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open access

A Comparative Study of Iron-, Nickel-, and Cobalt-Base Weldments Exposed in TVA 20-MW and Rocketdyne Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustors

Description: Experimental iron-, nickel-, and cobalt-base weldment materials were exposed in TVA 20-MW and Rocketdyne atmospheric fluidized bed combustors (AFBCs) at 849 degrees C for 1261 h and 871 degrees C for 1000 h, respectively. Post-exposure analyses were conducted at Argonne National Laboratory. All specimens experienced different degrees of internal oxidation/sulfidation. Among eight filler materials, Marathon 25/35R and Haynes 188 showed the least corrosion attack, i.e., less than 0.5 mm/yr. A hig… more
Date: June 1990
Creator: Wang, D. Y. & Natesan, K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Corrosion Tests on Tantalum, Hastelloy C and Duriron in 234-5 Project Solutions

Description: Introduction: "Room temperature and elevated temperature, static immersion and vapor suspicion, corrosion tests were conducted with Duriron, Hastelloy C, and tantalum in hydriotic acid and 234-5 project process supernatant solution (synthetic environments. The data relevant to these tests are contained herein."
Date: February 25, 1949
Creator: Work, J. B. & Koenig, W. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Applied Potential Corrosion of Aluminum and 18-8 Stainless Steel Alloys

Description: Introduction: In anticipation of the design of equipment for heat transfer tests, a series of short exposure corrosion tests was initiated in an effort to determine the order of magnitude of the corrosion involved. Information was required on the effect on corrosion rates of applying a potential between two concentric tubes, the annulus between them containing condensate water.
Date: March 13, 1930
Creator: Sanborn, Kenneth L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Amorphization and De-vitrification in Immiscible Copper-Niobium Alloy Thin Films

Description: While amorphous phases have been reported in immiscible alloy systems, there is still some controversy regarding the reason for the stabilization of these unusual amorphous phases. Direct evidence of nanoscale phase separation within the amorphous phase forming in immiscible Cu-Nb alloy thin films using 3D atom probe tomography has been presented. This evidence clearly indicates that the nanoscale phase separation is responsible for the stabilization of the amorphous phase in such immiscible sy… more
Date: May 2007
Creator: Puthucode Balakrishnan, Anantharamakrishnan
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Fabrication of Arc-Melted Ingots of Titanium and Titanium-Manganese Alloys into Plate

Description: Report issued by the Bureau of Mines over production of titanium-manganese alloy plates from arc-melted ingots. As stated in the summary, "for the alloy material, transformation data were obtained, and their age-hardening characteristics were studied. The temperature-impact relationship was established for rolled sections from all three ingots" (p. 1). This report includes tables, graphs, and photographs.
Date: March 1955
Creator: Huber, R. W.; Petersen, V. C. & Wiley, R. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Surface Degradation Behavior of Bulk Metallic Glasses and High Entropy Alloys

Description: In this study, the surface degradation behavior was studied for typical examples from bulk metallic glasses (BMGs), metallic glass composites (MGCs) and high entropy alloys (HEAs) alloy systems that are of scientific and commercial interest. The corrosion and wear behavior of two Zr-based bulk metallic glasses, Zr41.2Cu12.5Ni10Ti13.8Be22.5 and Zr57Cu15.4Ni12.6Al10Nb5, were evaluated in as-cast and thermally relaxed states. Significant improvement in corrosion rate, wear behavior, and friction c… more
Date: December 2017
Creator: Ayyagari, Venkata Aditya
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Magnetotransport Properties of AlxIn1-xAsySb1-y/GaSb and Optical Properties of GaAs1-xSbx

Description: Multilayer structures of AlxIn1-xAsySb1-y/GaSb (0.37 £ x £ 0.43, 0.50 £ y £ 0.52), grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaSb (100) substrates were characterized using variable temperature Hall and Shubnikov-de Haas techniques. For nominally undoped structures both p and n-type conductivity was observed. The mobilities obtained were lower than those predicted by an interpolation method using the binary alloys; therefore, a detailed analysis of mobility versus temperature data was performed to … more
Date: May 2003
Creator: Lukic- Zrnic, Reiko
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Application of High Entropy Alloys in Stent Implants

Description: High entropy alloys (HEAs) are alloys with five or more principal elements. Due to these distinct concept of alloying, the HEA exhibits unique and superior properties. The outstanding properties of HEA includes higher strength/hardness, superior wear resistance, high temperature stability, higher fatigue life, good corrosion and oxidation resistance. Such characteristics of HEA has been significant interest leading to researches on these emerging field. Even though many works are done to unders… more
Date: May 2017
Creator: Alagarsamy, Karthik
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Point Imperfections in Metals: Existance and Detection

Description: From introductory paragraph: "The factors which control the properties, and hence the utility, of an alloy are microscopic in nature. These factors are controlled by controlling the composition and past history of the material. control of the composition of the alloy determines for the most part the number and types of phases which will be present, while control of the past history of the alloy determines the grain size and degree of crystalline perfection within the grains. Since the electrica… more
Date: 1961
Creator: Smith, J. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Adsorption of Zirconium-Niobium on Silica Gel

Description: From abstract: "Adsorption of radioactive zirconium-niobium from uranyl nitrate solutions by silica gel was increased by increasing the temperature and time the solution contacts silica gel, and decreased by "aging" the solutions before contacting the silica gel."
Date: July 1957
Creator: Karraker, David G. & Parker, Sidney G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aging of Al-Li Alloys - Part I

Description: Technical report outlining experiments on aluminum-lithium alloys. From Abstract: "Aluminum-lithium alloys are subject to precipitation from solid solution, and may be age hardened by the same techniques used for more common aluminum alloys. Spherical particles of precipitate were observed with the electron microscope in 1.5% and 2.8% Al-Li alloys after aging for times comparable to those required to produce maximum hardness. Rod-shaped particles that were oriented parallel to either the (110) … more
Date: January 1959
Creator: Angerman, C. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Manganese Dioxide Precipitation in Uranium - Aluminum Nitrate Solutions

Description: Technical report. From Abstract: "Precipitation of manganese dioxide in solutions of uranium-aluminum alloy effected maximum removal of fission products when the alloy solutions were acid deficient. Minimum adsorption of uranium and minimum volume of centrifuged MnO2 were obtained by precipitation in acidic solutions with vigorous agitation."
Date: February 1959
Creator: Henry, Hugh E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Zircaloy Cladding Thickness Testers

Description: Technical report. From Abstract : "A number of similar eddy current instruments were developed to measure the thickness of Zircaloy over uranium metal in the range of 5 to 25 mils, Zircaloy over UO2 in the range of 20 to 40 mils, and the wall thickness of Zircaloy tubes in the range of 20 to 40 mils. The instruments were designed for use with hand-held probes or with feeder-mounted probes to measure the inside and outside cladding thickness of tubular elements and the wall thickness of Zircaloy… more
Date: December 1961
Creator: Goodwin, Leslie E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electrical Resistivity of Rare-Earth Alloys

Description: From abstract: "Resistivities of solid solution alloys in the systems Gd-Lu, Tb-Lu, Gd-Er, and Y-Lu were measured from 4.2-320°K to determine the behavior of the resistivity in alloy systems with magnetic phenomena arising from localized magnetic moments. A large contribution to the residual resistivity is caused by the random distribution of these localized moments through the lattice. An analysis of the lattice resistivity of the metals shows large variations across the heavy rare-earth serie… more
Date: June 5, 1962
Creator: Smidt, F. A. & Daane, A. H. (Adrian Hill), 1919-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Sputtering of Bi and Preferential Sputtering of an Inhomogeneous Alloy

Description: Angular distributions and total yields of atoms sputtered from bismuth targets by normally incident 10 keV -50 keV Ne+ and Ar+ ions have been measured both experimentally and by computer simulation. Polycrystalline Bi targets were used for experimental measurements. The sputtered atoms were collected on high purity aluminum foils under ultra-high vacuum conditions, and were subsequently analyzed using Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy. The Monte-Carlo based SRIM code was employed to simula… more
Date: December 2014
Creator: Deoli, Naresh T.
Partner: UNT Libraries
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