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open access

National Counterintelligence Strategy 2024

Description: This report details the national counterintelligence strategy of the United States for 2024.
Date: August 1, 2024
Creator: United States. Office of the Director of National Intelligence. National Counterintelligence and Security Center
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Accounting and Taxation Academic Program Review

Description: This report summarizes an evaluation of the UNT Libraries' program-related resources and materials to determine if the collection is adequately serving patron needs. It was generated as part of the UNT Libraries’ contributions to the university’s Academic Program Reviews, which are conducted by the Accreditation office in the Division of Planning. The UNT Libraries’ Collection Assessment Department evaluated collections’ ability to meet the curricular and research needs of the academic programs… more
Date: July 1, 2024
Creator: Harker, Karen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Business Analytics and Management Science Academic Program Review

Description: This report summarizes an evaluation of the UNT Libraries' program-related resources and materials to determine if the collection is adequately serving patron needs. It was generated as part of the UNT Libraries’ contributions to the university’s Academic Program Reviews, which are conducted by the Accreditation office in the Division of Planning. The UNT Libraries’ Collection Assessment Department evaluated collections’ ability to meet the curricular and research needs of the academic programs… more
Date: July 1, 2024
Creator: Harker, Karen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Business Computer Information Systems & Technologies Academic Program Review

Description: This report summarizes an evaluation of the UNT Libraries' program-related resources and materials to determine if the collection is adequately serving patron needs. It was generated as part of the UNT Libraries’ contributions to the university’s Academic Program Reviews, which are conducted by the Accreditation office in the Division of Planning. The UNT Libraries’ Collection Assessment Department evaluated collections’ ability to meet the curricular and research needs of the academic programs… more
Date: July 1, 2024
Creator: Harker, Karen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Business Economics Academic Program Review

Description: This report summarizes an evaluation of the UNT Libraries' program-related resources and materials to determine if the collection is adequately serving patron needs. It was generated as part of the UNT Libraries’ contributions to the university’s Academic Program Reviews, which are conducted by the Accreditation office in the Division of Planning. The UNT Libraries’ Collection Assessment Department evaluated collections’ ability to meet the curricular and research needs of the academic programs… more
Date: July 1, 2024
Creator: Harker, Karen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Counseling Academic Program Review

Description: This report summarizes an evaluation of the UNT Libraries' program-related resources and materials to determine if the collection is adequately serving patron needs. It was generated as part of the UNT Libraries’ contributions to the university’s Academic Program Reviews, which are conducted by the Accreditation office in the Division of Planning. The UNT Libraries’ Collection Assessment Department evaluated collections’ ability to meet the curricular and research needs of the academic programs… more
Date: July 1, 2024
Creator: Harker, Karen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management Academic Program Review

Description: This report summarizes an evaluation of the UNT Libraries' program-related resources and materials to determine if the collection is adequately serving patron needs. It was generated as part of the UNT Libraries’ contributions to the university’s Academic Program Reviews, which are conducted by the Accreditation office in the Division of Planning. The UNT Libraries’ Collection Assessment Department evaluated collections’ ability to meet the curricular and research needs of the academic programs… more
Date: July 1, 2024
Creator: Harker, Karen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Finance Academic Program Review

Description: This report summarizes an evaluation of the UNT Libraries' program-related resources and materials to determine if the collection is adequately serving patron needs. It was generated as part of the UNT Libraries’ contributions to the university’s Academic Program Reviews, which are conducted by the Accreditation office in the Division of Planning. The UNT Libraries’ Collection Assessment Department evaluated collections’ ability to meet the curricular and research needs of the academic programs… more
Date: July 1, 2024
Creator: Harker, Karen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Higher Education Academic Program Review

Description: This report summarizes an evaluation of the UNT Libraries' program-related resources and materials to determine if the collection is adequately serving patron needs. It was generated as part of the UNT Libraries’ contributions to the university’s Academic Program Reviews, which are conducted by the Accreditation office in the Division of Planning. The UNT Libraries’ Collection Assessment Department evaluated collections’ ability to meet the curricular and research needs of the academic programs… more
Date: July 1, 2024
Creator: Harker, Karen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Human Resource Management, Strategic Management, and Organizational Behavior Academic Program Review

Description: This report summarizes an evaluation of the UNT Libraries' program-related resources and materials to determine if the collection is adequately serving patron needs. It was generated as part of the UNT Libraries’ contributions to the university’s Academic Program Reviews, which are conducted by the Accreditation office in the Division of Planning. The UNT Libraries’ Collection Assessment Department evaluated collections’ ability to meet the curricular and research needs of the academic programs… more
Date: July 1, 2024
Creator: Harker, Karen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Real Estate Academic Program Review

Description: This report summarizes an evaluation of the UNT Libraries' program-related resources and materials to determine if the collection is adequately serving patron needs. It was generated as part of the UNT Libraries’ contributions to the university’s Academic Program Reviews, which are conducted by the Accreditation office in the Division of Planning. The UNT Libraries’ Collection Assessment Department evaluated collections’ ability to meet the curricular and research needs of the academic programs… more
Date: July 1, 2024
Creator: Harker, Karen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Risk Management and Insurance Academic Program Review

Description: This report summarizes an evaluation of the UNT Libraries' program-related resources and materials to determine if the collection is adequately serving patron needs. It was generated as part of the UNT Libraries’ contributions to the university’s Academic Program Reviews, which are conducted by the Accreditation office in the Division of Planning. The UNT Libraries’ Collection Assessment Department evaluated collections’ ability to meet the curricular and research needs of the academic programs… more
Date: July 1, 2024
Creator: Harker, Karen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Sports Entertainment Management Academic Program Review

Description: This report summarizes an evaluation of the UNT Libraries' program-related resources and materials to determine if the collection is adequately serving patron needs. It was generated as part of the UNT Libraries’ contributions to the university’s Academic Program Reviews, which are conducted by the Accreditation office in the Division of Planning. The UNT Libraries’ Collection Assessment Department evaluated collections’ ability to meet the curricular and research needs of the academic programs… more
Date: July 1, 2024
Creator: Harker, Karen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Artificial Intelligence for Earth System Predictability: 2021 Workshop Report

Description: This report documents the proceedings and results from the Artificial Intelligence for Earth System Predictability (AI4ESP) workshop. The goals of this workshop were to explore more radically and aggressively advance prediction capabilities in the climate, Earth, and environmental sciences through the use of modern data analytics and artificial intelligence.
Date: September 1, 2022
Creator: Hickmon, Nicki; Varadharajan, Charuleka; Hoffman, Forrest; Wainwright, Haruko & Collis, Scott
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mental Health Collection Evaluation Report

Description: This report summarizes an evaluation of the UNT Libraries' Mental Health collection to determine if the collection is adequately serving patron needs. It was determined that the collection was currently meeting patrons' needs, and some recommendations for future collection maintenance and enhancements for specific key areas were included.
Date: April 1, 2022
Creator: Harker, Karen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Final Report: National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence

Description: Final report presenting the National Security Commission for Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI)'s recommendations for winning the AI era. It includes a 16 chapter Main Report and "Blueprints for Action that outline the concrete steps departments and agencies can take to implement NSCAI's recommendations." - Introduction.
Date: March 1, 2021
Creator: National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (U.S.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Afghanistan: Background and U.S. Policy: In Brief

Description: This report provides an overview of current political and military dynamics, with a focus on the Trump Administration's new strategy for Afghanistan and South Asia, the U.S.-led coalition and Afghan military operations, and recent political developments, including prospects for peace talks and elections.
Date: November 1, 2018
Creator: Thomas, Clayton
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Internships, Fellowships, and Other Work Experience Opportunities in the Federal Government

Description: This report describes Internet resources on major internship, fellowship, and work experience programs within the federal government. It is intended as a selective guide for students of all levels: high school, undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate.
Date: November 1, 2018
Creator: Bailey, Christina Miracle; Manning, Jennifer E. & Marchsteiner, Kathleen E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

VA Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks Act of 2018 (VA MISSION Act; P.L.115-182)

Description: This report summarizes the major provisions of the John S. McCain III, Daniel K. Akaka, and Samuel R. Johnson VA Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks Act of 2018 (VA MISSION Act; P.L. 115-182, H.Rept. 115-671), including amendments made by the Department of Veterans Affairs Expiring Authorities Act of 2018 (S. 3479; P.L. 115-251).
Date: November 1, 2018
Creator: Panangala, Sidath Viranga; Colello, Kirsten J.; Elliott, Victoria L.; Hatch, Garrett & Heisler, Elayne J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Pilot Training (T-X) Program

Description: This report discusses the Advanced Pilot Training (T-X) aircraft, which may shift training from Field Training Units, where expensive fifth-generation aircraft are used, to less expensive trainer aircraft.
Date: October 1, 2018
Creator: Gertler, Jeremiah
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Army Corps of Engineers Annual and Supplemental Appropriations: Issues for Congress

Description: This report summarizes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's (USACE's) annual discretionary appropriations for civil works activities and its supplemental appropriations, principally following major flood and hurricane disasters. The appropriations described are for those accounts and activities that typically are funded through Title I of annual Energy and Water Development appropriations acts.
Date: October 1, 2018
Creator: Carter, Nicole T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Department of State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs: FY2019 Budget and Appropriations

Description: This report provides describes funding for Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS) during fiscal year 2019, in comparison to fiscal year 2018 funding. It provides an overview, description of congressional action, and discussion of key issues for Congress, including agency funding as well as foreign assistance. It also includes several appendices with supplementary information and account-by-account comparisons.
Date: October 1, 2018
Creator: Epstein, Susan B.; Gill, Cory R. & Lawson, Marian L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Membership of the 115th Congress: A Profile

Description: This report presents a profile of the membership of the 115th Congress (2017-2018) as of October 1, 2018. Statistical information is included on selected characteristics of Members, including data on party affiliation, average age, occupation, education, length of congressional service, religious affiliation, gender, ethnicity, foreign births, and military service.
Date: October 1, 2018
Creator: Manning, Jennifer E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Military Survivor Benefit Plan: Background and Issues for Congress

Description: This report describes the categories of beneficiaries eligible for survivor benefits under the military Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), the formulas used in computing the income level (including the integration of SBP benefits with other federal benefits), and the costs of SBP participation incurred by the retiree and/or the beneficiary. While this report focuses primarily on SBP, survivors of military members may be eligible for other benefits.
Date: October 1, 2018
Creator: Kamarck, Kristy N. & Torreon, Barbara Salazar
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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