, energy lost per collision, and collision cross sections, were determined for electrons of energy less than 2 ev in a large number of gases. The computations were made from previously measured values for Townsend's energy factor or the ratio of electron agitation energy to molecule thermal energy. Results are presented for hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, ethylene, cyclopropane, … more
Date: October 24, 1961
Creator: Forester, D. W. & Cochran, L. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Efficiencies of gas neutralizers for multi-MeV beams of light negative ions

Description: Measurements are reported of the neutral and charged particle fractions produced by running beams of Li/sup -/, C/sup -/, O/sup -/, and Si/sup -/ at energies up to 7 MeV through gas cells of N/sub 2/, Ar, or CO/sub 2/. We discuss the implications of these measurements for the design of neutralizers to produce high energy light atom beams for heating or current drive in tokamaks.
Date: November 1, 1981
Creator: Grisham, L. R.; Post, D. E.; Johnson, B. M.; Jones, K. W.; Barette, J.; Kruse, T. H. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analytical model for a vertical buoyant jet

Description: An analytical model for a round and two-dimensional turbulent buoyant jet which is discharged vertically into a stagnant ambient is developed. The buoyant jet is considered to have three separate zone models which are matched to form a complete solution. The velocity field is determined for the entire jet and plume regions by the use of an eddy viscosity which varies along the axis of the jet. The centerline decay of buoyancy is determined throughout and the results are compared to existing num… more
Date: October 1, 1980
Creator: Lee, D. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Oxidation/gasification of carbon residue on retorted oil shale. Final report

Description: Studies of the oxidation and gasification of oil shale char were extended to an investigation of the effects of mineral catalysis. Six shales with differing mineral compositions were studied, including samples from the saline zone in the Western Colorado and from the Antrim shales of Michigan. Oxidation kinetics data, corrected for mass transfer effects, were compared for all six samples. A high assay shale from Utah and a sample from the saline zone were found to have the highest oxidation rat… more
Date: January 16, 1984
Creator: Thomson, W. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of catalytic mineral matter on CO/CO sub 2 , temperature and burning time for char combustion

Description: The temperature of a char particle burning in an oxygen containing atmosphere is the product of a strongly coupled balance between particle size and physical properties, heat transfer from the particle, surface reactivity, CO/CO{sub 2} ratio and gas phase diffusion in the surrounding boundary layer and within the particle. CO{sub 2}/CO ratios can be strongly influenced by catalytic material in the carbon and by the char temperature. In this program we are measuring the CO{sub 2}/CO ratio for bo… more
Date: May 4, 1992
Creator: Longwell, J. P.; Sarofim, A. F.; Lee, Chun-Hyuk & Modestino, A. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

One-dimensional code to predict the thermal behavior of the UTSI MHD radiant furnace

Description: An analytical model of the thermal behavior of the radiant furnace components installed in the CFFF has been developed. Efforts have been primarily directed towards obtaining a representative global evaluation of the heat recovery of the major downstream components. An overall review of the heat transfer code developed specifically for the DOE CFFF downstream components is presented. The basic methods by which the gas state, transport properties, and the thermal radiative and convective propert… more
Date: March 1, 1984
Creator: Galanga, F.L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Molecular interactions in dilute supercritical mixtures: Molecular dynamics investigation

Description: We performed a series of molecular dynamics simulations aimed at investigating the nature of the microstructure around solute molecules in a supercritical solvent, in the limit of infinite dilution (no solute-solute interactions). The choice of model system (pyrene in supercritical carbon dioxide) and state conditions (5--20 moles/liter; 37{degrees}C and 75{degrees}C) was done so as to match corresponding fluorescence experiments performed at Georgia Tech. 18 refs., 3 figs.
Date: January 1, 1991
Creator: Debenedetti, P.G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Glossary: Carbon dioxide and climate

Description: This Glossary contains definitions of selected CO{sub 2}-related terms as well as tables containing information related to CO{sub 2} and climate. Each term is defined with an emphasis on its relationship to CO{sub 2} and climate. Many of the definitions are then followed by a more detailed description of the term and its use. References to the literature from which the definitions were taken are listed at the end of the Glossary.
Date: August 1, 1990
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experiments with a lime slurry in a stirred tank for the fixation of carbon-14-contaminated CO/sub 2/ from simulated HTGR fuel reprocessing off-gas

Description: The fixation of CO/sub 2/ with a lime slurry in a stirred tank reactor appears to be feasible. The rate of reaction is fast, and virtually complete removal of CO/sub 2/ can be attained. At a gas residence time of <1 min, the decontamination factor (DF) is >100 in a single stage reactor for CO/sub 2/ concentrations ranging from 5 to 100%. It has been determined that two-stage contacting sequences which result in a cumulative DF > 10/sup 4/ are feasible. The reaction rate is constant up … more
Date: March 1, 1978
Creator: Holladay, D. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactivity of Young Chars via Energetic Distribution Measurements

Description: In this report, we present some preliminary work performed on the effect of CO{sub 2} partial pressure on temperature programmed desorption spectra from CO{sub 2}-oxidized chars. The following was accomplished during the reporting period: Temperature programmed desorption (TPD) experiments were conducted on oxidized resin and Wyodak coal char samples gasified under varying different CO{sub 2} partial pressures. The following observations were made: CO{sub 2} partial pressure can be an important… more
Date: January 1, 1991
Creator: Calo, J. M.; Zhang, L. H.; Rachel, W. G. & Lilly, W. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Low cost hydrogen/novel membranes technology for hydrogen separation from synthesis gas, Phase 1. [Palladium-silver/poly(etherimide), polysulfone/poly(dimethylsiloxane)/poly(ether-esteramide)composite membranes]

Description: During this quarter, work continued on the development of high-flux palladium-silver membranes for the separation of hydrogen from carbon dioxide. Palladium-silver/poly(etherimide) composite membranes were prepared by a vacuum sputtering technique. The influence of different poly(etherimide) support membranes on the performance of palladium-silver membranes was investigated. All membranes tested showed a hydrogen/carbon dioxide selectivity lower than that of the uncoated poly(etherimide)/poly(d… more
Date: January 1, 1987
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of the interactions of molten sodium nitrate-potassium nitrate 50 mol % mixture with water vapor and carbon dioxide in air. Final report, June 2, 1980-June 30, 1981

Description: The interactions of aerial components such as water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen with the binary 50 mol % mixture of sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate have been studied in the temperature range 300 to 600/sup 0/C using electrochemical methods. In addition, the behavior of nitrite ions in this melt was investigated electrochemically. By judicious choice of techniques, in situ electroanalysis was possible and the necessary relevant data to accomplish this is presented, as well as insight into t… more
Date: September 1, 1981
Creator: White, S. H. & Twardoch, U. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Rapid vibrational and rotational energy-transfer rates in heated carbon dioxide collisions by double-resonance laser spectroscopy

Description: Rates for resonant vibrational and rotational energy transfer from the 001 state by CO/sub 2/ + CO/sub 2/ collisions have been measured. All data were obtained by double resonance spectroscopy with CO/sub 2/ lasers in a 2.5 meter absorption cell at 700/sup 0/K. Results for rotation transfer include pumped-level relaxation and the response of other 001 levels with up to 18. These data are compared to four relevant collision models via a 35-level rate equation analysis. Sequence-band (… more
Date: July 1, 1982
Creator: Thomason, M.D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydrogenation of CO and CO/sub 2/ on clean rhodium and iron foils. Correlations of reactivities and surface compositions

Description: An experimental arrangement consisting of an ultrahigh vacuum bell jar equipped with an internal sample isolation cell was used to investigate the hydrogenation of CO over Fe and Rh surfaces. This apparatus permitted both UHV surface characterization (Auger electron spectroscopy, low-energy electron diffraction) and high pressure (1-20 atm) catalytic reactions to be carried out. Small surface area (approximately 1 cm/sup 2/) metal samples, both single crystals and polycrystalline foils, were us… more
Date: December 16, 1977
Creator: Dwyer, D.; Yoshida, K. & Somorjai, G.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Studies of air pollution effects on vegetation

Description: The report consists of three parts which summarize pollutant-vegetation effects research studies. These include: oxidant effects of primary productivity in ponderosa pine in the San Bernardino National Forest; air pollution effects on vegetation related to geothermal power development; and regional assessment of air pollution impact on vegetation by mathematical modeling. A list of publications that report results of the studies is included in an appendix.
Date: January 1, 1978
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aquatic species project report: FY 1991

Description: This report summarizes the progress and research accomplishments of the Aquatic Species Project, which is managed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory for the US Department of Energy. The project is focused on applying genetic engineering techniques to enhance the lipid, or oil, production of microalgae. Those lipids can be extracted and processed into high-energy liquid fuels such as diesel. Because microalgae require carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse'' gas, as a nutrient, project rese… more
Date: April 1, 1992
Creator: Brown, L.M. (National Renewable Energy Lab., Golden, CO (United States)) & Sprague, S. (USDOE, Washington, DC (United States))
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Composition of phytoplankton communities and their contribution to secondary productivity in Carolina Bays on the Savannah River Plant

Description: The overall goal of the this three year project is to determine the importance of phytoplankton (microscopic algae) as a component of the food chain base in SRS cardine bays. To summarize specific year three results: Total phytoplankton abundance in Flamingo bay was greatest during early spring 1989, declined during spring and summer, but increased again during early fall. Most of this phytoplankton density was composed of genus Chlamydomonas sp. Ellenton bay demonstrated a similar decline in p… more
Date: August 1, 1991
Creator: Williams, J.B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Neutralization of H/sup -/ beams with gas jets

Description: A test facility was constructed to create a compact curtain-shaped gas jet as a first-generation operational neutralizer for the 150 keV H/sup -/ beam. Different gases and vapors were considered, their optimum target thicknesses and neutralization efficiencies with respect to beam energies were explored. Two techniques of gas jet formation were compared. Multiparallel-channel effusive jets of CO/sub 2/ and H/sub 2/ were selected as test candidates.
Date: January 1, 1977
Creator: Lam, C. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Indoor air quality measurements in 38 Pacific Northwest commercial buildings

Description: A Bonneville Power Administration-funded study monitored ventilation rates and a variety of indoor air pollutants in 38 Pacific Northwest commercial buildings. The buildings ranged in age from 6 months to 90 years, in size from 864 to 34,280 m/sup 2/, and occupancy from 25 to 2500 people. Building average formaldehyde (HCHO) concentrations were below the 20 ppB detection limit in 48% of the buildings. Nitrogen dioxide (NO/sub 2/) concentration averages ranged from 5 ppB to 43 ppB and were lower… more
Date: June 1, 1986
Creator: Turk, B. H.; Brown, J. T.; Geisling-Sobotka, K.; Froehlich, D. A.; Grimsrud, D. T.; Harrison, J. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Feasibility Studies of in-Situ Coal Gasification in the Warrior Coal Field. Quarterly Report

Description: Studies in support of in-situ gasification involved bench-scale combustor experiments using forward combustion and coke as a fuel. Measurements of the thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and reactivity were made on several cokes over a range of temperatures. (LTN)
Date: October 1, 1979
Creator: Douglas, George W. & McKinley, Marvin D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Simulation of the carbon cycle in the ocean

Description: A dual carbon-nitrogen biological model of the upper ocean has been developed, which has successfully allowed predictions of fluxes of carbon between atmosphere and the deep ocean to made. Regarding studying the carbon cycle in the ocean, the modelling has highlighted the need for a good understanding of the interactions between the carbon and nitrogen cycles, and also the importance of zooplankton grazing and levels of overwintering biological stocks. Problems have been encountered with the ac… more
Date: September 16, 1991
Creator: Fasham, M.J.R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

SOLERAS - Solar Controlled Environment Agriculture Project. Final report, Volume 5. Science Applications, Incorporated system requirements definition

Description: This report sets forth the system requirements for a Solar Controlled-Environment Agriculture System (SCEAS) Project. In the report a conceptual baseline system description for an engineering test facility is given. This baseline system employs a fluid roof/roof filter in combination with a large storage tank and a ground water heat exchanger in order to provide cooling and heating as needed. Desalination is accomplished by pretreatment followed by reverse osmosis. Energy is provided by means o… more
Date: January 1, 1985
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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