Search Results

Primary view of A 16 Mev/Nucleon Cocktail for Heavy Ion Testing
McMahan, M. A.; Leitner, D.; Gimpel, T.; Morel, J.; Ninemire, B.; Siero, R. et al.
July 31, 2004
Primary view of Advanced Cuttings Transport Study Quarterly Technical Report: April-June 2004
Miska, Stefan; Takach, Nicholas & Ashenayi, Kaveh
July 31, 2004
Primary view of Cellulose Synthesis in Agrobacterium tumefaciens
White, Alan R. & Matthysse, Ann G.
July 31, 2004
Primary view of Development of DNA Microarrays for Metabolic Pathway and Bioprocess Monitoring
Stephanopoulos, Gregory
July 31, 2004
Primary view of Development of On-line Instrumentation and Techniques to Detect and Measure Particulates Quarterly Report
Wu, Sheng; Palm, Steve; Tang, Yongchun & Goddard, William A., III
July 31, 2004
Primary view of Effective Theories Of The Strong Interaction
van Kolck, Ubirajara
July 31, 2004
Primary view of Enhancement of Terrestrial Carbon Sinks through the Reclamation of Abandoned Mined Lands
Kronrad, Gary
July 31, 2004
Primary view of Ensemble: 2004-07-31 – Opera Theatre
Homer, Paula; Dubberly, Elizabeth King & Dubberly, Stephen
July 31, 2004
Primary view of Fundamentals of Energy Transport in Nanofluids Annual Report
Kihm, Kenneth D.
July 31, 2004
Primary view of O&M Best Practices - A Guide to Achieving Operational Efficiency (Release 2.0)
Sullivan, Gregory P.; Pugh, Ray; Melendez, Aldo P. & Hunt, W. D.
July 31, 2004
Primary view of Optimizing Technology to Reduce Mercury and Acid Gas Emissions from Electric Power Plants
Quick, Jeffrey C.; Tabet, David E.; Wakefield, Sharon & Bon, Roger L.
July 31, 2004
Primary view of Untangling CP violation and the mass hierarchy in long baseline experiments
Mena, Olga; Parke, Stephen J. & Fermilab
July 31, 2004
Primary view of Wind Generation Feasibility Study in Bethel, AK
Tom Humphrey, YKHC & Lance Kincaid, EMCOR Energy & Technologies
July 31, 2004
Primary view of An Advanced Fracture Characterization and Well Path Navigation System for Effective Re-Development and Enhancement of Ultimate Recovery From the Complex Monterey Reservoir of South Ellwood Field, Offshore California, Quarterly Report: March - June 2004
Horner, Steve
July 30, 2004
Primary view of Advanced Overfire Air system and design
berkau, Gene
July 30, 2004
Viswanathan, R.; Coleman, K.; Shingledecker, J.; Sarver, J.; Stanko, G.; Mohn, W. et al.
July 30, 2004
Primary view of Calcium Carbonate Production by Coccolithophorid Algae in Long Term, Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
Fabry, V.J.
July 30, 2004
Primary view of Characterization of the Near-Field Transport and Dispersion of Vapors Released from the Headspaces of Hanford Site Underground Storage Tanks
Droppo, James G.
July 30, 2004
Primary view of Contract Management: Guidance Needed to Promote Competition for Defense Task Orders
United States. Government Accountability Office.
July 30, 2004
Primary view of Core Financial System Requirements: Checklist for Reviewing Systems under the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act (Superseded by GAO-05-225G)
United States. Government Accountability Office.
July 30, 2004
Primary view of Current Economic Conditions and Selected Forecasts
Makinen, Gail
July 30, 2004
Primary view of Dallas Voice (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 21, No. 12, Ed. 1 Friday, July 30, 2004
Vercher, Dennis
July 30, 2004
Primary view of Development of an Environmentally Benign Microbial Inhibitor to Control Internal Pipeline Corrosion Quarterly Report
Lowe, Kristine L.; Bogan, Bill W.; Sullivan, Wendy R.; Cruz, Kristine Mila H.; Lamb, Brigid M. & Kilbane, John J., II
July 30, 2004
Primary view of Development of NSTX Particle Control Techniques
Kugel, H. W.; Maingi, R.; Bell, M.; Gates, D.; Hill, K.; LeBlanc, B. et al.
July 30, 2004
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