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open access

Hedonic travel cost and random utility models of recreation

Description: Micro-economic theory began as an attempt to describe, predict and value the demand and supply of consumption goods. Quality was largely ignored at first, but economists have started to address quality within the theory of demand and specifically the question of site quality, which is an important component of land management. This paper demonstrates that hedonic and random utility models emanate from the same utility theoretical foundation, although they make different estimation assumptions. … more
Date: July 9, 1998
Creator: Pendleton, L.; Mendelsohn, R. & Davis, E.W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Increased oil production and reserves utilizing secondary/tertiary recovery techniques on small reservoirs in the Paradox Basin, Utah. Technical progress report, January 1--March 31, 1996

Description: The primary objective of this project is to enhance domestic petroleum production by demonstration and technology transfer of an advanced oil recovery technology in the Paradox basin, southeastern Utah. If this project can demonstrate technical and economic feasibility, the technique can be applied to approximately 100 additional small fields in the Paradox basin alone, and result in increased recovery of 150 to 200 million barrels of oil. This project is designed to characterize five shallow-s… more
Date: April 30, 1996
Creator: Allison, M. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hanford Site environmental report for calendar year 1995

Description: The Hanford Site Environmental Report is prepared annually to summarize environmental data and information, describe environmental management performance, and demonstrate the status of compliance with environmental regulations. It also highlights environmental programs and efforts. It is written to meet reporting requirements and guidelines of DOE and to meet the needs of the public. Individual sections are designed to describe the Hanford Site and its mission, summarize the status in 1995 of c… more
Date: June 1996
Creator: Dirkes, R. L. & Hanf, R. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

HEU to LEU Conversion and Blending Facility: UF{sub 6} blending alternative to produce LEU UF{sub 6} for commercial use

Description: US DOE is examining options for disposing of surplus weapons-usable fissile materials and storage of all weapons-usable fissile materials; the nuclear material will be converted to a form more proliferation- resistant than the original form. Examining options for increasing the proliferation resistance of highly enriched uranium (HEU) is part of this effort. Five technologies for blending HEU will be assessed; blending as UF{sub 6} to produce a UF{sub 6} product for commercial use is one of the… more
Date: September 1995
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hanford Cultural Resources Laboratory annual report for fiscal year 1994

Description: The Hanford Site occupies 560 sq. miles of land along the Columbia River in SE Washington. The Hanford Reach of the river is one of the most archaeologically rich areas in the western Columbia Plateau. To manage the Hanford Site`s archaeological, historical, and cultural resources, the Hanford Cultural Resources Laboratory (HCRL) was established in 1987. HCRL ensures DOE complies with federal statutes, regulations, and guidelines. In FY 1994, HCRL conducted cultural resource reviews, conducted … more
Date: September 1995
Creator: Nickens, P. R.; Wright, M. K.; Cadoret, N. A.; Dawson, M. V.; Harvey, D. W. & Simpson, E. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary business plan: Plzen district heating system upgrade

Description: The district heating system of the City of Plzen, Czech Republic, needs to have physical upgrades to replace aging equipment and to comply with upcoming environmental regulations. Also, its ownership and management are being changed as a result of privatization. As majority owner, the City has the primary goal of ensuring that the heating needs of its customers are met as reliably and cost-effectively as possible. This preliminary business plan is part of the detailed analysis (5 reports in all… more
Date: June 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

HEU to LEU Conversion and Blending Facility: UNH blending alternative to produce LEU UNH for commercial use

Description: US DOE is examining options for disposing of surplus weapons-usable fissile materials and storage of all weapons-usable fissile materials. The nuclear material is converted to a form that is more proliferation-resistant than the original form. Examining options for increasing the proliferation resistance of highly enriched uranium (HEU) is part of this effort. Five technologies for blending HEU will be assessed. This document provides data to be used in the environmental impact analysis for the… more
Date: September 1995
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Environmental research program. 1995 Annual report

Description: The objective of the Environmental Research Program is to enhance the understanding of, and mitigate the effects of pollutants on health, ecological systems, global and regional climate, and air quality. The program is multidisciplinary and includes fundamental research and development in efficient and environmentally benign combustion, pollutant abatement and destruction, and novel methods of detection and analysis of criteria and noncriteria pollutants. This diverse group conducts investigati… more
Date: June 1996
Creator: Brown, N.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Integrated assessment of supply and efficiency resources for the district heating system, City of Handlova, Republic of Slovakia

Description: This city needs to replace its old district heating system which is unreliable and expensive to maintain. Current plant is owned by a state-run utility; the plant is scheduled for privatization, and the city is examining options for its upgrade. Analysis and preparation for this activity is documented in demand-side and supply-side technical and economic analyses and in this integrated demand/supply report. Preliminary projections indicate the cost of heating from a cost per unit of energy basi… more
Date: June 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energy conversion & storage program. 1995 annual report

Description: The 1995 annual report discusses laboratory activities in the Energy Conversion and Storage (EC&S) Program. The report is divided into three categories: electrochemistry, chemical applications, and material applications. Research performed in each category during 1995 is described. Specific research topics relate to the development of high-performance rechargeable batteries and fuel cells, the development of high-efficiency thermochemical processes for energy conversion, the characterization of… more
Date: June 1996
Creator: Cairns, E. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energy Division progress report, fiscal years 1994--1995

Description: At ORNL, the Energy Division`s mission is to provide innovative solutions to energy and related issues of national and global importance through interdisciplinary research and development. Its goals and accomplishments are described in this progress report for FY 1994 and FY 1995. The Division`s expenditures in FY 1995 totaled 44.9 million. Sixty percent of the divisions work was supported by the US DOE. Other significant sponsors include the US DOT, the US DOD, other federal agencies, and some… more
Date: June 1996
Creator: Moser, C.I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of asphalts and pavements using recycled tire rubber. Phase 1, Technical feasibility. Technical progress report, September 1, 1994--August 31, 1995

Description: About 285 million tires are discarded every year; less than 100 million are currently being recycled, with the rest being placed in landfills and other waste sites. A solution to reduce the littering of the environment is to use ground tire rubber in road construction. Currently, about 27 million tons of asphalt are used each year in road construction and maintenance of the country`s 2 million miles of roads. If all of the waste tire rubber could be combined with asphalt in road construction, i… more
Date: June 1996
Creator: Bullin, Jerry A.; Davison, Richard R.; Glover, Charles J.; Estakhri, Cindy; Flumerfelt, Raymond W.; Billiter, Travis et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Krafting an agreement: Negotiations to reduce pollution from the Nordic pulp industry, 1985--1989

Description: International environmental accords frequently contain obligations that may be easily satisfied by their signatories. Observers have speculated why it is in a state`s interests to sign agreements that lack strict conditions, but policy analysts lack a coherent model explaining how such agreements are formalized. Knowledge, values, and authority are key forces that elucidate how environmental accords are developed with provisions that are easily executable. This dissertation examines the formula… more
Date: May 1, 1996
Creator: Auer, M.R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electric power monthly. June 1966 with data for March 1996

Description: This publication presents monthly electricity statistics for a wide audience including Congress, Federal and state agencies, the electric utility industry, and the general public, with the purpose of providing energy decisionmakers with accurate, timely information that may be used in forming various perspectives on electric issues that lie ahead. EIA collected the information in this report to fulfill its data collection and dissemination responsibilities (Public Law 93-275). A section on upgr… more
Date: June 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

RCRA corrective action determination of no further action

Description: On July 27, 1990, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed a regulatory framework (55 FR 30798) for responding to releases of hazardous waste and hazardous constituents from solid waste management units (SWMUs) at facilities seeking permits or permitted under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The proposed rule, `Corrective Action for Solid Waste Management Units at Hazardous Waste Facilities`, would create a new Subpart S under the 40 CFR 264 regulations, and out… more
Date: June 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Technology Division. Annual technical report, 1995

Description: Highlights of the Chemical Technology (CMT) Division`s activities during 1995 are presented. In this period, CMT conducted research and development in the following areas: (1) electrochemical technology, including advanced batteries and fuel cells; (2) methods for treatment of hazardous waste and mixed hazardous/radioactive waste; (3) the reaction of nuclear waste glass and spent fuel under conditions expected for an unsaturated repository; (4) processes for separating and recovering selected e… more
Date: June 1996
Creator: Laidler, J. J.; Myles, K. M.; Green, D .W. & McPheeters, C. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Innovative Concepts Program

Description: Moving an idea from a concept to the marketplace is difficult. Innovators can overcome the obstacles with the help of US DOE`s Inventions and innovation program (IIP). IIP is one of several programs supported by DOE`s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, which has the goal of developing cost-effective renewable energy and energy-efficiency technologies. The Innovative Concepts Program (InnCon) provides valuable assistance at the beginning when innovators are just starting to explor… more
Date: June 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electricity market module: Electricity capacity planning submodule

Description: The purpose of this report is to describe modifications to the Electricity Capacity Planning Submodule (ECP) for the Annual Energy Outlook 1996. It describes revisions to enhance the representation of planned maintenance, incorporate technological improvements in operating efficiencies, revise the algorithm for determining international firm power imports, and include risk premiums for new plant construction.
Date: June 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The use of information systems to transform utilities and regulatory commissions: The application of geographic information systems

Description: One technology that can assist utilities remain financially viable in competitive markets and help utilities and regulators to better serve the public is information technology. Because geography is an important part of an electric, natural gas, telecommunications, or water utility, computer-based Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and related Automated Mapping/Facilities Management systems are emerging as core technologies for managing an ever-expanding variety of formerly manual or paper-ba… more
Date: September 1995
Creator: Wirick, D. W.; Montgomery, G. E.; Wagman, D. C. & Spiers, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electricity Market Module: Electricity finance and pricing submodule

Description: The purpose of this report is to document the updates to the Electricity Financial Pricing Module (EFP) to reflect the rate impacts of nuclear decommissioning. The EFP is part of the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS). The updates to the EFP related to nuclear decommissioning include both changes to the underlying data base and the methodology. Nuclear decommissioning refers to the activities performed to take a nuclear plant permanently out of service. The costs of nuclear decommissioning … more
Date: June 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Public involvement plan for the Oak Ridge Reservation

Description: This Public Information Plan is a user`s guide for getting involved in US Department of Energy environmental decisions in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. It outlines the many ways the public can help DOE find solutions to its environmental challenges. The plan focuses on DOE`s Environmental Management public involvement activities. Environmental Management is composed of the following programs: environmental restoration, technology development and waste management.
Date: June 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Petroleum supply monthly with data from April 1996

Description: The Petroleum Supply Monthly (PSM) is one of a family of four publications produced by the Petroleum Supply Division within the Energy Information Administration (EIA) reflecting different levels of data timeliness and completeness. The other publications are the Weekly Petroleum Status Report (WPSR), the Winter Fuels Report, and the Petroleum Supply Annual (PSA). Data presented in the PSM describe the supply and disposition of petroleum products in the United States and major U.S. geographic r… more
Date: June 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Office of Inspector General report on audit of Department of Energy`s activities designed to recover the taxpayers` investment in the Clean Coal Technology Program

Description: A detailed analysis of six Clean Coal projects revealed that recoupment decisions made by the Department limited its ability to recover the taxpayers` investment. These decisions exempted foreign sales, excluded some domestic sales on certain projects, and lowered the repayment rate on some sales. As a result, the Department may not recoup an estimated $133.7 million of the taxpayers` $151 million investment in these six projects and may limit its opportunity to recover future investments in ot… more
Date: June 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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